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    posted a message on Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Handlock

    Mistress of mixtures and Earthen Ring Farseer only does damage to your face with Auchenai on the board. 

    Posted in: Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Handlock
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    posted a message on Why didn't Thalnos go to wild Hall of Fame?
    Quote from Th3D4rkL0rd >>

    Considering that Bloodmage Thalnos's effect is very similar to Azure Drake, I wouldn't be surprised if the skeleton in a dress starts showing up even more often now that the drake has moved to wild, making it a good candidate for the next hall of fame.

     No it itsn't. Topdeck Thalnos... no draw. Topdeck Drake... you draw. Make a basic difference please. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why didn't Thalnos go to wild Hall of Fame?

    Thalnos isn't oppressive like Azure Drake was. Azure was in every midrange decks that seeked to draw a bit. (A bit). 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Four new spells AND a weapon? Am I dreaming?!
    Quote from Saturnis6 >>

    Adapt will give plenty of 0 cost spells for your edwin 

     Adapt isn't a spell. It doesn't stack for Yogg. So it doesn't count as a card being played from your hand directly !
    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Four new spells AND a weapon? Am I dreaming?!
    Quote from Infirc >>

    well the 2 mana spell basically reads "4 mana card: deal 2 damage" so i wouldn't get excited for that one, and the weapon is kinda slowish and doesn't work when you queue against a rogue, other than that the other cards are good/decent.

     or cycle three cards with gadgetzan auctioneer of one card. It's quite idealistic, but this cards has some huge synergy with the infamous draw engine.
    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Four new spells AND a weapon? Am I dreaming?!

    Azure Drake rotating out will significantly hurt Miracle in Standard. Not much people realize how this sole card is overused in Rogue (and other classes) for over 3 years, but it's quite a nerf they've dropped onto cycling mechanics for draw-heavy decks oriented. 

    I wouldn't be surprised to see Prep and Sprint coming back together as the draw engine for the tempoish aspect of what Rogue might turn into. The quest + tools they have this expansion makes up for a quite strong and snowbally Midrange Rogue. 


    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Blizzard finnaly understand that charge is no interactive
    Quote from FortyDust >>

    Expensive charges like Leeroy and King Krush are perfectly fine. It's no different than a high-damage spell.

     There is one big difference : Chargers have some kind of counterplay (taunt, Dirty Rat, too much life to threathen lethal) while high damage spells have way more utility (targeting minions).
    Blizzard has been clear in the past, they don't want spells to interact with charge to make crazy uninteractive gameplay.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Who here has not played a Pirate Warrior EVER?

    I play Patches in Renolock (with Bloodsail Corsair). I never played Warrior before (besides few games, it's level 21 you know).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Weapon system needs an update
    Quote from codyischida >>
    Quote from Remhouse >>

    The rules about hero's face could be cool, but to it's not the problem. I gladly take any face damage that leaves a minion on my side behind. 

    Problem relies on good deck teching. Run Ooze if weapons are wrecking too much. Even Harrison... tools are there to punish weapons abusing. 

     No, the counterplay to weapons are very bad (slow) for this fast meta. Even Ooze, one charge Axe? Poor. Reaper? Mana ineficient generally. Jones? it cost 5 mana, play it then esc + concede. 
     Counterplay ? Who talks about counterplay here. We're talking about what actually exists and where the problem relies. Once you are able to ''counter'' weapons more, people will get allowed to whine about spell not being funny because you can't interact with them. Weapons are meant to be like this in Hearthstone, it's a designer's choice.
    Yeah good deckteching is key to succeeding a weakness in a game (something will always be stronger then something else). Weapons have always been in a good spot, and I've played Handlock for a year and a half without having weapons (besides Jarra) and never struggled. Weapons are cool, they way they're designed in Hearthstone. Simple, strong, efficient. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on First time not planning to purchase expansion since I started. Anyone else? Poll

    First time I'l actually order it. Don't have enough gold to buy packs at the rythm I'm playing past months. I'm used to buy above 75 packs on a new expansion... I won't afford 20 at this pace.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Weapon system needs an update

    The rules about hero's face could be cool, but to it's not the problem. I gladly take any face damage that leaves a minion on my side behind. 

    Problem relies on good deck teching. Run Ooze if weapons are wrecking too much. Even Harrison... tools are there to punish weapons abusing. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Control vs Jade Druid

    Renolock (or Kazalock but I'm still waiting to see if Explorers aren't coming back in Un'Goro. Elise is leading the pack...) does quite well against Jade Druid. On the same mind, Handlock would crush it... remember what was their strenght and now that Druid is slow on the tempo... a well placed Mountain Giant could wreck havoc.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Which cards will you miss the most?

    What about missing cards in Standard Format ? The point is on this question if I'm right.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Dragonfire Potion Will be incredibly powerful next rotation
    Quote from Frostraven >>
    Quote from Bibikis >>

    When you say no downside other than hitting your own minions, what do you mean? That a pretty HUGE downside.

     Drakonid Operative survives.


    They can't have Drakonid Operative without giving priest, or neutral, a playable dragon next expansion.
    Not overpowered -- just playable.
     Many dragons will stay + Un'Goro will add some. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Which cards will you miss the most?

    Clearly Reno Jackson. He was our unsung hero for those who loved to play some weird decks. I remember getting to Legend with a nearby highlander DemonHandlock back before he was announced. Too much thriils.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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