Way better than Omega Devastator since you dont have to wait until 10 mana, and the devastator saw a lot of play because of the mech tag. So this will 100% be played in elemental mage
This is more dangerous than it looks, it enables running cards like Zephrys the Great in decks with some duplicates. Instead of becoming a dead card in your hand until late game, you just put it back in the deck and potentially it will show up again when its enabled
the t.l.d.r. is "card bad 'cause stops you from playing YOUR cards and has no counterplay"
Funny that you complain about not being able to counterplay a card that its only purpose is to counterplay specific combos. its the same as if I complain about ooze destroying my weapon, I cant counterplay ooze! omg not fun!
it was created to prevent the situation you are complaining about, there must be a balance in the game, strong strategies and counter strategies
yea exaclty what I was thinking. The card itselft is not insame in demon hunter standars, but if you play the lifesteal weapon on 3, then this on 4 you have the big boy. The combination already feels that its op
The best candidate to play this is of course mage, since her secrets are the most expensive. Maybe hunter as well, in combination with Mystery Winner you can get a very annoying board. Not good in paladin and probably not good in rogue, since the new secret of rogue kinda sucks
would you run this alongside Voidwalker in zoo? I'm not sure, this is one of those cards that only practice will tell if its good enough
Way better than Omega Devastator since you dont have to wait until 10 mana, and the devastator saw a lot of play because of the mech tag. So this will 100% be played in elemental mage
Very strong, many times you will just ram this into a 1/1 just for the face damage. Free damage to the paladin 1/1 dudes and rogue lackys
Besides the powercreep, this can be considered to be run in non pure paladin, buffing this dude is very strong.
Just imagine, coin this on 4, with 5 hp is not easy to remove, next turn Blessing of Kings = 14 damage. or simply Hand of A'dal for 10
I cant wait to combo meme this with Shadowflame and actually being useful, that is the first deck I do every expansion with the rager they print
This is more dangerous than it looks, it enables running cards like Zephrys the Great in decks with some duplicates. Instead of becoming a dead card in your hand until late game, you just put it back in the deck and potentially it will show up again when its enabled
Feat of Strength
seems like a worse Shield Block or Renew. Yea the dream is to get Libram of Hope but we will get so many low cost garbage spells.
I like it, maybe worth in a dude paladin deck? let's see. Def not in zoo because you dont run that many 4 mana cards to corrupt this
Scarlet Crusader funeral
Dyn-o-matic without the body. Good control card to deal with small stuff in a cheap way
Funny that you complain about not being able to counterplay a card that its only purpose is to counterplay specific combos. its the same as if I complain about ooze destroying my weapon, I cant counterplay ooze! omg not fun!
it was created to prevent the situation you are complaining about, there must be a balance in the game, strong strategies and counter strategies
always huffer
yea exaclty what I was thinking. The card itselft is not insame in demon hunter standars, but if you play the lifesteal weapon on 3, then this on 4 you have the big boy. The combination already feels that its op
The best candidate to play this is of course mage, since her secrets are the most expensive. Maybe hunter as well, in combination with Mystery Winner you can get a very annoying board. Not good in paladin and probably not good in rogue, since the new secret of rogue kinda sucks