• 1

    posted a message on Ben Brode Explains the Reasoning for the Naga Sea Witch Rule Change

    While their attention to consistency is commendable (making all instances of rules effects work the same), it's unfortunate that it has spawned another low-interaction, high-RnG, un-fun faceroll deck. That any class shell can co-opt

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Join me in boycotting the next expansion.
    Quote from EverBrawl >>

    IMO the meta is bad and stale precisely b/c of the cost of HS. When most players just save 5-10 k for the upcoming expansion they get enough dust for maybe 1-2 new meta decks . They wait 2 weeks, craft the top meta cancers and play it for half year. How do we expect versatility when most players don't have big collections? OFC they'll play the most powerful decks over and over and over....just b/c the majority can't / don't wanna spend real money or can't / don't wanna play HS for 6+ hours a day. Can we really blame the players on that ?

     This is  a pretty damn salient point. How often do you see "Too early in the set release to craft,. Got to wait a week or two?"
    While somewhat pragmatic, it's mostly depressing because it throttles creativity. 
    And yes. We CAN blame the players. We're all responsible for our own choices. 
    But I get what you're saying. The incentive is too high
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Jesus Arena is disgusting
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from Praktyss >>


    Strongly suspect that people complaining about arena are absolutely boring, tryhard, netdecking scrubs. They're unaccustomed to having to utilize situational and card evaluation, and just want to have the strength of a pre-made deck pilot them to victory.

    Don't forego the entire skillset of attentive deck construction, and then cry when it bites you in the ass in a format where deck construction and impromptu play evaluation with uncommon cards is actually relevant. 

    The only disgusting thing about Arena are the people bitching about it. 

     Arena experts have been complaining about Arena for many weeks now.
    Your strong suspicions are both unfounded and incorrect.
     I'm impressed that you managed to circumvent the crux of my post entirely.
    I understand the thrust of your counterpoint. It doesn't refute my own. Rather it's a parallel contributor. 
    Your short, concise answer is the equivalent of "complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers."
    Less abrasively than my first post:
    Zashiki  (middle paragraph) does an eloquent job of explaining the process of drafting, understanding card valuation, and the handicapping that players who strictly play Ranked with pre-made netdecks face due to an atrophy of having developed the critical thinking necessary to be successful in Arena. 
    Posted in: The Arena
  • 5

    posted a message on Jesus Arena is disgusting


    Strongly suspect that people complaining about arena are absolutely boring, tryhard, netdecking scrubs. They're unaccustomed to having to utilize situational and card evaluation, and just want to have the strength of a pre-made deck pilot them to victory.

    Don't forego the entire skillset of attentive deck construction, and then cry when it bites you in the ass in a format where deck construction and impromptu play evaluation with uncommon cards is actually relevant. 

    The only disgusting thing about Arena are the people bitching about it. 

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 0

    posted a message on Un'Goro Kazakus Control (Legend)


    Nice. Build.
    Definitely need Raza. Like, holy sh!t

    I prefer the Circle of Healing-heal effects build, personally.

    But I think highlander priest is a pretty good under-the-radar deck right now.

    Posted in: Priest
  • 2

    posted a message on How much is the ''Legend'' cardback still worth?
    Quote from JawsLoanCompany >>

    If nothing else the cardback alerts me that I'm not playing a noob and that I need to adapt accordingly.  My worthy opponent probably has a substantial card collection and gaming experience.  But it's not enough to intimidate me.  I'm probably just as impressed by it as I am a golden portrait; which isn't much.  Still, it's a laudable goal in a game that ultimately doesn't have all that many.

    Quote from FuS >>

    Imho the card back is a huge highlight, just as golden portraits.

    I always think:"Okay this guy is good, I need to think every move carefully"


    So yeah, it's fun for me since it gets more intersting.

     Both of these replies are just sort of... sad.
    The legend cards backs aren't impressive. 
    Many people who've attained these card backs did so on the strength of the decks they were piloting. Or rather, the decks piloting them.
    The amount of both unoriginality, and misplays, I see from people with these card backs.... it's just sobering as hell.
    Embarrassing, actually.
    Don't be cowed by it. It's the approximate equivalent of a power lifter with  comical mis-proportions wearing a shirt that's too tight for them over their paunch, trying to look intimidating. 

