handbuff has never been an aggro strategy, it's typically a midrange archetype, and midrange/control hybrids is a relatively standard archetype. you only need 3 murlocs in play for this to give +4/+4 which is better than Conditioning at 10 mana, and that was pretty much only ever played in midrange, otk and control warrior, so I'm 100% envisioning a midrange control mur'lock deck. Azsharan Scavenger is way too slow to fit an aggro package, even with Bloodscent Vilefin, but for more of a midrange/control deck that focuses on explosive turns and board swings I might see it.
You are correct, realized that after a few games, but I'm still testing things and don't want to make 10+ micro updates, and will update when I find a list that reliably only loses to quest priest lol
Keep in mind though, making card choices based on week 1 meta is not going to give you a reliable deck. You're still right about that particular swap though. Warrior weapons pretty common too.
Most of the "downsides" aren't much of a downside, vilefiend is solid, nothing special but not bad, and with the HP and so many cheap cards stockades prisoner seems like it might pretty reliable active the turn after you play it (within 2 turns bare minimum), package runner and razorleaf are the only real "downside" minions, and that's what shadow council is for :D
It's definitely a meme deck, but I think with some tweaks it could be viable as a t3 deck, maybe t2 if the meta slows down a lot (which, between raza hunter and shadow priest, I doubt).
My main focus was on getting the curve right, so some unoptimized choices were made in order to keep the curve smooth, it'll 100% need fine tuning since the deck needs to both curve out AND get to turn 10 and priest is traditionally not great at the former.
You can put bad cards in a good deck and still get a high winrate. You can also have a lucky streak with bad decks. You can ALSO play bad cards at opportune times and make better use of them. None of these things suddenly make the card good. neeru is bad, plain and simple. Downvote me if it makes you feel better, but I don't know why you're being defensive about it, playing bad cards doesn't make you a bad player, and if you're able to use them effectively then it says more about your skill as a player, but the FACT remains, neeru ain't good. He has a 46% played winrate in wild across all ranks, and that winrate only drops when you start narrowing it down to just the higher ranks (it's only 42% when only considering gold for example). That winrate goes up by about 1% across the board for standard but still never exceed 48% which not only makes him, statistically, bad, but also supports my statement that he is better at lower ranks.
I have, I genuinely think the quest reward will be enough to win games on its own, and if it's not then I think the better course of action is to just cut the quest entirely and go full N'Zoth. I think mixing them spreads yourself too thin.
The only point I'm making is that if you're trying to run a lot of spells then discover is BARELY better than draw, the only time it really becomes worth it is with psyfiend specifically, and while that in particular is quite strong, the consistency with which that will go off makes me iffy on the card. The bigger problem is that we lack good alternatives, but if I had to choose between 2 copies of thrive and 2 copies of hysteria, it's 2 copies of hysteria every single time without question.
Thrive gets exponentially better the lower your spell density is, and worse the higher your density is.
Thrive is only better than "draw 1" if you're running a few spells you want to reliably get, if you're running more than 4 or 5 spells then you only get what you want about half the time, making it effectively "2 mana draw a spell." yes it's slightly better than that, but I ended up cutting it from even my dedicated spell priest decks because 2 mana just felt too steep most of the time and I'd rather use the mana more effeciently.
As for the spirit, I get what you're going for, but I don't think the deck is capable of being aggressive enough to compete with refined lists, it'll probably be fine for the first few days when everyone is playing jank (my personal favorite time to play the game :D) but once decks get refined I think this will be on the slower end of burn decks, since it lacks too many cheap spells and spell generation effects to really burst the opponent with psyfiend (i'm talking 0 and 1 cost spells to REALLY bust them), and I think you're going to be overall better off either shifting the deck towards a tempo strat that relies on HP for board control, or going for an attrition style deck that chips at the opponent and plans for a late game burst of maybe 8-12 damage, ala OG burn mage. Since we lack freeze effects, board clears become more important.
If we ever get a way to generate Rally reliably I think that the spirit immediately has a home. Another idea is to cut Benedictus entirely, forget the HP, go with psyfiend, sethekk and voidtouched ascendant, run more healing effects and use rally to pop off with the burst later on. Though that's much less thematic.
EDIT: I also wouldn't cut the death because I see handlock being very popular and turn 4 8/8s are likely going to happen pretty reliably.
In all honestly I just love tech cards and tradeable is the single best thing to ever happen to them. I could see handbuff paladin getting played alot, deathrattle cards seem to have some decent support, so silence seems good, and as for weapons I think we'll see a fair amount but I don't think they'll be worth having a dedicated deck slot for. On the other hand, we're a control deck and spend a fair amount of turns not spending all of our mana, so if you don't need them trade them for something else!
tl;dr, if you don't like them I'd keep the silence and cut the weapon removal, but now that they have tradeable I think it's worth playing unless there is a specific card you want to replace it with.
