I'd like to point out that, if you manage to get your opponent low on health, then Curse of Flesh can become: "Your opponent cannot play minions next turn." That's potentially a very strong effect for 1 Mana! Especially now that this mechanic ignores Armor. So it's too soon to know for sure if this card will or will not be played.
- RaraRacing77
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LockAndLoad posted a message on New Warlock Cards Revealed - Fall of Ulduar Mini SetPosted in: News -
ArcyroX posted a message on Casual Mode Etiquette.Posted in: Wild FormatI'd say that fine tuning your deck in casual mode would be much less effective than playing ladder. there will be much more non-competitive decks there and therefore you wont be able to see your "fine tuned deck" 's performance against other meta decks as much. you wont get useful information against meme-deck players when you are trying to play S-tier deck there.
so yes I am on the side with the OP here. I think people should not play with top tier meta decks there. that Mike Tyson example was brilliant too :D
but yeah you cant (and should not) force people to play what they are going to. one can only wish, nothing else. -
Furansu posted a message on Casual Mode Etiquette.Posted in: Wild FormatI like to play most of my games in casual mode, climbing ladder just doesn't interest me. I know there are lots of ways skilled players can climb with non-meta decks but whenever I play ladder I usually just end up playing the decks I'm already accustomed to. That can get boring sometimes.
I love casual mode so that I can just craft goofy decks and mess around. Lately I've been having fun with Zin-Azshari Warrior, and a deck that is just Roll the Bones and a bunch of deathrattles. My problem is that I find casual mode is just stuffed with Secret Mage, Rez Priest and extremely streamlined and competitive decks. Maybe it's just me but I think it's kinda bad manners to go into casual with decks that aren't...casual?
The most enjoyable games are when I find somebody else just trying something weird and we have a unique match. It's fun playing the odd game where the stars align and the meme works and gifts you some crazy outcome but if I'm constantly running against competitive decks then I never really get that chance, which kinda sucks.
I'm not saying Blizzard should do anything about this, banning anything from Casual mode would be dumb. I just think that it should just be good etiquette to reserve your strongest decks for ladder and to approach Casual mode more casually.
It's a small nitpick really, maybe I'm in the minority on this one. Would love to hear what other people think!
Banur posted a message on A couple of card interactions that grind my gearsPosted in: General DiscussionQuote from CoKrokToPrd >>Sire Denathrius nuked all the shit into the immune, untouchable, not targetable minions. Well played...how does this make sense?
The minions are just immune: they can't be targeted and can't take damage. They are not immune to untargeted aoe. They won't take damage, but they can be affected, even destroyed.
INihilus posted a message on DK Isn't Weak, The Old Meta Is Too StrongPosted in: General DiscussionBrann just has to go wild; it's literally the best choice. Most decks are overly reliant on him and it makes each game feel no different then the last.
mamie posted a message on Mysteries of Castle Nathria - New Card Back PuzzlePosted in: NewsJust solved it.
Some tricks if you are stucked:
- First turn, try to maximize the number of character that seem to be well placed.
- For each turn, write on a paper your attempt and the number of successes (one row per attempt, and the corresponding score).
- I use three letters two identify each character so that if you use a text editor, a single column logs what happened for a given area (e.g., ARA for Ara'lon).
- For each turn accuse a character that seems well-placed, but whose placement is not yet confirmed.
- When you accuse somebody, if you get pink stars, this means you have well placed the character. Do not spend extra clue on this character or on the corresponding area.
- If the accusation confirms the character is well placed, add parenthesis around his/her name
- Otherwise, add an exclamation mark and swap this character in the next turn with another character who is not yet well-placed.
- Usually, you should only swap two characters, because the way your score varies will reveal a lot (see below). When you have most of characters well-placed, then you could try to move more character will maximizing the number of matching clues.
- When the turn ends, count the number of fireworks. If you did a single swap, then:
- If you get 2 additional fireworks: the swapped characters were not well-placed and are now well-placed. No need to spend more clue for them. Add parenthesis around there name (for each row where they are well-placed).
- If you get 1 additional firework: the swapped characters were not well-placed and one of them is now well placed. You should add an exclamation mark for both of them in the previous row and spend your next accusation to determine which one is correct.
- If you get 0 additional firework: then swapped characters were and are not well-placed. Add an exclamation mark for both of them in the current row and in the previous one.
- Copy paste the last row to prepare the next row and choose which character to swap.
- By doing so, the score that you got in the past attempts helps you to understand which character were misplaced or well-placed.
- Fully characterized row: assume you get a score equal to 6 and you exactly know the 6 corresponding well-placed characters. Then you know the 4 remaining characters are misplaced. So you could add an exclamation mark next to their name on your paper.
- Domain reduction: for a given column, the solution expect a character that is neither yet well-placed, neither preceeded by an exclamation mark in this column. A good idea is to place another character at this place in the future attemps.
