Their plans are to do nothing, super exciting
- RelyksSeveer
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Member for 10 years, 10 months, and 25 days
Last active Fri, Mar, 29 2024 19:36:37 -
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asdasdasdddd posted a message on Hearthstone Tavern Talk: Class Rewards, New Players, Alternate Card Art, Card ReprintsPosted in: News -
sora9 posted a message on Reminder - The "Get In Here" Bundle Leaves the Shop This Tuesday!Posted in: NewsFrom 60 packs I got 5 legendaries
Malfurion, Moorabi, Thrall, Kathreena and toki
DatOrc posted a message on Reminder - The "Get In Here" Bundle Leaves the Shop This Tuesday!Posted in: NewsYou're actually pretty lucky having 7 epics in 20 pack...
amuse posted a message on Reminder - The "Get In Here" Bundle Leaves the Shop This Tuesday!Posted in: NewsI hope they do something like this for wild sets, for us new players and wanna be collectors.
AKariAU posted a message on Reminder - The "Get In Here" Bundle Leaves the Shop This Tuesday!Posted in: Newsbought 7 of them
gold temporus
gold voraxx
king krush
swamp king dred
anduin hero card
5 gold epics
a fair few gold rares
Midevilangel12 posted a message on Reminder - The "Get In Here" Bundle Leaves the Shop This Tuesday!Posted in: NewsThis bundle is only good for 2 subset of players:
1. Players who just want dust. Its 10 packs of dust for 8 dollars, which is a lot of value. If you are already at the stage where packs = dust, then you probably are fine throwing money at the game and this is well worth it for that. (I'm one of those players... well not throwing, more like sprinkling?)
2. Newer players who are still missing majority of rares and commons, making it hard for them to even make budget decks. Most of my friends are in this camp and they can really use just cards. For example, my friends can't even make a budget tempo mage because they are missing a lot of rares for that deck, and they don't want to craft a bunch of rares for a non-optimal version of a deck. (I did gift one of those friends this gift as a small graduation gift)
People who have majority of the commons and rares and are lacking of epics and legendaries, this bundle does fairly little for. It doesn't play with your pity timers, so the 2 packs from each expansion isn't very good.
Chantry posted a message on Do You Like Free Stuff? It's Free Pack Day in Hearthstone! Login For a Golden Classic PackPosted in: NewsTranslation: I forgot to log in during the 24 hour period that would have gotten me some free stuff, so I'm going to blame Blizzard and complain about it.
thatguy517 posted a message on Do You Like Free Stuff? It's Free Pack Day in Hearthstone! Login For a Golden Classic PackPosted in: NewsTheres nothing more balanced than a dice roll bro. That’s all this is. A complete random chance. Everyone goes in with the same odds, completely fair and balanced. Plus as you said... it’s free, so whether you get a 300 dust pack or 5 golden legendaries, just be thankful Blizz is being so generous.
czapejro posted a message on Do You Like Free Stuff? It's Free Pack Day in Hearthstone! Login For a Golden Classic PackPosted in: Newsit is balanced, on average 1 in 20 packs will contain a legendary
also people who get good stuff tend to be more vocal in this particular case so it might seem that you are the only one with a "bad" pack
Wrought posted a message on "We absolutely don’t think players are stupid." Ben Brode Talks About Fiery War AxePosted in: NewsLooks like brode gives the community a lot more credit than i do. You guys are absolutely stupid.
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I’ve enjoyed this promo thus far. I traditionally only buy the promo expansion bundle and build the rest of my collection out using gold but I’ve bought 5 of these promo bundles thus far and it has really helped me complete more of my set. I think I’ve opened 4 legendaries from these as well as amassed enough dust to craft a few more.
I would like to see something like this for the wild packs as well sometime in the future.
I would love to just have written blog posts of this sorta thing.
This worked great. Thanks for the guide!
First try! Thanks!
Excellent deck and guide. First try.
After trying 3 other decks this one did it for me first try. Fatigue win.
Yes, please.
Greetings! If you use Chrome, have you considered installing a VPN extension? If you Google "Chrome VPN plugin" several should pop up. I use TunnelBear VPN and it took me all of about 15 seconds to get this set up. Perhaps that might help you to register for a Twitch Prime account. Additionally, I believe you can register for a free Amazon Prime trial and use this to claim your rewards via Twitch. I would wait to sign up for this trial until the loot actually becomes available via Twitch though. Additionally, be sure to cancel your free trial before it expires so you aren't charged for it if that's the route you want to take. Hope this helps!
Let's get this game ported to AR quickly so we can see little Deathwing's flying about.