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    posted a message on Which Legendary should I craft ?

    So the options I like the most are Lord Jaraxxus, Ragnaros, Lightlord, Cairne Bloodhoof and Alexstrasza. Other than those I don't really see the point of crafting other legendaries...

    These are the legendaries I own, if you got other suggestions let me know, but I think my go to legendaries would be the ones mentioned above:
    -Archmage Antonidas
    -Tirion Fordring
    -White Eyes
    -Elise Starseeker
    -Twin Emperor Veklor
    -Medivh the Guardian
    -Ragnaros the Firelord

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Giants Rogue for Fun

    Here's my version, it's mainly wombo combo with Conceal + Gadgetzan Auctioneer... but I also had in mind making Thistle Tea viable :P just that I ended up replacing with Gang Up because Thistle Tea was too unreliable...

    Sneaky Giants
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    Minion (12) Ability (18)
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    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Custom HS Sets 3 - Shaman's Set - Storm, Earth and Fire.

    Hello everyone, today I'm also sharing my shaman cards with you, hope you enjoy these concepts and I won't mind if you leave some feedback (:. Also here's my last set, it's the Priest's Set and it's all about Shadow priest, anyways here's the shaman cards:

    - Commons -


     - Rares -

                                                                                                                                                             (Meant to be Rare lol)


     - Epic -


     - Legendary -



    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Custom HS Sets 3 - Priest Set! - Let the Shadows Engulf You!

    Hello guys, last time I brought my Druid's Set and now I'm going to share some priest concepts with you! Don't doubt on leaving feedback about my cards, I'm always open to criticism (:

    - Commons -


     - Rares - 


     - Epic -


    - Legendary -




    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on What the Warlock Legendary from MSoG might've been... (Fan Creation)

    What do you think ? ...

    Or something potion-ish related...

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Custom HS Sets Return! - Druid's Set

    Hello everyone, today I'm sharing my custom druid set with you, I'll leave you with the cards, also if you're a card creator yourself leave some feedback if you'd like or some of your concepts as well... (: !


    - Commons -


    - Rares -


     - Epics -



     - Legendary - 



    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Blizzard printed some cards that were similar to some custom cards I made before!

    Thanks mate, it's good to see there's still saltless people in the community. I mentioned them looking through custom cards because usually (at least me as a custom content creator) we try to reach out to as much people as we can, we post our cards on the subreddits and forums like these ones... that's why I think it's possible for someone from blizz' teams to look through community content. Yet people like to shit on anything out of their ordinary, so yeah... hope's still up for the community though.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Blizzard printed some cards that were similar to some custom cards I made before!

    Hello everyone! So today I wanna ask you guys a question, do you think team 5 is finally taking some concepts from community cards? Look below and tell me what you think!

    My custom card alongside the new potion:

    Another one of my custom cards and a card they revealed:

    A custom card I made (given it was a little broken I admit those are different), but the core concept was getting a free spell in both cards:

    And finally I saw a card in Hearthcards similar to Potion of Polymorph a long time ago, it was almost exactly like it except it triggered when an enemy minion attacked.

    Edit: Jesus Christ, I now remembered why I didn't post shit in Hearthpwn, we've got quite the friendly community here don't we... There's a salt thread for all people who'd like to get some heat of their chest. And I'm not saying anything about them ripping ideas, all I'm saying is I thought positively of them looking through community concepts...

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on New Card - Dopplegangster

    Echoing Ooze is a lot cheaper though it only summons 1 copy... but it will still fit the paladin's buff theme. I'd think it is best to buff cheaper cards than a 5 drop but only time will tell...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on The craziest game I've had. Control Shaman Warning!

    My opponent played a Spellslinger

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on The craziest game I've had. Control Shaman Warning!

    Hello everyone, today I wanted to share the game I just had, I was playing this:

    Control Spell Power Shaman
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    Loading Collection

    It's a wanky control deck similar to Frodan's BogChamp, I just really wanted to try out the Evolved Kobold's effect in several classes, so far I've tried mage (boring), rogue (missing health gain) and shaman (spot on!), but I can say it's best in shaman mainly because they've got lots of AoE spells (like too many atm).

    So here's not really how it starts but it began to be great from here on out:

    Fun fact: Journey Below actually discovers any card that has Deathrattle in its text.

    Well here's a bit of the beginning, my opponent was also playing a wanky control renolock + Renounce Darkness deck, he had a copy of each of the great neutral (Sylvanas Windrunner, Cairne Bloodhoof) legendaries and some odd cards like Doomsayer and Jeweled Scarab.

    A few turns later I had broken the Charged Hammer and played a Flamewreathed Faceless and he "cleared" some of my board with Baron Geddon and I was in an odd spot, he then played Reno Jackson and it basically reset the game, I didn't quit because I knew I had most of my minions left and they could be able to deal enough damage to win me the game.

