Extra info from Ridiculous Hat: you need to watch for 4 hours in total to get all of these.
xskarma, since it's only 12 hours and quite a lot of rewards, would you be so kind to put the article on top the day before so it doesn't get buried under card reveals? People tend to forget about such things, myself included. Thanks in advance.
upd: oh, it's both Monday and Wednesday, I missed that initially.
This is probably the most balanced archetype in standard right now , not to mention the most predictable , play spells that clear board and gather armor cards to finish the game if you don't draw odyn in time you lose if you , what's there to nerf ?
From my experience playing this in my last 50 games , it's either hit or miss , if it's a miss , your soul shaw suffer , but when it hits , oh boy does it hit like a truck , playing 3 murgurgles prime before the original , some shirvallahs , high exarch yrel and a few lynessas just for having a mirage in hand .