Do we get a special card back?
- Perperub
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Hieii posted a message on Hearthstone Art Book Now Available for Pre-Order!Posted in: News -
InfiniteJexulus posted a message on The Great Stone of Challenge is This Week's Brawl!Posted in: NewsMade Dragon Hunter for the hell of it. Won first game, got King Krush from my pack. Today was a good day.
Seagull0 posted a message on Gwent is Absolutely AmazingPosted in: Other GamesI got invited to the beta and I'm playing it on my Xbox, and I just wanted to share my thoughts on the game so to create some hype and also promote a discussion about it. I'm not going to compare Gwent to hearthstone, but I'll just say that for me, Gwent is way more fun than hearthstone. The most noticeable thing you might notice when after a game of Gwent is that there's zero salt, not because of the good heart of the players, but because it's purely based off skill, and EVERY game feels like each player had an equal shot at winning, so in every game, the better player will win - that aspect alone causes much respect amongst the two players.
Another aspect is that the Gwent matches are designed in a way which make the matches themselves super exciting. If you don't know, every match has three rounds, and the person who wins two is the winner. That's why it's so exciting to play the game, because it really feels like every single play counts and it's very noticeable when you've made a mistake or if your opponent has.
Thirdly, games aren't that long, which doesn't make you feel bad if you lose, and even if you do lose, as I said, it's very knowable that the winner deserved it and it didn't come to an RNG win, which removes all salt from the game because the loser knows he didn't deserve to win, and there's always a sense of respect.
I just can't wait for the game to have a ranked system and see really how good I am.
So based on my post and/or your reaction to the game if you played it, what do you think about it and are you looking forward to it, if you haven't played it yet?
To all the HS lovers complainers. Here is a revelation which you're probably too hot-headed to notice - this thread never said ANYTHING bad about hearthstone. Unless you refer to the sentence which says that I personally prefer Gwent over hearthstone, then yes, I completely dissed hearthstone and this is essentially 100% a salt thread (sarcasm). You're just too used to see complain threads that any thread that talks highly of a different game is perceived by you and a HS salt thread. Learn to see, then learn to read, then write something that has something to do with reality. Thank you for reading.
One_Man_Army posted a message on Hearthstone Art Book Now Available for Pre-Order!Posted in: NewsIf you restore EU pack prices back to normal then I MIGHT buy your book Bli$$ard.
user-2618941 posted a message on Hearthstone Art Book Now Available for Pre-Order!Posted in: NewsOr, you know ... just look at your cards :/
Most of HS art is average at best, you will find better by just randomly browsing deviant art, sad but true
Lisca posted a message on Aggro Shaman is the most popular deck nowPosted in: General DiscussionI play evolve shaman, pirate warrior and Jade Rogue, both non pirate decks are more fun to play. The shaman has a good winrate vs all, but it's between a midrange and control deck. So I need 10 to 20 min for a match. In this time I can do 3-6 games with my pirate warrior.
The winrat in Hearthstone is even with the best decks between 55-66%. So its simple I've you don't wanna play 24/7 to reach rank 5 you need to play fast games. Yes fast games not fast wins, fast loses too. Pirate warrior mostly kill his opponents between turn 4-7 most times you go over it you can just concede. It has only one rly bad match up and this is aggro shaman, and even against them you win 40% +/-. Reno Mage and Priest are only a problem if they have Reno. And most Reno Warlocks play so greedy decks that you can kill them after the played their Reno, yeah they are actualy suprised if you don't concede and smash them for another 30.
I play 29 days in a month my fun midrange/control decks from rank 18 to 10, creating new own decks is what attracts me in this game. And i play 2 days hyperagro and get to rank 5.
Blizzard plz give long games a rankimg bonus...
ThisWasTheOnlyUsernameAvailable posted a message on The Significance of the 2017 RotationPosted in: General DiscussionBlizzard introduced the Standard and Wild formats when they released Whispers of the Old Gods. This was the biggest change in the history of Hearthstone and while unpopular at the time (and still not loved by some circles), the decision was one of the best things to ever happen to the game. Opinions on the introduction of formats have been discussed and debated ad infinitum elsewhere so it’s not the topic here.
The first release of 2017 will coincide with the next Standard rotation. While the introduction of formats was huge for the game I think this upcoming rotation will be the most significant change in the Hearthstone’s history by far. I’ll do my best to explain why.
