Battle Tag(You can PM it too me if you would like): reavus#1115
Age: 19
Gender: Male
How Long have you Played HearthStone: Since the beginning of beta!
Do you have any other TCG/CCG Experience: Magic the Gathering, World of Warcraft TCG
What deck(s) are you playing on the latter: Freeze Mage, Handlock, Ramp Druid, Control Warrior, or Control Paladin (>.<)
Do you watch Streamers, If so who: Otter, Trump, Reynad, Kripparian, and other misc.
Why Would you like to Join: I want to be part of a group of people whom all enjoy and share an interest in hearthstone as much as I do!---players serious about climbing the ladder and becoming better at the game.
How often to you play: I usually play every day, usually for several hours.
What time of day do you often play: Early in the morning or in the morning, depending on if I am working!
What would you say is your rank at the end of every season (on average): Rank 5-8
I enjoy the hell out of this game, and I am dedicated to getting to legendary. I strive to become better and better at everything I do, and hearthstone is what I do!
This deck is pretty dope.
NA - Reavus#1115
You can add me as well, Reavus#1115, I play all the time and I would definitely be down to play some practice games!
I enjoy the hell out of this game, and I am dedicated to getting to legendary. I strive to become better and better at everything I do, and hearthstone is what I do!