    I say this as someone who earned the card back very early, and doesn't use it at all.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Early UnGoro Freeze Mage

    Play Tempo

    Posted in: Early UnGoro Freeze Mage
  • 2

    posted a message on Mage is actually not okay.


    I can't honestly tell if OP is trolling, or asking in good faith.

    I had a long write-up, and my browser ate it. So I'll give the TL:DR version. 

    1.) Mage's early game is mediocre. Easily answered. Rarely explosive.
    2.) Mage's midgame is pitiful for minions. If they've lost the board, it's unlikely they're coming back on.
    3.) Mage's spells are reactive. And don't "flip" a board. Just bring it into parity.
    4.) With the exception of Ice Block, Mage's play "fair". You can play around their spells, which is usually their win-con. They don't have the raw power of Rogue's quest. The efficiency of Shaman. The endless strings of Taunts of Warrior. Etc.
    5.) The community is to-the-gills-full with boring, unimaginative, tryhard net-deckers. 
    6.) Mage is pigeonholed into either gimmicks (Secrets, Elementals), or control, by design right now. Aggro only works on the back of Ice Block, mostly. 

    Ice Block is insane. It's also boring, frustrating, and unimaginative. 
    As a poster above me said, other classes simply have better synergy, and their "playable" cards achieve their game plan better than Mage's. 

    I don't think the OP is wrong with his blanket claim. That people are bad with Mage.
    Though the logic of "Mage has gud spells, they are teh best" is kind of silly. And shows either deliberate intellectual dishonesty, or a hilarious misunderstanding of the game. 

    Still TL:DR-- Mage's minions are extremely underwhelming in a format more and more pushed toward minion-centric interaction. And Mage's spells don't leave a lot of room for creativity AND consistency.

    Posted in: Mage
  • 6

    posted a message on wtf is going on
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>

    If I were OP, I would stop playing this game forever.

     Here comes Sherman, knowing nothing about everything.
    Just ignore this guy. He's the loudest voice with the least to say. A walking validation of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

    Being stuck at rank 14 surely has nothing to do with the prevalence of Pirate Warrior, or the increasingly difficult-to-navigate meta. A byproduct of people netdecking the strongest decks more and more often.
    Don't be too hard on yourself, OP. Just take a deep breath, realize most people are boring, tryhard scrubs, and just keep practicing, tuning and trying. You'll get there. 
    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Un'Goro Secret Mage


    I'd recommend cutting the Spellbender for an Alexstraza. This let's you set up for the Alex into Pyro with damage on board. Or even Alex > Cabal Lackey > Ice Block > threaten lethal. 

    I think two Ice Blocks are absolutely mandatory. Both to trigger your Valet's and Arcanists, and to buy time toward the endgame. 

    I'd cut Books, and either run a second Block and a Tome (since you're a little light on card draw, and Time often nets secrets), or two books and a Mirror Entity (too easy to end up with a 1-cost guy this meta) for two Apprentice's and a Block.

    Still, a solid list~!

    Posted in: Un'Goro Secret Mage
  • 0

    posted a message on Why does no one here have any idea about how to design a game?
    Quote from Vernula >>
    Quote from Falbrogna >>
    Quote from Vernula >>
    It is kind of hilarious to see the amount of people who complain about every deck being the same and then whine and bitch about T5 making Purify.
    Make it 1mana or able to target enemy minions and Priests will play it.
    Make it 2mana, self-harmful and requiring already having a minion and the only thing you're promoting are Priests suiciding themselves.
    Card text is irrelevant when mana cost makes it unplayable.
    No, that's not it at all.
    Why would anyone play a deck where you have to have a minion AND a spell in order to be able to attack? Silence Priest was a bust from the start because it's too much of a hassle to go through when you could easily play just straight minions. Wouldn't have mattered if it was 1 mana or could cast on enemy minions.
    You're not a designer. When you can come up with the multitude of reasons why things should or shouldn't be a certain way, THEN you can talk about design.
     You last response is hilariously lacking in self-awareness.

    Again, he isn't wrong. Mana cost is the prolific leveler, oftentimes, of what makes cards playable or not.
    And the additional, mandatory stipulation-effect (needing a friendly target) for Purify relegates it the the garbage bin.

    I've played Silence variants (early Druid, during Undertaker Hunter), and they really aren't as terrible as people seem to think. It could have been viable-- Purify could have been a big push for feasibility. Instead, they made a meme-deck ingredient. 