    The game continued with this, somehow he removed a Flamewreathed Faceless and one of my Earth Elementals, so it was just left for Hallazeal the Ascended and an Azure Drake to deal enough damage, my opponent didn't give up though, he kept playing his mage cards and yeah from all 9 classes it had to be mage, we constantly fought for the board he cleared me 3 times with a Blizzard and Flamestrike to then pop the Baron Geddon. After dropping my Hallazeal we passed enough turns for me to leave him at 14hp again. 

    Then I was running low on hp, but after I cleared him I popped back up to 22ish.

    He was really mad at Hallazeal mainly because he could've bursted me with that Pyroblast, I played around Fireball once or twice but I didn't think he had a pyro...

    But that was his last turn, With the help of Spirit Claws, Evolved Kobold, Hallazeal the Ascended and the Hero Power from the Charged Hammer I dealt enough damage to win the game leaving him at 1 hp.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 3

    posted a message on Blizzard's Team 5 likes inconsistency (?)

    Hello everyone, so as the next expansion lurks around the corner of December, we've seen some of the newly revealed cards, but again it seems like developers have a hard time deciding their text consistency, what I'm meaning is this:

    Dragonfire Potion and Demonwrath should be worded the same. They have literally the same effect but for diferent tribes.

    Also Reno Jackson and Kazakus should be worded similarly, reno could be reworded to "not contain any duplicates" to be more appealing...

    More than aesthetic, in some cases the wording can actually produce different effects so they need to pull it together...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Custom HS Sets #2 - Shaman - Underlooked Elements

    Well I mean, technically they're different cuz magma damages itself, but pretty much the same effect on the turn they're played :P

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Custom HS Sets #2 - Shaman - Underlooked Elements

    Hello everyone! Today I want to share some of my shaman concepts with you, I tried to embrace an elementalist / restoration theme and a bit of a Voodoo theme that could fit shamans really well!


    - Crystal Elemental - 

    First off we got a really defensive early game minion, along the lines of Earth Elemental but in the early game, which would open to different Archetypes for shamans, including that janky Ancestral Spirit shaman. Sadly, I think this could also fit midrange shenanigans so... I guess making it so it can't attack ? Like the problem isn't the card like Totem Golem isn't the problem, the real problem is Blizzard printed Tunnel Trogg which is a ridiculous card.

    - Resurgence - 

    So this is obviously Ancestral Healing in an AoE form, I think it would be way more impactful if shamans could heal all of their minions for cheap, given that health isn't as important as attack (classic tempo bs). Yet this aims towards a shaman 'protector' / big dude archetype which could include the minion above, Earth Elemental, Injured Blademaster, Ancestral Spirit, etc. This fits really nicely the barely introduced Shaman restoration specialization from WoW into HS.

    - Water Elementalist - 

    So this is a fine minion, it's basicly a Divine Spirit along a 3 drop, I know seeing these mechanics in shaman might seem weird, but they can fit the restoration theme, so I wouldn't see a problem with cards like these being added to shamans. This obviously aims to make your big dudes even bigger.


    - Earthquake Totem -

    Now this is an interesting concept, this is a really good minion along with some AoE like Lightning Storm, or Elemental Destruction in the mid or late game, but this also works against most pesky zoo minions. This strengthens the shamans Earthbound theme, since Thrall is supposed to be the Earth Aspect's substitutor.

    - Earthen Guardian - 

    Again, for our rare spots we have pushed for the Earthbound theme from shamans, if you're wondering on this cards' balance, it's literally along the lines of Fire Elemental, but I had to make this earlier game related through overload, for it to ever be relevant in HS.

    - Voodoo Master -

    Here's our first minion that pushes towards the Voodoo theme in shamans, this card is really strong given that it could be healed insanely. Healing is currently a very irrelevant effect in HS yet cards like this would make it a lot more powerful.


    - Maelstrom Waves -

    I think this card is closed to balanced, yet not there, it's just that I feel it would be irrelevant on 4 mana and it's effect is too edgy I think, sometimes it'll do insanely good, but other times it won't do anything relevant.

    - Earthen Mastery -


    This is another possibility for a Shaman's alternative Hero Power, it's really slow and most of the times Silence isn't relevant unless you've got damage linked with it. Again, thrall would make a lot of sense here...

    - Magma Elemental -

    Here's another tool for those Ancestral Spirit / Protector decks that I'm trying to push, for balance reasons it deals damage to itself and all other characters, so it's a 4/6 on your opponent's turn with an ongoing effect.


    - Ner'zhul -

    Here's a really powerful minion but as most powerful effects it depends on RNG for balance purposes. It's basicly a threat + a boardclear which is why it costs 8 + 2 mana, and this could be really significant in the lategame, reinforcing the Voodoo theme while also fitting Ner'zhul's transitioning to Warlock :P. 

     That's it I hope you enjoyed the concepts ;)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Custom HS Class - Monk: Concept and Classic Set.

    Jesus Christ, I'll reupload this later today :(

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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