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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Aviana

    Her effect applies as an aura therefore overriding any modifications of manacost gained earlier, be it a buff (Emperor Thaurissan) or a dynamic manacost card (Mountain Giant/Molten Giant) - every card will cost 1 mana. Cards may cost 0 if such modifications took place after she was played (e.g. you played Emperor Thaurissan while having Aviana out). However, after her death all cards will return to their original (modified?) manacosts.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 12

    posted a message on Legend of the Warsong Commander

    What a story...I just can't stop crying. I wish Blood Imp could join them.

    There is a small mistake in the description:
    Illidan Stormrage was a 6 mana 7/6 minion with the same ability as today. When he used to discard and draw cards, he was a 7 mana 7/7 minion.

    Posted in: Legend of the Warsong Commander
  • 0

    posted a message on Effigy bug?

    I noticed that the minions I get from Effigy are always golden. However, there are no golden cards in my deck.
    Is it a bug, or is it working as intended?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Confessor Paletress or Sneed's Old Shredda?

    I am planning to craft both cards as I love playing priest and gimmicks like Randuin. But is there any reason to craft either one first?
    (e.g. Sneed's a neutral card, but Paletress is more consistent as she can be triggered as soon as you play her...and so on)
    It is also interesting to know what are the opinions on these two cards (constructed viable or too gimmicky/unreliable/slow to work?)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 11

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed

    We just need one more card to make Dreadsteed look OP.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on New Druid Card - Astral Communion

     Now that's what I call RAMP DRUID.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Weapon - Charged Hammer

    I wonder why they made it an epic card, you're still not going to play 2 of these in the deck.
    Pretty cool concept though.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Card - Aviana
    Quote from Jobaso jump

    Wow, this actually looks like a rather outstanding finishing combo. Gotta see some Trolden videos with this for sure :D

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Do You Think Patron Warrior Will Be Nerfed in the new expansion?
    Quote from Slycer93 jump

    Honestly I quite enjoy playing patron warrior on ladder. The main issue I see with the deck however is that it completely hard counters slow control decks. The deck essentially puts a clock on every game played because if given enough time, the deck will win 100% of the time. These slow control types of decks seem to be the type that Blizzard is pushing for this expansion with the new inspire mechanic and in the current meta I don't see the new cards getting played. It would be fine if there was a hard counter to the deck in the game like control warrior is for freeze mage that would make it less commonly seen on ladder but no such deck exists. The worst matches for the deck like handlock and control warrior are only around 40%  and honestly I can't think of a card they could possibly put in the game that would counter the deck efficiently. So what do you guys think? Will blizzard nerf any of the cards in the deck or will they just ride it out and hope that introducing new cards will cause the meta to balance itself out? Personally i feel they should make Thaurissan 1 more mana and make his affect a battlecry.

    TL/DR: Patron Hard Counters Control Decks making inspire unplayable.

    You gotta be kidding.
    Control Warrior/Handlock wtfslay Patron Warrior like 65%-70% of the time. Same goes for Freeze or Control Mage.
    Priest doesn't find a hard opponent here either.

    And it doesn't seem like any other control decks are going to appear right now (Control Hunter anyone?). So Patron really struggles against current control decks, and if the meta goes even slower, Patron is going to...well, fall out of favor.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What will you craft first?

    Golden Justicar Trueheart for sure. No ifs and doubts about it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What legendary to craft next?
    Quote from Cataplasma777 »

    you're missing Ragnaros the Firelord. for me, still the best legendary in game

    well, I already have him. Sure enough, I'd mention Rag if I didn't have him. =)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What legendary to craft next?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm sitting on 2,2k dust atm and have doubts about my next legendary choice.
    So far I miss several good neutral legendaries (Bloodmage Thalnos, Cairne Bloodhoof, The Black Knight, Toshley, Sneed's Old Shredder) as well as a bunch of class ones (Archmage Antonidas, Vol'jin, Prophet Velen, Edwin VanCleef, Neptulon, Al'Akir the Windlord).
    Which of these legendaries is a better choice?
    I generally play control decks, though would be happy to try other not-so-usual stuff as well (eg. midrange shaman).
    I'm leaning towards TBK, however, Archmage, Vol'jin and Shredda are also very tempting to have.
    (Or maybe I should go nuts and craft Yolotron 3000, Yolowing or Yolozlowe?)
    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Chromaggus
    Quote from TSMS »
    Quote from R1_Dust »
    Quote from xanzan1 »

    I wonder how he works with Jeeves.

    If you've ever seen Chromaggus in play (i.e. BRM Priest Class Challenge) you would notice that his effect triggers before the card is actually drawn. So if you have Chromaggus and Jeeves when your hand is empty you would get a copy of the first card (2 cards in hand), then copy of the second one - 4 cards in your hand, and Jeeves no longer triggers.

    Actually you should draw up to three cards with Jeeves and each will be copied by Chromaggus. When Jeeves effect triggers, it checks how many cards are in hand and draws accordingly. That's also the reason why Jeeves doesn't draw infinitely when you have no more cards in your deck.

    Yes, you're right about the order. I was fooled by the animation and forgot to check the HS Wiki which says you'll draw 6 cards (2x3).
    However, Jeeves doesn't work like Fel Reaver, and he actually mills the players (if you or your opponent have no cards in the deck and an empty hand, you'll take 6 fatigue damage from Jeeves's triggering effect. In one of Trolden's videos Patchwerk gets milled by Jeeves.)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card - Chromaggus

    Put it in the Echo of Medivh mage deck. DO IT!

    Chromaggus has no synergy with generated/copied cards (Echo of Medivh, Thoughtsteal, Mind Vision etc). His effect only triggers when you draw cards directly from your deck.

    Quote from xanzan1 »

    I wonder how he works with Jeeves.

    If you've ever seen Chromaggus in play (i.e. BRM Priest Class Challenge) you would notice that his effect triggers before the card is actually drawn. So if you have Chromaggus and Jeeves when your hand is empty you would get a copy of the first card (2 cards in hand), then copy of the second one - 4 cards in your hand, and Jeeves no longer triggers.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [Humour] Streamers as cards

    A bit of clarification: Any random-based abilities (e.g. Ysera, Sylvanas Windrunner, all the Shredders and so on) are going to trigger twice with Noxious on board.
    Maybe the wording is not the best, but I hope you got the idea.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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