    If you want to play strange decks with gimmicky themes, that's legitimately awesome. Seriously! 
    Your argument sounds like an appeal to casual playstyle, And that's fine.
    But the stark reality of it is that there is a GREAT MANY players who want to play what WINS. 
    Sub-optimal trash like Purify doesn't win, except with insane draws and an inability to get a read from the opponent.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Don't Panic. We are likely getting Dust Refunds for Classic cards rotated to Wild.
    Quote from Vernula >>
    Quote from Falbrogna >>
    Quote from Vernula >>
     .... You really can't complain about printing cards that promote new decks and then bitch about Purify in the same post :/
     You already said this hogwash in the other thread and it's not gonna sound any better here. The problem with Purify was that it costed way too much for what it did, that's why the card is bad. Imagine if Brann costed 9 mana, it would be an horrible card.
    Mana cost is what often makes something terrible or not, not the card text. Having a cool idea that promotes new decks and then make it unplayable is the same as not doing anything at all.
     Oh? You say that as though we aren't playing a game where the entire point of deckbuilding is trying to find out the most efficient way of doing things.
    Purify costing less or affecting enemies would completely invalidate Silence as a card, because why pay 0 for an effect when you can pay 1 or 2 and dig while casting it?
    Brann Bronzebeard costing 9 is egregious and isn't the same thing at all, apples and oranges. We are talking about a card that, if we were to use your comparison, would be a Brann Bronzebeard costing 5. Still a good card, but could be better at a lower mana cost.
    Which by the way, is an applicable argument to every card in the damn game. Imagine Dr. Boom at 6 mana. soooooooooo much better.
     He's not wrong. Your argument is flawed. 
    You promote new decks by printing powerful cards to supplement the deck.
    Purify does not do this.
    It could have easily been "1 mana, Silence only your own minion". The cost would have made it an additional cantrip effect to allow other shells to be used with it. 
    Instead, it's rubbish.

    Your argument is either built on a foundation of not understanding the game very well, or intellectual disingenuousness.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Mage Legendary Card - Inkmaster Solia



    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from Xaos73 >>
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from Xaos73 >>

    Everyone is missing the most important thing about this card - the art itself!

    Quote from Sherman1986 >>

    I really like this card and the art is great!

    Did you say something Xaos73?
     Dude, chill out.  So I missed one post out of like 200.  You were the first to mention the art - congratulations.
    What are you, 9 years old?
    No, I'm 30. It's just that I really dislike when some people make comments like the one you made without even checking other users posts. Why did you say "everyone" when you didn't even know what other people posted? Like really, it is so silly. Even in the previous page (page 9) you can find comments about the card art:
    Quote from Rhox247 >>

    The artwork on this card is stunning.

    Quote from Urungulu>>
    Quote from Rhox247>>

    The artwork on this card is stunning.

     I agree. Generally Kabal art, Mage especially, check Manic Soulcaster.
    Is it so hard to read at least the previous page before posting?
    But ok, let's pretend nothing happened here, this thread is not for arguing about this.

    It must be really tiring getting insulted about every little thing. Especially when someone is speaking colloquially and has nothing to do with you.
    Especially at age 30.

    The art is incredible. And this card is the final catalyst that will force me to try and make Singleton Mage viable. 

    Even if it turns out to be weak in standard, it's incredible for wild, going forward.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [Barnes] NoYogg, or the new Tempo Mage


    There was a deck by RayC that made Legend last season that is a very similar to this build. The primary differences being that he ran Loot Hoarders for early game, cycle and Barnes %, and Rhonin also for Barnes, and to help with the Warrior match-up.
    The deck is pretty solid. 

    Posted in: [Barnes] NoYogg, or the new Tempo Mage
  • 4

    posted a message on [Legend] Medivh's Valet Aggro Freeze Mage 70% winrate R5 to Legend


    I can say with some certainty that this deck is unfavored against Tempo Mage. I've matched up against it (while piloting Tempo Mage) close to a dozen times, and I've never once dropped a game versus it. It's been close a couple times, but usually it's a total blowout.

    You may want to modify your percentage win rate. 

    Posted in: [Legend] Medivh's Valet Aggro Freeze Mage 70% winrate R5 to Legend
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