Great great guide, there's only one thing I see that may be wrong. You said that Cost is inconsistently capitalised but it's actually consistent. If Cost is a noun it is capital, but if used as a verb (costs) it is lowercase unless at the start of a sentence.
We thought the only cute thing in this expansion would be a Dino but then Flame Elemental comes along and proves us wrong. Also Am'gam Rager isn't an Elemental, my dreams are ruined.
I feel like this would've been better as the Paladin Legendary with Wickerflame's effect and Wickerflame with her effect. A guy with a cannon for a chest exploding and damaging stuff on death? Nah, Divine Shield and Taunt. Heck Paladins representing the Police would've been a cool idea.
Great great guide, there's only one thing I see that may be wrong. You said that Cost is inconsistently capitalised but it's actually consistent. If Cost is a noun it is capital, but if used as a verb (costs) it is lowercase unless at the start of a sentence.
If you played something that Overloaded 6, would it go immediately to Greater Sapphire Spellstone or just upgrade to normal?
"Battlecry: Add a random Magma Rager to your hand." It's called Tortollan Forager for a reason.
It could be in the flavour text like how Priest of the Feast's flavour text relates to Ostkaka.
But Am'gam Rager is made of rock, a.k.a. cooled down magma.
We thought the only cute thing in this expansion would be a Dino but then Flame Elemental comes along and proves us wrong. Also Am'gam Rager isn't an Elemental, my dreams are ruined.
I feel like this would've been better as the Paladin Legendary with Wickerflame's effect and Wickerflame with her effect. A guy with a cannon for a chest exploding and damaging stuff on death? Nah, Divine Shield and Taunt. Heck Paladins representing the Police would've been a cool idea.
They are both a type of elemental in World of Warcraft called a "Bound Elemental". That's why they look similar.
It would be better if it was a 3 mana, give all your totems +2/+2 instead
It says "friendly mech" does that mean that it can target itself?
The opinions of this card are completly split between best card in the game to worst card in the game