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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Furious Ettin

    Filler card but it'll be an Arena staple like Bog Creeper.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Felsoul Inquisitor

    Ah; the first Inquisitor from Legion in Hearthstone.


    Good buff card candidate. Therefor might see use in Druid, Paladin and Priest. Lifesteal might even make it show up in Warlock.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Druid Spell - Witchwood Apple

    Initially; I'd have called this card absolute trash.


    However; seeing Whispering Woods makes me think that Blizzard may be pushing for some sort of 'HanDruid' archetype. Will that be good? It remains to be seen. However; increaseing your hand size by 2 for 2 mana is something that should always get you considering Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake.


    And if Blizzard are pushing for this Archetype; we may see more Druid cards that interact with hand size.


    Not to mention things like Whispering Woods into Savage Roar.


    It's a trash card in itself but it may work as an achetype enabler.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Witch's Apprentice

    Let's break this down:


    1 Mana 0/1 Taunt is just a dreadful body. This is a class card; and it's worse than Neutrals.


    As Nightmare shows; Beast is worthless in card power budgets.


    So; to make up the cost of it; getting a free Shaman spell at full cost has to be worth the 3HP over Shieldbearer which is already a TERRIBLE card; for this to even make it to Terrible.


    Thing is; it's a random Shaman spell. Not a Mage spell.


    Terrible: Totemic Might; Ice Fishing [Unless running Murlocs]; Primal Fusion; Lesser Saphhire Spellstone; Primal Talismans; Cryostatis; Farsight; Unite the Murlocs [Assumeing it can be given]


    Usually Bad: Spirit Echo; Ancestral Spirit; Avalanche; Frost Shock; Windfury; Bloodlust; Ancestral Spirit


    Useful: Crushing Hand; Lightling Bolt*; Feral Spirit*; Crushing Hand*; Lava Burst*; Tidal Surge; Healing Rain; Lightling Storm*; Unstable Evolution; Earth Shock

    The ones with * means they cause Overload which is something that must be accounted for and may hold them back.


    So; as it stands; only 10/25 results are any good. 15/25 times; or 3/5; you're getting a bad or even unplayable card.


    This card isn't just bad. It's absolutely terrible. I'd say a 2/5 chance of getting something that's even worth playing isn't worth 3 HP off Shieldbearer. And that card is unplayable in it's own right.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Muck Hunter

    In reality; it's a 5 mana 5/4 with Rush when you account for the Mucks taking 4 off it.


    Pretty good honestly. If you have some means to deal 1 damage to kill the Mucks; it can be even better. For example; Despicable Dreadlord.


    Also has potential to be really good in Preist; as an 8HP minion baseline. Throw a Divine Spirit on it.


    Could even see play if Quest Druid becomes relevant again; for it has 5 attack.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What deck are you bringing to the Wild Brawliseum?

    I'm someone who disenchants most of my wild cards; except those of a couple of funny archetypes I enjoy playing.


    I'm either going to bring some chaos and play full-on Casino Mage [Every card in the entire deck has some form of random effect; or creates more cards which have random effects. Prise Yogg. Praise Deck of Wonders. Wow emote overtime.]; or Dude Pally with Muster; Quartermaster; Vinecleaver; and so on.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Why do people think aggro is easy or scummy?


    Quote from KungFuMaster >>
    Quote from Aegis24 >>

    Everyone arguing that aggro isn't easy to play is ignoring the simple fact that bots can play the deck and have a good win rate. If you're an aggro player and you're coming to the forum because you think it isn't right that people think your deck is easy to play then you're basically admitting they're right because your ego is hurt and you're feeling the need to defend your decision, just saying.  Playing aggro doesn't make you any less of a person than any other player but if you're feelings are hurt then perhaps it's because you actually think a little less of yourself for playing the deck.

     What an pathetic excuse. If you really think aggro is easy, go ahead and reach legend nr1 with it. It's way easier to get high legend with a control deck than an aggro deck. Playing aggro is easy, mastering it is hard. (and if you still think aggro is easy, try atleast to reach legend with it before commenting)
    I've been playing a lot of archetypes since the beginning, and I know the feeling losing against aggro as a control player, but I always have this sweet feeling when u beat one. If I play aggro myself, I never feel good beating a control player, because that's what feels normal. 
     Posting again because it's not letting me edit my post.
    1: The strength of aggro has nothing to do with the skill expression of the deck.
    2: Aggro is prevalent on the ladder simply due to speed of games. Therefor; to actually climb ladder; you need to play anti-aggro. You tech in anti-aggro cards. If you have a 60% winrate against Aggro; and aggro is the most common deck on the ladder due to game speed and ease of building; you climb. This; in turn; makes it harder for aggro decks to climb; since Aggro v Aggro is 50/50 and Aggro loses to anti-aggro decks.
    Of course if aggro players were smart they'd stray from their netdecks and add a couple of tech cards to beat mirrors as well. Or add a couple of larger cards so they're not automatically screwed against a deck that has anti-aggro tech. But they're not smart.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Why do people think aggro is easy or scummy?

