Indeed I see half the lobby dying at turn 8-9 very often and 2 or 3 people dying on turn 6 is also very common. The patch is fun now but I think this will get really annoying really quick. In fact I already quit after a few games yesterday wich I never did before in battlegrounds. I was consistent top 4 btw so that wasn't the issue (also played top 200 most patches) I just prefer to play against more players and games lasting a bit longer than turn 10-11.
Comps like Elemental , Pirates , Boar ect. are harder to scale to a descent power if games are over so quick. Often when you really start scalling the game is already over within 1 or 2 turns. There are also huge power swings where you just die out of the blue within 2 turns even if you hit all the right things. In my opinion there was 0 reason to lower the health total and it doesn't help the game unless they wan't it to be another "We want to play a quick game in the toilet or waiting room" mode like standard and Marvel Snap.
This game isn't meant to be balanced. Couple of weeks ago there was a interview with Ben Brode on Marvel Snap where he said he was always inspired by games like Clash Royale , where you can play a quick game while waiting at the doctor , on the toilet , in the bus because he was to busy to get into deep games because he and his friends have children. The same person that made Hearthstone. It has always been obvious that it is favored towards quick games with overpowered stuff so we can all have a great laugh altough there are also people who like to use there brain and win by choices they make
I myself got back after 2 years just for DK but it's an even bigger cluster fuck than it ever was , even with perfect draws and the best possible card every turn you get easily screwed over and lose. This game is meant to take 5 minutes and have a low skill level. Always has been and always will be.
As for your question Blood DK is fairly balanced and how the game used to be on its release for many classes.
I think the system is great, it's something that actually resembles a serious card game for once.
People make all sorts of assumtions and talk about other classes having this ect. but its just a DK buff in wow XD In other words this = DK in wow and other classes have 0 to do with it.
No one is arguing that other classes should get death knight runes, or confused as to why they don't have them.
If dividing class cards into 3 categories requiring variable levels of investment turns out to be a good move they could introduce the same system for other classes. I never played WoW but even I know that classes have specializations. 3 each I think?
So instead of having Triple Blood Death Knight you could have Triple Retribution Paladin, Affliction/Affliction/Demonology Warlock or whatever.
I'd suggest probably calling them "Specializations" but they'd be runes, just given a different name. Or vice versa.
The terminology already exists in WoW, which is what Hearthstone's based on, so it would be lore friendly. And the mechanical side of how it would work is in place already, and will be live in an hour or so.
Not that the lore thing is important. I played a game earlier where Deathwing got killed by a seagull.
"This would never happen in WoW" has never been a reason for things not to work in Hearthstone.
Anyway, that's what people are discussing.
What do you think? Should they roll that out for other classes?
I don't think they can roll it out for other classes because of the earlier mentiont problem that a class only gets 10 new cards and you want to provide to 3 different playstyles. If they find away around that i'm all for it and just call it talent builds.
The main problem with that though is that Paladin for example is easy DPS - Tank - Holy altough holy kinda overlaps with Tank control. Rogue for example has 3 dps builds so they would never get a real control build unless they work around that wich i'm sure they can with spells ect. I gues rogue in this case controls the opponent in pvp wow aswell.
I for one don't agree that Paladin always has to be the small dude class even though it has nothing to do with its wow counterpart and could easily be a strong control deck for example.
This rune system (and 3 different play styles) really represents the Death Knight from wow and it could easily be implemented for other classes. But again i'm curious too see how they are going to support it in future expansions. People also claim its easier to balance if thats true i'm all for it again. It could work but changes would need to be made how expansions are made.
I think the system is great, it's something that actually resembles a serious card game for once.
People make all sorts of assumtions and talk about other classes having this ect. but its just a DK buff in wow XD In other words this = DK in wow and other classes have 0 to do with it.
There are currently 14 decks ranked higher and none of them are Warrior. Enrage Warrior is bottom of the list at Tier 3 only 2 decks are worse and tier 4.
In Wild 18 decks are better and its nr19 Tier 4.
