Speaking from experience, she's usually a way to clear the enemy board and generate some tempo. She's 100% worth the craft, but if you need to replace her, my advice would be a second twisting nether instead.
If you swap Cloak of Shadows for Ice Block, then this combo works for mage too. If they try not popping ice block, you can cycle elekk, pyromancer, potion of illusion to keep dodging fatigue.
I like it, but for the wrong reason. The fact that afk battlegrounds is so effective for progression makes this system significantly better for me, though the new system is much worse for an average grinder who doesn't know to abuse battlegrounds (or who plays battlegrounds and cares about their rating). Having to grind for hours on end for more gold is a huge penalty for arena players (getting 3 wins for 10 gold is no longer an option), and the mini sets are going to make the game even more costly by taking up more resources. I will admit that the amount of gold the average player receives is on par with the old system, but the new system spaces it out in a significantly worse way.
It is, the combo is turn 9 Tour Guide into turn 10 hero power for double battlecries, Y'Shaarj, the Defiler returning up to 4 each of corrupted Circus Medic and Dunk Tank. Medics do 8 damage each and dunk tanks do 4 damage each, so a full combo is 48 damage if you had 8 empty slots in hand after playing y'shaarj and both corrupted and played all your dunk tanks and medics earlier.
I remember someone yesterday on ladder running something similar to this, but he used 2x Mo'arg Artificer into 2x Felscream Blast. It seemed like a neat combo and I feel like this deck could slot it in pretty easily (though whether it's worth adding is still up for debate).
Assuming the set follows the same pattern as the last two, there will be 52 commons and 35 rares. As most of the cards you open are common, we can safely assume rares will be the limiting factor in how many packs it takes to get a full set of commons and rares. Assuming you'll need 2 copies of each rare, 70 packs is the average with 1 rare per pack. You'll have some packs with an extra rare and some with no rare (replaced by an epic or legendary), but 70 packs sounds like a fair estimate.
This number also rounds out nicely with legendary probability, with one legendary guaranteed in the first 10 packs and one more on average per 20 packs afterwards for a total of 4 expected legendaries.
Leeroy, this, and 2x shadowstep is just 4 cards and 10 mana for a 24 damage burst. Throw in a 1 durability waggle pick from a previous turn to bounce tenwu and 3x coin/counterfeit coin and it's an otk.
This is a known issue with odd warrior in general, and the main thing keeping it out of tier 1. The deck is pretty much all-in on crushing aggro, forfeiting the control matchups and resulting in an extremely polarized matchup spread. The main way you beat control/combo is by milling key cards with Coldlight Oracle and Brann Bronzebeard. Silas Darkmoon and Soulbound Ashtongue can be added to give an otk option against control decks (drop Ashtongue, use Silas to give it to the opponent, and use Shield Slam on it with more armor than your opponent has health), but the deck is still grossly unfavored in those matchups.
Generally speaking, odd warrior gets stronger in an aggro meta and weaker in a control meta. Your main win condition is outlasting your opponent's threats and winning the fatigue match. We're in a meta where decks like embiggen druid and discard warlock make odd warrior a strong laddering choice, but the strategy is situational at best in the long term.
I don't know standard very well, but discard warlock in wild is absolutely broken. The core of the deck is about 1600 dust (at least the non-Darkglare versions, which are the ones I've had the most success with), and The Soularium and Kanrethad Ebonlocke are solid upgrade options down the line if you like the deck.
Most of these are generally pretty safe disenchants. The only one here I would keep is Dollmaster Dorian; due to Bloodbloom's impending nerf, there's a decent chance that Dorian will become the only way to make mecha'thun warlock work. Outside of that, while some of these have niche uses (like Arugal in the occasional pocket galaxy mage), they're generally not worth keeping around if competitive laddering is your main objective.
Having said that, this advice only really holds up for the wild format. I'm not very well-versed in the standard meta these days, so I'm going to let someone more qualified give advice on the legendaries that are still legal there.
Speaking from experience, she's usually a way to clear the enemy board and generate some tempo. She's 100% worth the craft, but if you need to replace her, my advice would be a second twisting nether instead.
If you swap Cloak of Shadows for Ice Block, then this combo works for mage too. If they try not popping ice block, you can cycle elekk, pyromancer, potion of illusion to keep dodging fatigue.
