This is an extremely good deck. Lots of good decisions to make, and it got me from rank 6 to rank 1 in a few days. Once I hit rank 1, it stalled out though, not sure if it lost the element of surprise or the quality of my opponents got better.
I switched out to dragon priest at rank 1 and made it to my first legend. Thanks for creating the deck and the guide!
Snecko Eye Brawl
Might be okay with chromaggus
Oakheart synergy: big every class
This is an extremely good deck. Lots of good decisions to make, and it got me from rank 6 to rank 1 in a few days. Once I hit rank 1, it stalled out though, not sure if it lost the element of surprise or the quality of my opponents got better.
I switched out to dragon priest at rank 1 and made it to my first legend. Thanks for creating the deck and the guide!
This deck is working super well for me at the moment, Rank 12 to 8 & 4/5
Subbed out a Cairne for Xaril, because I dont own one yet :s
What do you think about validated doomsayer instead of leeroy? good conceal candidate and is paladin proof
Bloofmage Thalanos and Frostbolt