New Copy, would mean how they are when they are neutrally placed on the board. So if you got an almost dead unit, your version would have full HP and/or would not be silenced of frozen or otherwise changed by anything that effects stats or the units status.
Like Duskbreaker, but an upgrade, one mana more and you could solid body with the cost to go along with it. Let's not forget the Priest Dragon that discounts your cards in hand. Scary card for Dragon Control Priest.
It looks like a slow/bad Faceless Manipulator at first glance, but you actually have some serious options with Deathrattle minions with Priest, including a lot of ways to duplicate this minion. You could turn your opponents board threat into a mana cheap combo that transforms into a small army of his board threats. The amount of options of Priest on this is pretty high, if you look at what's currently in standard. Still, only theory until we know for sure.
10/24 Taunt with "Evasive" and reborn. Reasonable in this deck.
Electra Stormsurge has a couple ideas about this card.
Yes! also combos with Malygos.
That was my first thought, LOL.
Well my vote is that the other Druid Legendary is a little bit better. What do you guys thinks? Opinions?!?
Wow. Majestic tempo card!! Dragon Highlander is REAL in every class.
Add a Wretched Reclaimer into that package and it gets even scarier.
New Copy, would mean how they are when they are neutrally placed on the board. So if you got an almost dead unit, your version would have full HP and/or would not be silenced of frozen or otherwise changed by anything that effects stats or the units status.
Like Duskbreaker, but an upgrade, one mana more and you could solid body with the cost to go along with it. Let's not forget the Priest Dragon that discounts your cards in hand. Scary card for Dragon Control Priest.
It looks like a slow/bad Faceless Manipulator at first glance, but you actually have some serious options with Deathrattle minions with Priest, including a lot of ways to duplicate this minion. You could turn your opponents board threat into a mana cheap combo that transforms into a small army of his board threats. The amount of options of Priest on this is pretty high, if you look at what's currently in standard. Still, only theory until we know for sure.
Who needs Secrets...when you have DRAGONS!
I could definitely see this card getting nerfed to 5 mana somewhere down the line...
This Goblin is a traitor!! Betraying the mech meta for dragons, unforgivable. :P
Or if it's at the bottom of your deck for that matter.
This card is going to definitely be in some decks!