    It's because Aggro decks *are* easy. Most of the time the decks are autopilot. Can I play this card? If yes; play it. Aggro decks do not need to worry about saving resources and such; because if the game goes long in the first place; they've probobly already conceded because by nature; an Aggro-deck is all-in.


    Remember a few years ago when botting was rampart before Blizzard did big ban waves? What decks were the bots playing? Aggro Shaman; Zoo and Hunter. Why? Because the decks are autopilot decks that even bots can play.


    Even if you consider decks like Pirate Warrior and Face Hunter not 'easy' to play; give me a deck in Hearthstone easier to play than Pirate Warrior or Face Hunter. You can't.


    The decks are easy to play. The simple fact is that the skill ceiling and floor of aggro decks is so low that there is no skill expression. The game is usually decided by one of two things:


    1: RNG on draws

    2: The non-aggro player making a misplay.


    So assumeing the non-aggro player dosen't misplay; they basically lose because of draws.  Not because the other player is more skilled. In fact; the other player could literally be a bot or a 5 year-old for all they know. The feeling of powerlessness; losing against a deck which has 0 skill expression; because of luck of the draw; is what makes people mad.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard is the Worst, silently nerfs already weak deck, while leaving broken OP BS in tact

    I'm pretty sure that the Blackguard interaction was an exploit or a bug. As the activation of Truesilver is 'When you Attack' yet it cancels and allows you to re-attack; while you still keep your heal.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What is the card everyone is forgetting that rotates this year?

    All the old gods.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Arena K&C Meta/Class Tier Report

    Bizzare; I have one of my highest Arena winrates Vs Hunter and Warlock. They're virtually free wins for me.


    I did have decent runs *as* Hunter/Warlock; but the class I lose to most is Priest [Although I'm not sure if my Priest drafts were awful or Priests are very polarizing in that they win some games hard lose some hard, but Priest is one of my worst performers].Priests also have a lot of... unreliability; partially in their cards which copy from the enemy deck; or Free From Amber.

    The class I've performed best as is Paladin so far; and I honestly didn't even feel that the Paladin deck I drafted was that good.


    While you can claim Hunter is strong; the Paladin draft I had which performed the best was even more aggressive than most Hunters. I've made Hunters Turn 5 Concede or Turn 7 die outright. Paladin can play just as fast as Hunter.


    Interestingly; however; I think my personal experiences as Hunter/Warlock/Paladin were against the grain.


    Hunter [7 Wins]: Was actually a Hunter with Dinomancy; and cards such as Houndmaster and Lesser Emerald Spellstone and Deadly Shot never even showed up in the draft. I won every single game where I drew and played Dinomancy. The games I lost were close games where I never drew Dinomancy; and 2 of those 3 losses had me semi-brick by drawing literally every weapon in my deck in a cluster.


    Warlock [7 Wins]: Was hardcore control Warlock. Losses were to SMOrc; and games were usually long.


    Paladin [8 Wins]: Hard aggro Paladin. Good early minions; buffs; two UID Mauls; but the lategame was lacking; causing me to mostly lose to Priests.


    I'd personally also say that Mage is still at least T2. Especially once people adjust their drafts a bit; putting more value on cards like Volcanic Potion to stem more aggressive decks; instead of relying on Flamestrike which is more anti-Midrange.


    I'd also say Druid is not bad. Shaman and Warrior are certainly the worst right now.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Kobolds & Catacombs: Arena Impact

    OK; so now that I've done more Arenas; I'll quickly say what I've seen and experienced with every class.


    Druid - I have literally not seen any Druids in Arena since C+C besides the one I played. I had a good Druid run yesterday myself; which went 7-3. The losses were because I was a Big Druid; and 2 of them I just got Faced down; and the third was a Rouge who played 3 different Poisonous minions; Sap; Onyx; and Assassinate in the first half of their deck, so was basically made to be Anti-Big Druid. Also this Druid deck had no ramp; no AoE buffs and no Swipes; things that usually define Druid. It was just... top-heavy Druid.