Here is the run I did to unlock my card back:
(XYM) (ARA) (KTZ) (PLG) (SSS) (OLG) (RAF) (DRK) (VAS) (STW) 10In this example, the 2nd swap revealed immediately that PLG and STW are now well placed. DRK and OLG has been confirmed using accusation. I only reported the exclamation mark obtained via accusation, but of course each row.
When the score is equal to 8, this means that there is only two misplaced characters that must be swapped. In my case the score decreased because at this point, my clues suggested that KTZ was probably not well placed. I did not yet know who to swap with KTZ and I arbitrarily choosed RAF. The score decreased by 1, indicating that one of them was well-placed (more likely RAF) and one of them was in the pair of misplaced characters when I got a score equal to 8 (more likely KTZ). So in the next turn, I placed RAF in his previous position and swapped KTZ with another character (here SSS), which was the expected solution.
Gosphor posted a message on Unstable Evolution Change Confirmed - Echo Keyword AdditionPosted in: NewsBut not Witch's Brew or Full-Blown Evil?
Also Dragonbane and Phase Stalker should have inspire.
PetiteMouche posted a message on [UiS] Your bold meta predictionsPosted in: General DiscussionQuote from Bodycount1 >>Quote from TheNameForgotten >>Quote from Bodycount1 >>Cornelius Roame and Peasant will be the first two cards nerfed.
No new meta decks will come out of this. Just upgraded current meta decks with a few new cards in it.
Peasant is at start of turn so I can't imagine it being nerfed. We will see about Roame.
Peasant on turn 1 will be very hard to deal with. Most of the time you'll get at least one draw out of it. And the rest of the time it will make opponent use their coin and hero power to kill it.
Except half of the time you will go second and they won't need the coin, and also DH exists.
Peasant is literally worse than caravans, and worse than Nat Pagle.
Biomass posted a message on F2P Lives Matter too...Posted in: General DiscussionYour title is inappropriate.
aeCyn posted a message on New Chaoslock with N'Zoth!Posted in: New Chaoslock with N'Zoth!I believe a single card is not meant to carry an entire deck yet people want to confuse deck of chaos as some super win condition. this deck can actually turn tables with DoC or hold it's own without it , that's a good way to make a chaos !lck imo
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You can Finley bombs in your deck into your hand, so they don't explode ... so ... there's that ... I agree, you should Hagatha plagues into your opponent's hand.
1. You don't learn how to play chess against 5-year-old kids ... no ... you learn how to play chess against people who can actually play chess.
i.e. learning how to pilot decks in Casual is a waste of time ... you're still going to be bad at it when you hit Ranked and face off against an endless stream of fine-tuned decks people have scrounged from around the internet. You know you can actually learn from losing and making mistakes right?
2. Blowing off steam by playing a Tier 1 deck in Casual?!? Also ... what is fun/relaxing about going into a casual gameplay mode and facing off against the best decks in the current meta?
As for no hardcore palyers in Casual ... I used to get emoted silly when I played wacky decks in Casual ... with every "unusual" card I played I'd get a "wow" or something stupid like that ... people would send friend requests and call me all sorts of names/abuse in Russian (mainly) or broken English ... it got so bad I stopped accepting them (and sending friend requests) and even reported some players who said really offensive stuff in the past. I genuinley had a worse play-experience in Casual than I've had on ladder since.
Haven't played Casual in 3 years now (I think, maybe more) ... when Firebat started the Deck Doctor stuff for Omnistone. Casual is an asinine environment ... just look at the replies above ... I coudn't care less what the other player plays cuz I like midrange zooy or greedy midrange decks so usually have a chance against most decks. I usually include a favorite legendary card that is not commonly played (in the past they've included Dollmaster Dorian, Da Undertakah, and others - at the moment don't really have one, Naralex?)
100% agree with the original poster ... casual should be for fun meme-style stuff that you know will fail 99% of the time but just want to see if you can pull it off once without having to run into T1 face decks or combo decks all the time.
As far as making minor adjustments to top tier decks and play testing them in Casual ... just do it on ladder where you'll actually learn something useful ... what use is it knowing your deck with tiny tweeks can destroy a Roll the Bones Thief deck or meme deck?
If you're not good enough to switch out two or three cards in a T1 deck and continue winning you are probably struggling on ladder anyway.
Then you have players like me ... who don't play Casual (anymore) and do everything silly in Ranked ... that quest to play x amount of Manathirst/Infuse cards? Build a deck with every single manathirst/infuse card for a randomly chosen class and hit up Ranked ... you'll be surprised how often you win ... and you can usually get the quest done in one or two games. (I should note, I don't play every day, maybe once or twice a week, so I don't have lots of time to just play one or two manathirst cards in a deck and eventually compelte the daily/weekly quest --- hence I have to concentrate the cards in one deck.)
