"Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP. "
Do not like. Do not like at all.
Quests are the annoying but necessary nonsense you put up with, making them harder to complete is the wrong direction to take.
If starships aren’t reworked, the whole expansion flops. They are glacially slow and overall bad.
What are you talking about? Astalor was the ONLY broken legendary when he came out? The same expansion had anubrekhan and Thaddeus. The set before had sire denathrius, the jailer and Kaelthas. All of those legendaries were over the top because brann was in core. I don’t care for some of the cards you listed and agree that neutral power level is higher than class cards… but come on, last year’s standard was full of busted combos.
Sigh, it should have been zilliax that they banned.
Would it make you feel better to know that statistically, he lost the three games before you? Control priest sucks and has for sometime, but every so often it can steal a win. Better luck next time.
This card looks bad and will see a ton of play. It’s tickatus all over again. If it is played on curve, and your opponents haven’t used any extra draw, it destroys roughly 1/3 of their deck while also not affecting the board state at all. It seems like a bad play for turn 8. It also destroys low cost cards, so Druid will thank you for making sure they draw hydration station and not splash splash whelp. That is if you live long enough to even play it.
The $60 rag skin came with a board, so there was a new one.
I gotcha. The only legendary is gorgonzormu which you could have because he is free on the rewards track. This deck is pretty good, especially against mages.
### Token budget
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 2x (1) Awakening Tremors
# 2x (1) Catch of the Day
# 2x (1) Sneaky Snakes
# 2x (2) Jungle Gym
# 2x (2) Observer of Myths
# 2x (2) Patchwork Pals
# 2x (2) Pet Parrot
# 2x (2) Remote Control
# 1x (3) Animal Companion
# 2x (3) Bovine Skeleton
# 1x (3) Gorgonzormu
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Mixologist
# 2x (3) Workhorse
# 2x (4) R.C. Rampage
# 2x (4) Saddle Up!
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
As long as your definition of control is all removal, no wincon other than fatigue, you’re going to be disappointed. Those decks like Dr. Boom Mad Genius mech warrior are long gone and aren’t coming back. It’s for the good of the game too. There are definitely decks that rely on removal before playing threats and a wincon. Insanity warlock is great right now, so is DK. What isn’t great is priest and warrior with half of the deck being removal then trying to steal, copy or cheese a win after turn 15.
You guys just get salty too easy, meta is great right now. Shaman has the best deck in the game. Druid is crazy with dragons, concierge is just ok. Handbuff pally is really strong. Pirate DH is really strong. Overheal priest is finally a real deck. Insanity warlock lives up to its name. DK has multiple directions with frost aggro, rainbow tourist and triple blood control. Rogue has a 4D chess deck that top legend players love and probably sucks for everyone that isn’t in masters. Mage and warrior are playable but not great. Poor hunter… Either way, 8 classes have competitive decks with distinct play styles and decision making. If you don’t like standard right now, hearthstone might not be your game.
Don’t forget, it’s a legendary that they have already had the diamond version in the shop. It may even out the value if it directly screws over the whales.