My thinking is that we're not really a tempo deck, we're working towards swing turns with chip damage in the meantime, and then possibly a final burst of damage towards the end, while the HP can certainly slow down early boards currently this list doesn't have any way to answer mid-late game boards besides the weapon which is really only going to stop tokens.
Hysteria is simply too powerful not to include, and 100% needs a spot, soul mirror is more flexible as on option, but personally I like it better than 2 copies of "2 mana draw 1."
First of all, neeru is not playable, lol, maybe at lower ranks but he's really bad. Secondly you're not immune to fatigue damage, very VERY specifically, your opponent takes it instead of you, which is the primary win condition of the deck, to force your opponent to take YOUR fatigue damage, which will kill them both more reliably, and much faster than neeru.
Neeru Fireblade - He's just bad, trust me, when you're already in fatigue, you won't have the time to spend 5 mana to summon a bunch of imps, you'll be spending it on removal to not die and draw to kill your opponent faster.
Altar of Fire - It's probably not great, but my thinking is: You really just want to empty your deck, it doesn't matter too much how, and the only "combo piece" in this deck is the questline, which starts in your hand, so you can afford to mill pretty much anything else. On top of thinning your deck it can also disrupt combo decks, and since our "combo" requires us to empty our deck, we may very well be slower than other combo decks that don't need to reach fatigue to win.
It's a card that may be taken out once more cards are revealed, if no new combo decks are around, for example, but I wanted to include the one copy as a sort of proof of concept, that it's a card that could actually be good in a deck like this, since its effect is pretty one sided for this deck.
Soul fragments: We just want to survive, healing helps with that, yes it slows the mill down slightly, but surviving is more important, and Soulciologist can win games on her own.
considering that c'thun doesn't turn off Genn (even decks in wild) I would assume it works, since the spells get added to your deck AFTER the game starts. I'd bet money that it works just fine.
Playing the deck some more and the early game still feels pretty weak, but we've got some pretty powerful swing turns and refills for the mid-late game, so basically as long as we survive we essentially can't lose to anything besides combo. If anyone has any suggestions on changes to help out the early game lemme know
handbuff has never been an aggro strategy, it's typically a midrange archetype, and midrange/control hybrids is a relatively standard archetype. you only need 3 murlocs in play for this to give +4/+4 which is better than Conditioning at 10 mana, and that was pretty much only ever played in midrange, otk and control warrior, so I'm 100% envisioning a midrange control mur'lock deck. Azsharan Scavenger is way too slow to fit an aggro package, even with Bloodscent Vilefin, but for more of a midrange/control deck that focuses on explosive turns and board swings I might see it.
even in pirate rogue I don't know if Azsharan Vessel will see play, it's reaaallly slow, but the rest look solid
You are correct, realized that after a few games, but I'm still testing things and don't want to make 10+ micro updates, and will update when I find a list that reliably only loses to quest priest lol
Keep in mind though, making card choices based on week 1 meta is not going to give you a reliable deck. You're still right about that particular swap though. Warrior weapons pretty common too.
Most of the "downsides" aren't much of a downside, vilefiend is solid, nothing special but not bad, and with the HP and so many cheap cards stockades prisoner seems like it might pretty reliable active the turn after you play it (within 2 turns bare minimum), package runner and razorleaf are the only real "downside" minions, and that's what shadow council is for :D
It's definitely a meme deck, but I think with some tweaks it could be viable as a t3 deck, maybe t2 if the meta slows down a lot (which, between raza hunter and shadow priest, I doubt).
My main focus was on getting the curve right, so some unoptimized choices were made in order to keep the curve smooth, it'll 100% need fine tuning since the deck needs to both curve out AND get to turn 10 and priest is traditionally not great at the former.
You can put bad cards in a good deck and still get a high winrate. You can also have a lucky streak with bad decks. You can ALSO play bad cards at opportune times and make better use of them. None of these things suddenly make the card good. neeru is bad, plain and simple. Downvote me if it makes you feel better, but I don't know why you're being defensive about it, playing bad cards doesn't make you a bad player, and if you're able to use them effectively then it says more about your skill as a player, but the FACT remains, neeru ain't good. He has a 46% played winrate in wild across all ranks, and that winrate only drops when you start narrowing it down to just the higher ranks (it's only 42% when only considering gold for example). That winrate goes up by about 1% across the board for standard but still never exceed 48% which not only makes him, statistically, bad, but also supports my statement that he is better at lower ranks.
I have, I genuinely think the quest reward will be enough to win games on its own, and if it's not then I think the better course of action is to just cut the quest entirely and go full N'Zoth. I think mixing them spreads yourself too thin.