Warrior used to be one of the best control decks heartstone history has ever seen (not the boring armor up and wait till your opponents have no more cards but real control decks with amazing legendary's to finish your opponent), After they decided it has to be about Enrage only they ruined it if you ask me. Also allot of the control core cards got nerfed cause they where used in every warrior deck.
DKs don't actually have distinct runes anymore in World of WarCraft. But anyway, I dunno why you're telling me that, I don't think they should apply a rune-like system to every class. I think it's cool as a DK exclusive thing. But I'd like to see some sort of exclusivity to cards in other classes, new deck-based mechanics.
Like a legendary like... I dunno, some sort of fire mage, saying "this card may only be included if all of the spells in your deck are fire spells". Rather than it being a janky battlecry like Reno. I think a card like that could be a lot more powerful too.
Because currently there are allot of people who clearly don't know anything about world of warcraft who keep on shouting that they should add a rune system to every class , so I tought you where one of them. People don't know what there talking about.
I'd MUCH rather they come up with new deck restriction types for the other classes instead of just giving them runes (which seem pretty DK-specific the way they've done it).
but no, I think they're keeping the rune system. The card pool is enormous, it's really not that difficult to balance them.
Runes = DK it has nothing to do with other classes , people keep saying this haha. Classes have Talent builds , DK's have Talent Builds and Runes , Runes are DK specific buffs. Ruins are just a tied to DK as the Doomhammer is to Shaman , Tirion Fordring to Paladin and Gul'Dan to Warlock , Ice Block to Mages. Other classes have nothing to do with runes what so ever , this whole game is based on world of warcraft this is what DK's are in that game.
It's funny too see all these opinions about the rune system and all the reactions about other classes getting this , they obviously know nothing about world of warcraft haha
It is not a Wow point my friend. Every class in Wow has 3 talents types. So, every class should have 3 different types of cards, if we want to be aligned with Wow. In this way, it is only bad designed. And we can also argue that others classes are much more diversified than Dk. Dk is only dps and tank. Other classes are dps, tank and heler like pala or druid. So, why Dk has cards according to Wow talents and the others classes no?
I have been playing DK since the beta in 2008 , DK might have a DPS and Tank spec but they have more buttons to click than any class ,
I had to Google this. DKs are actually second to last. The class with least buttons being Demon Hunter.
Post from 2020, might be different in Dragonflight, sh.
I have every class in the game (both alliance and horde) at max level (when the game was still hard and this took over 100 hours) and geared (horde), my DK has around 50 buttons to click and I don't include all sorts weird macro's. It used to be more thats true. Also some classes have simple rotations with only a few buttons , DK has dots , interupts , heals , multiple shield , multiple pets and army , aoe abilities and so on.
It's funny too see all these opinions about the rune system and all the reactions about other classes getting this , they obviously know nothing about world of warcraft haha
It is not a Wow point my friend. Every class in Wow has 3 talents types. So, every class should have 3 different types of cards, if we want to be aligned with Wow. In this way, it is only bad designed. And we can also argue that others classes are much more diversified than Dk. Dk is only dps and tank. Other classes are dps, tank and heler like pala or druid. So, why Dk has cards according to Wow talents and the others classes no?
I have been playing DK since the beta in 2008 , DK might have a DPS and Tank spec but they have more buttons to click than any class , dots , heals , shields , minions , ranged , melee DK is basicly multiple classes combined. Unholy can use nearly the same ability's as Blood besides a few , Talents don't have much to doo with this. That said Hearthstone DK isn't based on talents but Runes , for a long time DK could use any rune they wanted no matter what spec.
I get that they can implement this to every class than again they don't have to if they want too. Hearthstone has been stuck since day 1 in class identity. Paladin for example has to be the dude class summoning tons of small minions , yet we never had had a really well made control paladin , wich could have easily been done with Prot and Holy spells and abilities.(with the exception of exodia DK pala combo deck)
Warrior used to have great control decks , midrange decks , aggro decks , combo decks than they decided to make it the damage your own minions class , same with warlock and druid they have had many archtypes. This could easily been done for every class , but there stuck in class identity.
