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    posted a message on Help with my archetype randomizer

    Most of the ideas have been mentioned already. Here are some which I thought of:

    • Legendary, create a deck for that class with 30 legendaries (35 legendaries of course!)
    • Handbuff, probably only viable in one or two classes but some interesting tools in other classes as well which are rarely used
    • Value, create a deck for that class with as many value cards as you can fit in. Maybe you would suddenly play cards like Pyros or The Fist of Ra-den.
    • Weapon, base your deck around one or more weapons
    • Chef Nomi, make a deck which draws cards as quickly as possible to play one or more nomis. 
    • Tech, make a deck for that class which has tech cards for the current meta

    All I could think of for now, let me know how it goes!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mercenaries | Game mode

    I played it a lot when it was first released and really enjoyed it. After some time, I noticed that I wasn't playing for fun anymore but just to grind quests and bounties for more hero coins and packs. Luckily I quickly saw the game mode was a dead end and quit playing. Haven't touched it since.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I dust my legendary for a Seek Guidance quest priest deck?

    I honestly think the deck will do fine if you just include some general control cards. The deathrattle package seems nice, but I think it just feels so greedy. What is the point of trying to pull off this value combo with Xyrella, the Devout when you could just be finishing your quest earlier? But then again, this is only my take on the deck and I am by no means a pro lol.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quest Rogue

    Can you take quest rogue to D5 with a decent winrate in this meta? I feel like the deck lacks card draw and cant pressure the opponent enough. Any tips?

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Safe to Dust Now?

    Don't mass disenchant, just manually disenchant duplicates you don't expect to get nerfed

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    The irondeep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.The iron deep mine is mine.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Shaman On release discussion.

    Bru'kan of the Elements doesn't require any set up or a lot of synergy to be good, while many other hero cards do. You can just slide him into any control shaman deck and it will be decent. It is logical for him to be decent at best as he is flexible, a jack of all trades.

    In contradiction, many hero cards have very narrow applications:

    Xyrella, the Devout, only viable in deathrattle lists. In addition, only playable in game after you have played a decent amount of high-value deathrattles.

    Magister Dawngrasp, only playable in a mage deck with multiple spells, which have diffrent spell schools AND high enough value. 

    -Wildheart Guff, good play on curve. You need to build your deck around this card. Most  control decks don't benefit that much from having 20 mana to spend per turn.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Your first FiA impressions

    New cards are fun to play around with, and haven't seen anything too broken yet. Freeze shaman seems quite good which I did not expect, just like the card Irondeep Trogg. Any other cool findings?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which "Year of" was your favorite?

    Gotta love year of the Kraken the most. Probably the most influential change in the history of Hearthstone. As others have said, so many iconic cards and mechanics were introduced during this period. 

    I found the year of the Griffin to be to worst yet. There is more content than ever, but it's all just recycled and bland. More of the same. It's been a long time since we really got something new that made me genuinely excited( ie. quests, hero cards, dungeon runs). Instead, we got quests, hero cards and old gods.....again. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Preorder? Yes or no?

    I have been F2P in the past however recently have started buying some small bundles from time to time. The F2P mindset I previously had can really eat away at you if you don't pay attention. I was always trying to maximize ways to earn gold, at some point even grinding aggro decks all day to get 10 gold for 3 wins. So much time wasted. 

    These days I would rather spend some money and enjoy the game more. It really just depends on your personal situation if you should buy packs/preorders.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on So what did you pick?

    I picked Drek'thar/The horde for obvious reasons. I tried it in zoo warlock and it actually seems quite good in there. You can reliably pull great value cards like Kabal Outfitter or even Imprisoned Scrap Imp. It does not really fit in any other decks, and even though it can pretty much win you the game on the spot you still have to draw the card in the first place 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Rare Card Revealed - Dun Baldar Bunker

    You're right, it only reduces by 1 of course! 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Hunter Rare Card Revealed - Dun Baldar Bunker

    In a way, this is like Skull of Gul'dan. It draws three and reduces the cost of these cards by 2 (instead of three). Might be too slow for hunter, but excited to see what other secret support they will print. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Where are the changes to mercenaries?

    These were only promises for the future there were no dates given for these updates. Today everybody gets 5 packs for free, but I don't think they rolled it out yet

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on AITA

    I feel like hearthstone is in quite a decent position right now. It's easy to reminisce about the "old brode days" as if everything were better back then. The fact is that hearthstone is getting more content than ever, at a reasonable cost.  I still remember first playing during The Grand Tournament expansion, there was literally almost no content after the expansion dropped except for the occasional balance changes which would completely murder any card included in them. Once in a while, you got enough gold to open some packs. I still remember playing daily for two months after which being rewarded with two copies of The Skeleton Knight. Lucky me thought this was a great value card back then lol

    In this expansion cycle alone we already got three balance changes, a whole new mode, a mini set and big updates for all other modes. Yet people still complain that this is not enough to keep them interested. Maybe you feeling hearthstone as "destroyed" is just you being burned out by the game instead

    Posted in: General Discussion
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