You argue like you have any influence over the excessive amounts of RNG in this game.
And the purpose of this card is to see the reaction to a true-blue mill deck. If players enjoy this card, expect to see more opponent mill cards in the future.
Yes, quest do is a spell, but the real question is other: why in the world will you mulligan your quest? it is hard/slow enough to draw and play 7 deathrattle minions to mulligan your quest and being forced to play minions before the quest is set...
Because if you know you're up against a fast aggro deck, having a slow 1-cost spell in your hand is probably not what you want. So, in some match-ups, it would be correct to mulligan the quest.
This card is no way as bad as Purify might be a good card if such a thing as combo priest exist or even decent in a control priest deck.
I don't think he was comparing the card to Purify. He was saying (sarcastically), that Shadow Visions is a potential method to get a Purify into your hand (in effect, you end up with a three Purify deck). Heck, do it twice, and you can have a four Purify deck. Totally OP.
Ben Brode headed to Electronic Arts, obviously. :)
Hearthstone hires Chakki. Ben Brode leaves. Connection?
You argue like you have any influence over the excessive amounts of RNG in this game.
And the purpose of this card is to see the reaction to a true-blue mill deck. If players enjoy this card, expect to see more opponent mill cards in the future.
If a minion is already frozen, this weapon will kill it.
It would be a good Mage weapon, if Mages had class weapons.
Purify hype.
There's no such thing as a competitive Noxious deck. I hope nobody starts blowing their dust on this thing. They're going to be very disappointed.
It's their only solution as a counter to aggro. Which is sad, because it speaks to a lack of vision and ingenuity over at Team Five.
Blizzard loves to invalidate the themes of previous expansions. It gets you to buy the new expansion. Jade Golems killed off C'Thun.
Unfortunately, Jade Golems will likely remain dominant until they move into Wild.
Yes. There would be that possibility. Not a guarantee, of course, unless you only have three unique spells in your deck.
It's not like there are a shortage of Deathrattle ideas floating around, that they needed to copy one from an existing card in the same class.
Probably not. They like to do a 30-40 card dump the week before the expansion (when they patch in all the cards).