When the formats were introduced we got one new expansion to play with and GvG and Naxx rotated out of Standard. Other than that, everything was pretty much the same, balance changes aside. We still had BRM, TGT and LoE. These sets all still play a significant role in the game today (TGT to a lesser extent) and have done so since they came out. Sure we’ve seen some new archetypes with each new release but there have been a few evergreens that have kinda always just been around in some form or other.This next rotation will see BRM, TGT and LoE all leave the Standard format. While everyone is aware that we will be losing some massive cards like Reno or Emperor T, I do think the significance of just how much we’re losing and just how that will affect the meta overall is often overlooked and perhaps greatly underestimated.
Below is a list, broken down by Class, listing all of the cards from each expansion that will leave Standard next year. I have tried to include all cards that currently see play from the staples to some of the lesser played tech choices. You will see that every Class is going to lose important cards while some archetypes are losing what is essentially their core/spine. To be honest, seeing some of the cards surprised me because, having seen them since I started playing 18 months ago, I just assumed they were part of the Classic set!
BRM: Druid of the Flame
TGT: Aviana, Astral Communion, Savage Combatant, Mulch, Darnassus Aspirant, Druid of the Saber, Living Roots
LoE: Jungle Moonkin, Mounted Raptor, Raven Idol
There are some huge ones here. Living Roots and Ravel Idol have both found their way into almost every single viable Druid archetype. The loss of Aviana means we’ll be losing what is my personal favourite combo in the entire game – Aviana, Kun, Alex, Maly/C’Thun etc.
Even Beast Druid takes a knock with Savage Combatant, Druid of the Saber/Flame and Mounted Raptor. But Mulch will most likely be the biggest miss of all. Druid’s only single target removal to deal with absolutely anything will become nothing more than, um, mulch?
BRM: Quick Shot
TGT: Ram Wrangler, King's Elekk
LoE: Desert Camel
Perhaps the class that will be the least affected by the rotation (even though it’s in the dumpster right now). Hunter will still be taking a hit. The importance of Quick Shot cannot be underestimated. Hunter has always been starved for card draw and losing burst damage/removal plus a viable option for card draw is going to hurt. No more Camel Hunter even!Mage
BRM: Flamewaker
TGT: Rhonin, Spellslinger, Arcane Blast
LoE: Ethereal Conjurer, Forgotten Torch
Tempo Mage will be resigned to the scap heap / Wild for good. Losing Flamewaker and Arcane Blast is just too big a blow to ever recover from. Forgotten Torch is a loss too but perhaps more relevant for Freeze Mage.
BRM: Solemn Vigil, Dragon Consort
TGT: Eadric the Pure, Enter the Coliseum, Mysterious Challenger, Murloc Knight, Competitive Spirit
LoE: Anyfin Can Happen, Keeper of Uldaman
Wave your fins goodbye to Anyfin, an entire archetype will be no more. The Dragon Pally that very nearly was but wound up being mostly nothing suffers a knockback with the loss of the disappointing Dragon Consort. Secret Pally, already near extinction, will be gone for good. “Who am I?” Nobody even remembers. Keeper of Uldaman is another massive loss that affects nearly every single Paladin deck out there.
BRM: Twilight Whelp
TGT: Confessor Paletress, Wyrmrest Agent, Flash Heal
LoE: Entomb, Excavated Evil, Museum Curator
As we’ll see in the Neutral cards as well, Dragon Priest is going to be several shades weaker come the rotation. Losing Twilight Whelp is huge – the importance of a strong early game cannot be disputed. Flash Heal – a once staple card during Priest’s dark time will also be leaving.
Entomb and Excavated Evil are losses too but Priest has new toys that replace them. But for a while, during Anduin’s depression, they were some of the few friends he could rely on.
BRM: Dark Iron Skulker, Gang Up
TGT: Anub’arak, Beneath the Grounds, Burgle, Buccaneer
LoE: Tomb Pillager, Unearthed Raptor
R.I.P Mill Rogue. I’m genuinely sad about that. Miracle Rogue also loses its best buddy in Tomb Pillager, an MVP since its release. I hope they get a suitable replacement because the deck is really doing well at legend ranks since MSG (or so I’ve heard!).
BRM: Lava Shock
TGT: Thunder Bluff Valiant, Draenei Totemcarver, Elemental Destruction, Healing Wave, Tuskarr Totemic, Ancestral Knowledge, Totem Golem
LoE: Tunnel Trogg
Everyone’s favourite pre-MSG Mid Range Meta King is having its spine ripped out. Tunnel Troggs, Totem Golems, Thunder Bluff – all gone. Good news or not, that’s huge. Cards like Elemental Destruction and Healing Wave leaving standard mean that Control Shaman will become an even rarer site.