I'm currently running through all the Achievements for this and past expansions ... Pick a class and just throw cards into the deck that will get me the achievement ... B Positive - done ... Blood Bank - done ... A Graveyard Smash - done ... DIY Deathrattle - done ... No Swapsies Backsies - almost done. etc. etc. ... and the funny thing is I usually end up at the rank I started because I play cards noone is expecting which catches then off guard so I manage to win about half the time.
I just follow the advice Deck Doctor Firebat used to give out ... if you want to try out new stuff just do it on ladder, who cares if you lose rank, at least you're trying it out against the decks that matter at the moment ... if you lose 5 ranks then just metadeck and play what you are comforatble with to get those ranks back (or get the ranked rewards you want).
The most irritating thing about Scourge Rager is that it doesn't trigger the "Play 10 Reborn Minions" quest we currently have as part of the event (because of what you say) ...
There aren't many reborn minions in standard (only 4 ... Invincible, Blightblood Berserker, Malignant Horror, and Thassarian ... the reset are all summon) so played one wild game to complete it ... irritating for people who don't have access to those wild cards ... yes, BGs will probably do it, but I don't play that mode (if it is not part of a daily).
I've posted this on the Blizzard forum ...
but the nerf to Forsaken Lieutenant (increase in mana) means that one of the puzzles in the Dawngrasp Book of Heroes cannot be completed because the solution now requires too much mana.
Hope they fix this somehow ... I've been going back to complete some of the solo adventures I hadn't gotten around to doing and just noticed this today ...
So ... then why are you playing with cards like Malignant Horror in your deck? No one is forcing you (the smart player won't oinclude that card in their deck) ... there are a ton of better 4-cost cards out there ... build your deck like Zoolock, so there's Defender of Argus (you're going wide anyway), the Dwarf that gives +2 attack etc. Go back to the basics. Hawkstrider Rancher is also solid at 3 mana.
As for card draw ... I sub in reasonable card generation instead. There's also decent draw if you do UUF (Plagued Grain is a distraction ... don't get sucked into needing to play UUU - Grave Strength is good, but can be replaced ... Marrowgar too, try the 2 mana Manathirst legendary for some decent final burst ... the opponent knows it is coming so usually concedes before I can play part 3).
In the last DK game I played, I had 31 unspent corpses and steamrolled the Druid I was playing against. Have tried both UUF and UUB, but haven't decided which is better yet.
--> I insta-deleted the 3 deck suggestions and built my own based on Zoolock principles and focused on undead (tip: the Amalgam is good). My two disruption cards are Coilfang Constrictor and the Plaguespreader guy (in for the achievement but not taken out yet).
And no, I don't run Denathrius ... can't stand the card so try to get creative in deckbuilding ... I just throw in cards I like or would like to play with (or against ... I'm sure my opponents like seeing some of the cards I play and am sure they've seen them very little on ladder.) The 2 mana legendary is better than Daddy D (in my humble opinion) because if you draw into him from turn 7 onwards he'll probably do more burst damage than Denathrius on turn 10 if you draw D on turn 7. Astalor just has a lot more flexibility and that's what I'm looking for in my Zooknight deck.
Good luck!
No ... you CAN buy Lady Deathwisper diamond version for 2,000 gold ... that is what the OP is asking.
But yeah ... I don't know of any other way to get the two cards mentioned in the first post, other than buying the bundels ... that's never going to happen in my case ... there is no way I'm paying €25 for TWO(!) card packs and a diamond card. Yes, I know that those packs are "special" with a minute chance to get Signature cards ... but no way.
Priest has a Diamond card (Darkbishop Benedictus) and there are only 9 neutrals ... if I'm not mistaken.
Good luck Whirlpooling away my Neeru Fireblade portal and dealing with the continual onslaught of the fatigue damage from that sweet Demon Seed completion. And yes, I run him in my Demon Seed deck.
- Naga Mage - had quests, fun deck for my least favourite class. Did well too, my deck needs refinement, as too many quest cards (arcane damage) in it.
- Midrange Naga Hunter - first deck, fun stuff, has secret package in it which has some cool, unexpected interactions in it (esp. the new secret and colossal minions).
- Murloc Shaman - fine, needs refinement once the meta settles.
- Zoolock - generally good minions to test them out ... fine. No one expects the deck so have no idea what minions are coming, wins come because people don't know the cards. This will probably become my main deck to ladder, though I really did enjoy the Hunter deck.
Too early days to say anything, people are trying out lots of things, I've basically been trying to figure out answers my opponents have to my board etc. and how I can counter their expected stuff.
My least favourite opponents so far have been Quest Warrior, Freeze Shaman and Quest Hunter (yawn), oh and a Warrior who played zero minions it felt like, no idea what their deck was trying to do ... I've not lost once to any form of Rogue or Druid.
Overall I've had fun but I've got a feeling that with quests around the kinds of decks I enjoy will fade out soon.