That said , if its true what people are saying that this rune system makes it easier to balance a class in hearsthone than i'm all for it giving every class specs. In the end I think that every class should have both aggro and control options throughout history atleast or in the very least classes that have by origins Dps/Tank/Healing. Honestly though Hunter is a DPS class but in this card game they could easily get a great control archtype. Mage is DPS in wow aswell and they have had control lists with the DK , Aggro , Midrange , Combo stuff and so on.
For me personally Warrior in the early years , Warlock and Druid are some of the best classes the game has seen cause they have all had a wide variaty of archtypes wich again should be the case for every class if you ask me.
It's funny too see all these opinions about the rune system and all the reactions about other classes getting this , they obviously know nothing about world of warcraft haha
As I understand it, the Mega Bundle contains a full set of normal (not golden) Path of Arthas cards. There are only two ways to get a golden set of Path of Arthas:
Buy the golden set separately after the launch.
Craft each card individually. Obviously, this will be very costly in terms of dust.
As you noted, the diamond Lady Deathwhisper is included with the golden set, but you can also purchase it as a single card.
Your probally right and indeed Lady Deathwhisper can also be gotten as a single card. Ill probally wait than only intrested in the Dk stuff.
The mega bundle only comes with the normal version of the Arthas set. The golden one is separate and needs to be bought on top.
Thats what I think but its never mentiont this clear anywhere. I'm mainly intrested in the golden+diamond DK Path of Arthas stuff cause I mained DK since Wotlk.
Indeed I see half the lobby dying at turn 8-9 very often and 2 or 3 people dying on turn 6 is also very common. The patch is fun now but I think this will get really annoying really quick. In fact I already quit after a few games yesterday wich I never did before in battlegrounds. I was consistent top 4 btw so that wasn't the issue (also played top 200 most patches) I just prefer to play against more players and games lasting a bit longer than turn 10-11.
Comps like Elemental , Pirates , Boar ect. are harder to scale to a descent power if games are over so quick. Often when you really start scalling the game is already over within 1 or 2 turns. There are also huge power swings where you just die out of the blue within 2 turns even if you hit all the right things. In my opinion there was 0 reason to lower the health total and it doesn't help the game unless they wan't it to be another "We want to play a quick game in the toilet or waiting room" mode like standard and Marvel Snap.
There is cause this expansion will be based on the Elite Tauren Chieftan wich are in wow and is a actuall band ;)
Actually there's a bar in Dalaran where the elite tauren chieftan perform that looks like this and the Art style also looks more Wow ;)
This game isn't meant to be balanced. Couple of weeks ago there was a interview with Ben Brode on Marvel Snap where he said he was always inspired by games like Clash Royale , where you can play a quick game while waiting at the doctor , on the toilet , in the bus because he was to busy to get into deep games because he and his friends have children. The same person that made Hearthstone. It has always been obvious that it is favored towards quick games with overpowered stuff so we can all have a great laugh altough there are also people who like to use there brain and win by choices they make
I myself got back after 2 years just for DK but it's an even bigger cluster fuck than it ever was , even with perfect draws and the best possible card every turn you get easily screwed over and lose. This game is meant to take 5 minutes and have a low skill level. Always has been and always will be.
As for your question Blood DK is fairly balanced and how the game used to be on its release for many classes.
I don't think they can roll it out for other classes because of the earlier mentiont problem that a class only gets 10 new cards and you want to provide to 3 different playstyles. If they find away around that i'm all for it and just call it talent builds.
The main problem with that though is that Paladin for example is easy DPS - Tank - Holy altough holy kinda overlaps with Tank control. Rogue for example has 3 dps builds so they would never get a real control build unless they work around that wich i'm sure they can with spells ect. I gues rogue in this case controls the opponent in pvp wow aswell.
I for one don't agree that Paladin always has to be the small dude class even though it has nothing to do with its wow counterpart and could easily be a strong control deck for example.