BRM: Demonwrath, Imp Gang Boss
TGT: Fist of Jaraxxus, Dreadsteed
LoE: Dark Peddler
Another class that isn’t losing much in comparison to others but Zoo is getting kicked in the nuts. So is Renolock but we’ll get to the neutral stuff later. Imp Gang Boss and Peddler are going to be missed in both archetypes. Losing Demonwrath will hurt Renolock too.
BRM: Revenge
TGT: Varian Wrynn, Bash, Bolster, Alexstrasza’s Champion
LoE: Fierce Monkey
No longer being able to rely on Revenge and Bash bashes (see what I did there?) a few more nails into the Control-Warrior-as-we-know-it’s coffin. Monkey and Alex’s Champion basically means it’s adios to Dragon Warrior’s insane starts too.
BRM: Nefarian, Chromaggus, Drakonid Crusher, Emperor Thaurissan, Blackwing Corruptor, Grim Patron, Blackwing Technician, Dragon Egg
TGT: Chillmaw, Justicar Trueheart, Kodo Rider, The Skeleton Knight, Nexus-Champion Saraad, Gormok the Impaler, Refreshment Vendor, Twilight Guardian, Argent Horserider, Flame Juggler, Lance Carrier, Injured Kvaldir
LoE: Reno Jackson, Arch-Thief Rafaam, Djinni of Zephyrs, Eerie Statue, Elise Starseeker, Brann Bronzebeard, Huge Toad, Jeweled Scarab, Sir Finley Mrrgglton
“We’re gonna be rich!” Probably one of the most important cards ever released. His magnificent ‘tash gave us an entire new archetype something no other card (or ‘tash) has been able to do on its own with the exception of a select few (Undertaker, Grim Patron, Challenger etc). He will be missed and there is a strong argument to have him added to the Classic set for good (the fact that I crafted a gold Reno does not form part of it!).
Control Warrior’s coffin is slammed shut and tossed 6 feet under with the loss of Justicar and Elise. No more playing for fatigue. No more remove, tank up pass turn as the win condition. No more “Everyone get in here!” either.
Dragon decks in general are going to feel this too. Corruptor is a staple in every dragon deck, Technician less so but still helps Dragon Priest curve out in the early game. Fun fact: some Dragon Priests are cutting Dragonfire Potion for more early game tools, and Technician is one of them! Twilight Guardian is another member of the beloved Dragon family that we’ll remember fondly in the years to come. Chillmaw was really scary and impressive but nobody really liked her anyway!
Reno aside, losing “Funnel Cakes” is also a setback for Renolock (Kazakus-lock just doesn’t sound the same!) in a game where neutral heals are rare and sold at a premium.
Not even Egg / Token Druid is safe. Dropping one of the only two Eggs available kinda sucks!
For me, none of these cards even come close to Emperor Thaurissan. Imo, the most powerful card in game – what this enables is just flat out ridiculous! He is the glue holding nearly every single combo together. This could turn out to be the card that Renolock winds up missing even more than Reno himself. Nobody knows what new cards we’ll get but I doubt anything can ever replace him.
Hopefully I’ve been able share my views on why I feel this will be the biggest change Heathstone has ever seen and very likely, will ever see. The game as we know it is going to be completely transformed – every single archetype is going to undergo changes, most of them drastic and many will become almost unrecognisable from the decks we know today (Except for the ageless Freeze Mage)! Personally I can’t wait to see what lies ahead. Thanks for reading. Interested in hearing your thoughts.
irthewinner posted a message on Important: Higher Chance of Opening Faction Cards Bug [Resolved]Posted in: NewsBlizzard, if I was you: I would reward all players: (3-10) free packs instead of the cheap "sorry" message.
Don't disappoint us!
Khristophesaurus posted a message on TOP 150 LEGEND [EU] Beast DruidPosted in: TOP 150 LEGEND [EU] Beast DruidBeast BrokeBack SeemsGood!... Had some fun SMOrc moments too 4Head !
SODA_Was_Here posted a message on [Legend Top 10] Secret Midrange HunterPosted in: [Legend Top 10] Secret Midrange Hunterlol totally left out pally. ill update it in a bit. : p
guess it didnt matter too much for me since i didnt see too many. was vs mostly druid, warrior, mage and shaman. - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
Can't get to the voting page :(
504 Gateway Time-out
Turn 2 double Molten Giant and turn 3 Hyena. A bit of a mulligan grind but it worked out just fine! Thanks for the deck. Did play with +2 Molten Giants and +2 Fiery Bats, -2 Freezing and -2 Arcane Shot as suggested.
How is this deck post nerf?
Paladin mulligan please? Both for Anyfin and aggro. Thanks!
55 dust - a nice change from the usual 40 dust packs I get :D
Thanks for the deck! Just what I've been looking for! <3