Haven't played it yet, but this looks evil :D
I like it, but for the wrong reason. The fact that afk battlegrounds is so effective for progression makes this system significantly better for me, though the new system is much worse for an average grinder who doesn't know to abuse battlegrounds (or who plays battlegrounds and cares about their rating). Having to grind for hours on end for more gold is a huge penalty for arena players (getting 3 wins for 10 gold is no longer an option), and the mini sets are going to make the game even more costly by taking up more resources. I will admit that the amount of gold the average player receives is on par with the old system, but the new system spaces it out in a significantly worse way.
It is, the combo is turn 9 Tour Guide into turn 10 hero power for double battlecries, Y'Shaarj, the Defiler returning up to 4 each of corrupted Circus Medic and Dunk Tank. Medics do 8 damage each and dunk tanks do 4 damage each, so a full combo is 48 damage if you had 8 empty slots in hand after playing y'shaarj and both corrupted and played all your dunk tanks and medics earlier.
I remember someone yesterday on ladder running something similar to this, but he used 2x Mo'arg Artificer into 2x Felscream Blast. It seemed like a neat combo and I feel like this deck could slot it in pretty easily (though whether it's worth adding is still up for debate).
They had to cheat a little bit with the new paladin secret, as they already made puzzle box.
Grand Empress Shek'zara
I guess I'm playing mogu rogue day 1.
Edit: Apparently the page for the card is misspelled. I've got the correct spelling here and refuse to change it.
Assuming the set follows the same pattern as the last two, there will be 52 commons and 35 rares. As most of the cards you open are common, we can safely assume rares will be the limiting factor in how many packs it takes to get a full set of commons and rares. Assuming you'll need 2 copies of each rare, 70 packs is the average with 1 rare per pack. You'll have some packs with an extra rare and some with no rare (replaced by an epic or legendary), but 70 packs sounds like a fair estimate.
This number also rounds out nicely with legendary probability, with one legendary guaranteed in the first 10 packs and one more on average per 20 packs afterwards for a total of 4 expected legendaries.
The best use I see for this right now is tutoring The Fist of Ra-den. The fist can only summon one minion at 1 mana; Reliquary of Souls.
Leeroy, this, and 2x shadowstep is just 4 cards and 10 mana for a 24 damage burst. Throw in a 1 durability waggle pick from a previous turn to bounce tenwu and 3x coin/counterfeit coin and it's an otk.
This is a known issue with odd warrior in general, and the main thing keeping it out of tier 1. The deck is pretty much all-in on crushing aggro, forfeiting the control matchups and resulting in an extremely polarized matchup spread. The main way you beat control/combo is by milling key cards with Coldlight Oracle and Brann Bronzebeard. Silas Darkmoon and Soulbound Ashtongue can be added to give an otk option against control decks (drop Ashtongue, use Silas to give it to the opponent, and use Shield Slam on it with more armor than your opponent has health), but the deck is still grossly unfavored in those matchups.
Generally speaking, odd warrior gets stronger in an aggro meta and weaker in a control meta. Your main win condition is outlasting your opponent's threats and winning the fatigue match. We're in a meta where decks like embiggen druid and discard warlock make odd warrior a strong laddering choice, but the strategy is situational at best in the long term.
I don't know standard very well, but discard warlock in wild is absolutely broken. The core of the deck is about 1600 dust (at least the non-Darkglare versions, which are the ones I've had the most success with), and The Soularium and Kanrethad Ebonlocke are solid upgrade options down the line if you like the deck.
I'm just gonna leave this here; it's a combo druid built around duplicating Arch-Thief Rafaam to generate a lot of 1 mana Timepiece of Horrors.
Most of these are generally pretty safe disenchants. The only one here I would keep is Dollmaster Dorian; due to Bloodbloom's impending nerf, there's a decent chance that Dorian will become the only way to make mecha'thun warlock work. Outside of that, while some of these have niche uses (like Arugal in the occasional pocket galaxy mage), they're generally not worth keeping around if competitive laddering is your main objective.
Having said that, this advice only really holds up for the wild format. I'm not very well-versed in the standard meta these days, so I'm going to let someone more qualified give advice on the legendaries that are still legal there.