This rune system (and 3 different play styles) really represents the Death Knight from wow and it could easily be implemented for other classes. But again i'm curious too see how they are going to support it in future expansions. People also claim its easier to balance if thats true i'm all for it again. It could work but changes would need to be made how expansions are made.
People make all sorts of assumtions and talk about other classes having this ect. but its just a DK buff in wow XD In other words this = DK in wow and other classes have 0 to do with it.
There are currently 14 decks ranked higher and none of them are Warrior. Enrage Warrior is bottom of the list at Tier 3 only 2 decks are worse and tier 4.
In Wild 18 decks are better and its nr19 Tier 4.
Warrior used to be one of the best control decks heartstone history has ever seen (not the boring armor up and wait till your opponents have no more cards but real control decks with amazing legendary's to finish your opponent), After they decided it has to be about Enrage only they ruined it if you ask me. Also allot of the control core cards got nerfed cause they where used in every warrior deck.
Because currently there are allot of people who clearly don't know anything about world of warcraft who keep on shouting that they should add a rune system to every class , so I tought you where one of them. People don't know what there talking about.
Runes = DK it has nothing to do with other classes , people keep saying this haha. Classes have Talent builds , DK's have Talent Builds and Runes , Runes are DK specific buffs. Ruins are just a tied to DK as the Doomhammer is to Shaman , Tirion Fordring to Paladin and Gul'Dan to Warlock , Ice Block to Mages. Other classes have nothing to do with runes what so ever , this whole game is based on world of warcraft this is what DK's are in that game.
I have every class in the game (both alliance and horde) at max level (when the game was still hard and this took over 100 hours) and geared (horde), my DK has around 50 buttons to click and I don't include all sorts weird macro's. It used to be more thats true. Also some classes have simple rotations with only a few buttons , DK has dots , interupts , heals , multiple shield , multiple pets and army , aoe abilities and so on.
Also same year:
What classes have the most button heavy rotations these days? :
Afflic lock
Shadow Priest
Unholy DK
I mean I could keep going on and on but I think I made my point ;)
I have been playing DK since the beta in 2008 , DK might have a DPS and Tank spec but they have more buttons to click than any class , dots , heals , shields , minions , ranged , melee DK is basicly multiple classes combined. Unholy can use nearly the same ability's as Blood besides a few , Talents don't have much to doo with this. That said Hearthstone DK isn't based on talents but Runes , for a long time DK could use any rune they wanted no matter what spec.
I get that they can implement this to every class than again they don't have to if they want too. Hearthstone has been stuck since day 1 in class identity. Paladin for example has to be the dude class summoning tons of small minions , yet we never had had a really well made control paladin , wich could have easily been done with Prot and Holy spells and abilities.(with the exception of exodia DK pala combo deck)
Warrior used to have great control decks , midrange decks , aggro decks , combo decks than they decided to make it the damage your own minions class , same with warlock and druid they have had many archtypes. This could easily been done for every class , but there stuck in class identity.
That said , if its true what people are saying that this rune system makes it easier to balance a class in hearsthone than i'm all for it giving every class specs. In the end I think that every class should have both aggro and control options throughout history atleast or in the very least classes that have by origins Dps/Tank/Healing. Honestly though Hunter is a DPS class but in this card game they could easily get a great control archtype. Mage is DPS in wow aswell and they have had control lists with the DK , Aggro , Midrange , Combo stuff and so on.
For me personally Warrior in the early years , Warlock and Druid are some of the best classes the game has seen cause they have all had a wide variaty of archtypes wich again should be the case for every class if you ask me.
It's funny too see all these opinions about the rune system and all the reactions about other classes getting this , they obviously know nothing about world of warcraft haha
Your probally right and indeed Lady Deathwhisper can also be gotten as a single card. Ill probally wait than only intrested in the Dk stuff.
Thats what I think but its never mentiont this clear anywhere. I'm mainly intrested in the golden+diamond DK Path of Arthas stuff cause I mained DK since Wotlk.