The only point I'm making is that if you're trying to run a lot of spells then discover is BARELY better than draw, the only time it really becomes worth it is with psyfiend specifically, and while that in particular is quite strong, the consistency with which that will go off makes me iffy on the card. The bigger problem is that we lack good alternatives, but if I had to choose between 2 copies of thrive and 2 copies of hysteria, it's 2 copies of hysteria every single time without question.
Thrive gets exponentially better the lower your spell density is, and worse the higher your density is.
Thrive is only better than "draw 1" if you're running a few spells you want to reliably get, if you're running more than 4 or 5 spells then you only get what you want about half the time, making it effectively "2 mana draw a spell." yes it's slightly better than that, but I ended up cutting it from even my dedicated spell priest decks because 2 mana just felt too steep most of the time and I'd rather use the mana more effeciently.
As for the spirit, I get what you're going for, but I don't think the deck is capable of being aggressive enough to compete with refined lists, it'll probably be fine for the first few days when everyone is playing jank (my personal favorite time to play the game :D) but once decks get refined I think this will be on the slower end of burn decks, since it lacks too many cheap spells and spell generation effects to really burst the opponent with psyfiend (i'm talking 0 and 1 cost spells to REALLY bust them), and I think you're going to be overall better off either shifting the deck towards a tempo strat that relies on HP for board control, or going for an attrition style deck that chips at the opponent and plans for a late game burst of maybe 8-12 damage, ala OG burn mage. Since we lack freeze effects, board clears become more important.
If we ever get a way to generate Rally reliably I think that the spirit immediately has a home. Another idea is to cut Benedictus entirely, forget the HP, go with psyfiend, sethekk and voidtouched ascendant, run more healing effects and use rally to pop off with the burst later on. Though that's much less thematic.
EDIT: I also wouldn't cut the death because I see handlock being very popular and turn 4 8/8s are likely going to happen pretty reliably.
In all honestly I just love tech cards and tradeable is the single best thing to ever happen to them. I could see handbuff paladin getting played alot, deathrattle cards seem to have some decent support, so silence seems good, and as for weapons I think we'll see a fair amount but I don't think they'll be worth having a dedicated deck slot for. On the other hand, we're a control deck and spend a fair amount of turns not spending all of our mana, so if you don't need them trade them for something else!
tl;dr, if you don't like them I'd keep the silence and cut the weapon removal, but now that they have tradeable I think it's worth playing unless there is a specific card you want to replace it with.
Personally I'm not a fan of Shadowed Spirit, Thrive in the Shadows feels more like a 1-of, and I would replace them with 2 copies of Hysteria and 1 Soul Mirror
My thinking is that we're not really a tempo deck, we're working towards swing turns with chip damage in the meantime, and then possibly a final burst of damage towards the end, while the HP can certainly slow down early boards currently this list doesn't have any way to answer mid-late game boards besides the weapon which is really only going to stop tokens.
Hysteria is simply too powerful not to include, and 100% needs a spot, soul mirror is more flexible as on option, but personally I like it better than 2 copies of "2 mana draw 1."
First of all, neeru is not playable, lol, maybe at lower ranks but he's really bad. Secondly you're not immune to fatigue damage, very VERY specifically, your opponent takes it instead of you, which is the primary win condition of the deck, to force your opponent to take YOUR fatigue damage, which will kill them both more reliably, and much faster than neeru.
To clear up some points:
Neeru Fireblade - He's just bad, trust me, when you're already in fatigue, you won't have the time to spend 5 mana to summon a bunch of imps, you'll be spending it on removal to not die and draw to kill your opponent faster.
Altar of Fire - It's probably not great, but my thinking is: You really just want to empty your deck, it doesn't matter too much how, and the only "combo piece" in this deck is the questline, which starts in your hand, so you can afford to mill pretty much anything else. On top of thinning your deck it can also disrupt combo decks, and since our "combo" requires us to empty our deck, we may very well be slower than other combo decks that don't need to reach fatigue to win.
It's a card that may be taken out once more cards are revealed, if no new combo decks are around, for example, but I wanted to include the one copy as a sort of proof of concept, that it's a card that could actually be good in a deck like this, since its effect is pretty one sided for this deck.
Soul fragments: We just want to survive, healing helps with that, yes it slows the mill down slightly, but surviving is more important, and Soulciologist can win games on her own.
considering that c'thun doesn't turn off Genn (even decks in wild) I would assume it works, since the spells get added to your deck AFTER the game starts. I'd bet money that it works just fine.
Playing the deck some more and the early game still feels pretty weak, but we've got some pretty powerful swing turns and refills for the mid-late game, so basically as long as we survive we essentially can't lose to anything besides combo. If anyone has any suggestions on changes to help out the early game lemme know