If you want old HS play this mode from time to time. I do it myself.
Y but they should update it too. I had a lot of fun with Classic but after a few month it got boring bc there are not many cards out. I would love to see them Release Naxx or even GvG again even more because i still have nearly all relevant cards from the old Expantions.
I think it's a mix of hilarious and sad that we have reached a point where our nerf options involve something called "Aggro Priest". WTF guys.
I mean i hate all Priest decks but im pretty happy that Priest finaly also has a second Archtype. It was the only Class that never had 2 Archtypes in Hearthstone. Even Hunter hat a Controlish deck back then with Deathstalker Rexxar.
you want battlemaster to get banned but stealer of souls is okay for you Omegalul. Battlemaster is just a wincon if you manage to have a sticky board witch is pretty hard these days. There are so many broken shit decks out there were you dont play a single minion and you complain about the card witch makes your deck board focused KEKW.
Back then when i started playing hearthstone i didnt had Leeroy Jenkins and tried to replace it with Reckless Rocketeer in my main hunter deck. The two cards also doing kinda the same thing. In some cases i didnt noticed the difference in other it was horrible. I guess thats the same with these to cards. Just try it out.
Great idear. Those were good times were the game still was trading based (with weaker cards and higher cost spells) and noone played 20 cards in one turn. Would love to see this with even older Expantions!!
i dont think that would help much. In my opinion the main problem is that you dont have any board interaction or minion trading. And that used to be the core features of hearthstone. With that changes you still have no chance to play control because of the combo heavy decks with infinite damage.
I wonder why they printed cards like they do now bc a long time ago they nerfed all the combo and otk decks. They told us that they dont want to have combo or otk decks dominating the meta because thats unhealthy for the game. And here we now, all complaining by the fact that these archtypes are indeed unhealthy for the game. Just give us back the old hearthstone were you play your minions, think about trading and arent able to play 20 cards in one turn.
Btw. i was already worried when i saw decks without any minions or just very few (mage) coming up for the named reasons.
I would like to see a mode where you can pick what ‘Year’ you wanna play / what card pool you can use.
Im pretty sure this will never happen even if the idear is cool. But with the split on all hs years it would take way to long to find a game. And since HS is shifting to be a mobile game they highly avoid long waiting times for the games.
You think they ceep updating Classic HS like they do with Classic WOW? I freaking enjoyed Classic HS so far but its already out several month and after so many games its getting kinda repetitive. Also there are not that many cards so you cant try out much. I would love to see Naxx and especially GvG getting released againg (Started playing HS with the announcement of Blackrock).
Do you think this will happen in the future or did someone read anything about it? I could also imagine that they dont do future Classic updates so they dont split the playerbase even more not that many ppl switched to battlegrounds or even wild mode. But i realy dont hope so...
Lmao. Normal HS is the trashiest of trash compared to BG.
Idd from time to time there will be this lobby with high rollers but usually, you deserve your loss or win.
Normal HS on the other hand? 90% of the time: his hand was better than mine, he had better randomly created stuff, his deck was a counter to mine, my deck has no tool to handle my opponent strategy, he won despite misplays.
why are you so mad dude? If you are frustrated feel free to go in the Salt threat.
And hand all the last remaining power to Aggro decks ? LuL, Quest decks are already unfavoured against Face Hunter, Aggro Priest and Token Druids ....I guess Quests need a BUFF, instead ? :P
This has nothing to do with aggro. If you nerf quest decks, aggro automaticly gets weaker because ppl. can finaly play control again. Thats a basic thing in HS
Control - beats > Aggro
Aggro - beats > Combo
Combo -beats> Control
I like aggro the most but in the current state Control is realy !!unplayable!! (I tested control warri) witch is very bad for the game. It should be kinda balanced between these 3 Archtypes. BC i also dont want a control meta happening again where i have to sit 20 minutes in every single game. Its still a fast pace game but the current meta is boring even for me and i love playing aggro decks (main hunter since blackrock <3).
I dont think that anyone cares if you play hs or not lol.
But anyway you forgot your #mic drop
Y but they should update it too. I had a lot of fun with Classic but after a few month it got boring bc there are not many cards out. I would love to see them Release Naxx or even GvG again even more because i still have nearly all relevant cards from the old Expantions.
I guess ur a Incognito Warlock player that complains about Hunter, the only good option vs Warlock rn btw.
I mean i hate all Priest decks but im pretty happy that Priest finaly also has a second Archtype. It was the only Class that never had 2 Archtypes in Hearthstone. Even Hunter hat a Controlish deck back then with Deathstalker Rexxar.
you want battlemaster to get banned but stealer of souls is okay for you Omegalul. Battlemaster is just a wincon if you manage to have a sticky board witch is pretty hard these days. There are so many broken shit decks out there were you dont play a single minion and you complain about the card witch makes your deck board focused KEKW.
Just play Face Hunter if you always run into warlock. Fast and easy wins.
Back then when i started playing hearthstone i didnt had Leeroy Jenkins and tried to replace it with Reckless Rocketeer in my main hunter deck. The two cards also doing kinda the same thing. In some cases i didnt noticed the difference in other it was horrible. I guess thats the same with these to cards. Just try it out.
Great idear. Those were good times were the game still was trading based (with weaker cards and higher cost spells) and noone played 20 cards in one turn. Would love to see this with even older Expantions!!
Gj dude looks pretty awesome!!
i dont think that would help much. In my opinion the main problem is that you dont have any board interaction or minion trading. And that used to be the core features of hearthstone. With that changes you still have no chance to play control because of the combo heavy decks with infinite damage.
I wonder why they printed cards like they do now bc a long time ago they nerfed all the combo and otk decks. They told us that they dont want to have combo or otk decks dominating the meta because thats unhealthy for the game. And here we now, all complaining by the fact that these archtypes are indeed unhealthy for the game. Just give us back the old hearthstone were you play your minions, think about trading and arent able to play 20 cards in one turn.
Btw. i was already worried when i saw decks without any minions or just very few (mage) coming up for the named reasons.
Im pretty sure this will never happen even if the idear is cool. But with the split on all hs years it would take way to long to find a game. And since HS is shifting to be a mobile game they highly avoid long waiting times for the games.
You think they ceep updating Classic HS like they do with Classic WOW? I freaking enjoyed Classic HS so far but its already out several month and after so many games its getting kinda repetitive. Also there are not that many cards so you cant try out much. I would love to see Naxx and especially GvG getting released againg (Started playing HS with the announcement of Blackrock).
Do you think this will happen in the future or did someone read anything about it? I could also imagine that they dont do future Classic updates so they dont split the playerbase even more not that many ppl switched to battlegrounds or even wild mode. But i realy dont hope so...
I like the Nerfs. Everyone will still ceep playing warlock and i can smash them with my face hunter witch is already a monster deck vs warlock.
why are you so mad dude? If you are frustrated feel free to go in the Salt threat.
This has nothing to do with aggro. If you nerf quest decks, aggro automaticly gets weaker because ppl. can finaly play control again. Thats a basic thing in HS
Control - beats > Aggro
Aggro - beats > Combo
Combo -beats> Control
I like aggro the most but in the current state Control is realy !!unplayable!! (I tested control warri) witch is very bad for the game. It should be kinda balanced between these 3 Archtypes. BC i also dont want a control meta happening again where i have to sit 20 minutes in every single game. Its still a fast pace game but the current meta is boring even for me and i love playing aggro decks (main hunter since blackrock <3).