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    posted a message on Balance Changes and Patch Notes Teaser - Constructed & Battlegrounds

    This is probably the most balanced archetype in standard right now , not to mention the most predictable , play spells that clear board and gather armor cards to finish the game if you don't draw odyn in time you lose if you , what's there to nerf ?

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Spirit of the Badlands

    From my experience playing this in my last 50 games , it's either hit or miss , if it's a miss , your soul shaw suffer , but when it hits , oh boy does it hit like a truck , playing 3 murgurgles prime before the original , some shirvallahs , high exarch yrel and a few lynessas just for having a mirage in hand .

    Posted in: Spirit of the Badlands
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