    Hunter - I have been seeing a surprising amount of Hunters [22%]. A lot of them are using quite a few secrets and their Spellstone; but this is pretty inconsistent in Arena. I have also beaten almost every Hunter I've faced, the only losses being with Rouge [Who in general has a pretty bad Hunter matchup and I can never seem to get even a passable draft for] and Druid [Which was a slow deck which got SMOrc'ed].


    I played Hunter and went 6-3; although most of my losses were me topdecking too many of my weapons [I had 4 in the deck]; so simply not being able to keep up board presence. Also I had no Houndmasters; and lost in a HuntervHunter topdeck war because the other Hunter went Call of the Wild -> Highmane.

    Mage - Has the offering rate for Mage gone down? Because I'm only seeing Mages 11% of the time; and I've only got to play as Mage once before I remembered to track my stats. Said Mage was an 8-3 run however; my equal best so far in C+C. Mage is still very powerful. As long as they have such powerful removal and burn options combined; and such high-quality commons; they will be powerful.


    Paladin - I have also hardly seen any Paladins. I've been against them in 8% of my games; with a 2/3 winrate against them. None of the Paladin decks I faced I could call particularly good either [The Paladin deck that beat me was the ill-fated Rouge draft I had]. That said; I did have a Paladin draft which went 8-3. This was a pretty aggressive Paladin deck. Priests were the majority of my losses on this run; usually because they would copy the exact card they needed from my deck; such as my 1 copy of Consecration. That said; this deck also beat Priests.


    Unidentified Maul is a really good Arena card by the way. Especially when a Paladin deck that already leans aggressively. How aggressive was this Pally? It faced 2 Hunters. One conceded Turn 5. The other got Turn 7 Leathal'ed. Face is indeed the place.


    Priest - I'm seeing Priests everywhere and they are the majority of my losses. That said; the majority of the time; it's not really because of the Priest's down deck. Sometimes it's this insane Priest deck that fairly shuts off my Hunter/Paladin deck with just infinite healing. But most of the time it's a case of 'Lol I Devour Minded your best cards'.


    I think what makes Priest so strong right now is actually the amount of card advantage they can accrue... from your deck. Between cards like Shifting Shade; Crystalline Oracle; Thoughtsteal and Devour Mind... Priests just don't run out of cards, and seem to keep getting your best ones. Most of my Priest losses have left me feeling cheated. Not even Mages usually make me feel like that. There's also the fact that Free from Amber is just stupid.


    I haven't actually got around to trying Priest myself in C+C.


    Rogue - Whenever I draft Rouge; I get literal hot garbage and never draw the thing I need; as in; 0-3 is the most common result on Rogue for me and I actively avoid drafting it. Whenever I face a Rogue; they seem tailor-made to beat my deck. [See: The Druid loss to Rogue]. They also have a bit of Priest syndrome where their random cards from your class will be exactly what they need. Rogue is certainly weaker now however. C+C diluted their card pool quite a bit. Particularly with the Secrets.


    Shaman - Seems to be in a bad spot. I had what I thought was a powerful Shaman deck [2 4 mana 7/7's. A decent chunk of Jade; some removal; Prince Malchezarr] and I only went 5-3. Another Shaman deck which I was significantly less confident in went 1-3. In addition; I've not lost to a Shaman yet either.


    Warlock - I haven't drafted a Warlock yet; but I'm seeing them everywhere. The reason for this is beyond me. Warlock is my 3rd most commonly encountered class [Just behind Priests and Hunters] and yet I have only lost to Warlocks twice; both with decks that didn't even manage 2 wins. Is it because the Warlock players are bad? Or is it because Arena Warlock is still bad? I won't know until I draft a Warlock... but Warlock has always been my 2nd lowest rank to draft... so I'd have to pick Warlock over a class I think is stronger.


    Warrior - Extinct. I encountered 1; and steamrolled it.




    Priest/Mage/Paladin [Priest may be top] > Rogue/Druid/Hunter > Warlock > Shaman > Warrior

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on New Warlock Spell - Cataclysm
    Quote from dirbrian >>

    Exactly what Quest warlocks needed. You can just stall till turn 4 and pop this if you have it by then. And basically can activate your quest next turn. This card alone makes Warlocks the quickest class to activate your quest now.

     Turn 5 activation ties with Rouges.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What Kobolds cards are the worst? (All rarities)

    Temporus - 7 Mana 6/6: Battlecry - Lose the game.


    Note it's Battlecry also ends your turn; because it states 'Your opponent takes 2 turns' as it's battlecry. So you can add 'End your Turn' to the start of it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Cursed Disciple

    Why not call it 'Spectral Rager'?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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