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    posted a message on 30 - 5 to Rank 3 Secret Mage (85% win rate, small sample size)

    The list I'm running currently doesn't have Counterspell or the Arcanist.  I think Counterspell is fairly weak in the meta (cheap spells from raz-priest &c.) and with arcanologist, you really don't need to run 6 secrets.  Arcanist is a fine pick, and i think can snowball very easily because of how much burn you have, which can help protect him, when people start running more removal, you might want to think of pulling him though.  I'm also running a one of Pyroblast, sounds clunky, but i've won many match ups with it, and usually you just want the burn anyway.  So maybe pull a counterspell for pyroblast?  I've got the 3/2 +1 spellpower as a two of currently but I think Arcanist might be subbed soon.

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on (Rank 20-5) Aggro-Midrange Secret Mage

    I'm playing a version of this deck without the Pyroblast (still at fairly low level) but it seems like the deck finishes off opponents just fine without.  I think one of the big things about the deck is it's orientation towards tempo, you should capitalize on that with arcane blast (which I run 2 copies of in my deck) as well as another azure drake and bloodmage.  This makes a huge difference because you are able to clear out their early game threats, which allows cards like Mana Wyrm to steam roll their face.  the spell damage combo as well as the draw into your secrets helps as well. 

    I really think your win condition is in the secret synergy, which generates tempo and develops boards that people have a hard time answering (crystal runner & archanist), especially with 2 counter spells that really punish AOE plays (that are quite common at the moment).  Worst match up seems to be pirate warrior, just because of lack of answers on a fairly normal draw by them.  but honestly I think running a second conjurer is likely better than pyroblast (gives you the chance to discover a relevant card in the mid-game, which may or may not be a pyroblast/secret etc.) it's just a much more flexible card.

    Posted in: (Rank 20-5) Aggro-Midrange Secret Mage
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.10 [SUBMISSION]

    Works well as an early game play for a priest, who often finds himself just healing on T2.  This can also have some great synergy with Resurrect effects.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Card Nerf - Blade Flurry
    Quote from norppade >>
    Quote from keshbash >>

    Just opened a golden version of this.. 800 dust here i come!

     so after a certain card is nerved, you get all the dust it costs to craft after selling it?
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Card Nerf - Blade Flurry

    The only way that this is good is if rogue actually gets some decent weapons, and even thrn I think the only minion damage was enough of a nerf to the card (can't burst down face any more) tempo wise this card will suck needing at least 7 mana (tap, poison blade, and this card) and two cards, to get an inferior flamestrike, and one charge with a 3 attack weapon.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Disenchant nerf cards: full dust value?

    Any idea how long you'll be able to dust cards from the nerf?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Every Class Be Able To Play All Archetypes?

    I think the key is to have cards that make certain decks viable and different.  Ie Reno Jackson made renolock a thing, Grimm patron made patron warrior a thing, both of these decks make for very different archetypes for the class in general, and enable cards that would have otherwise never been used.  I think it's OK to have all cards push for the other archetypes, because generally they still won't be as good as the original archetype (for instance hunter will always be much more consistent as a face deck than anything else because of the hero power - Finley doesn't always give the value/isn't drawn early enough to matter).  But that's ok, like I think midrange hunter is going to definitely be a thing with the new call of the wild card, what the rest of the deck will look like is the interesting part.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Embrace the Shadow

    Combo always wants low mana to allow for more pieces/less need for thaurisan- could make combo more consistent too

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Did Blizzard really steal Hearthcards.net all time cards?

    Hey all, I normally don't do this but I was wondering if anyone else noticed on hearthcards.net that 2 of the cards that are in the new expansion look scary similar to cards in the all time gallery.  It's weird...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New card- Faceless Shambler

    Didn't amaz say something in his last WOG review about a 4 mana 1/1 win the game? I wonder if he saw the future of this card!  Looks to be strong, although I think if silence doesn't get the nerf we're gonna see a lot of iron beak to deal with this and buffed C'Thuns

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Shadows of C'thun

    The deck seems to be all over the place.  mostly the inclusion of cards like mindblast.  You have C'Thun, which is likely going to be control style deck, the Shadowform fits in nicely with this theme, because shadow form is a value game, you're getting a super powerful hero power, but you have to pay alot for it in tempo, which means you should expect to see yourself going to late game often (all the time, C'Thun, is a 10 mana minion after all).  So the key is to stall till you can C'Thun your enemy down (he should be a fairly huge tempo swing in your favor).  This is where your standard control priest deck cards come in.  I'd want to see Entomb and Tournament Medic in here.  Tournament medic is an all start when it comes to shadowform.  Entomb will counter your enemies big threats and give you possibly 2 more big threats to go with c'thun and help finish out the game.  

    I think you might want to think about Dragon's too, because in priest they will go nicely with the control theme (Wyrmrest Agent and Twilight Guardian both are great taunt and battlecry buffs off of brann).

    Posted in: Shadows of C'thun
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Forbidden Flame

    yeah just saw that while reading the thread :/

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Forbidden Flame

    This card essentially makes you overpay for the flexibility.  I think a single copy could possibly fit into the tempo mage archetype for the following reasons: 1) It will work decently enough as a early game removal. *Although you will sometimes not be able to use it because it will be a bit more clunky.  2) It can always count as a spell to be chucked into a flamewaker combo, which is the strongest play tempo mage has.  I'm thinking something like turn 4 flamewaker deal one damage and trigger the waker effect.  you'll also have the other buffs from manawyrm and the archmage, too. 


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Eater of Secrets

    Pretty sure this card will never see play in standard format, just like Kezan Mystic saw very little play.  It's just generally not good to tech for 3 classes, who will be suffering significantly from loss of Mad Scientist and the loss of Avenge specifically for Paladin. (that is, unless there will be a similar secret enabler with the rest of the set).  When you're playing any other class, this card becomes a 4mana 2/4 which is terrible.  Had they made it a 4 mana 3/5 that just destroys all secrets might have been a viable card (kind of like acidic swamp ooze).  Turns out hearthstone will likely never be about counter-play, just about building a strong stand alone deck that carries it's own plan.  This card will make secret pally afraid to be played, but I would keep on playing secret pally because odds are incredibly low anyone is gonna give a slot to this card.  Of course, loss of Avenge and absence of a viable replacement in this set, may be a strong enough nerf to secret pally anyway.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Innkeeper FAQ, Feedback, Issues, and more - Post here

    my collection on hearthpwn says I have 2 gorehowl when I only have one.

    Posted in: Site Feedback & Support
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