Warlock just milled me for 120+ damage on turn 8, 100% from hand had 1 mana left over….. This game is a god damn joke. Multi dollar company. Team 0/5
- Palindas
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Last active Wed, Jan, 18 2023 16:54:11 -
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DjGrapejuice900 posted a message on 120+ hand damage turn 8Posted in: General Discussion -
Souless_Anghel posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionI used to think Disruption was an unhealthy or rather a FeelsBadMan thing added to the game, but now I see it as an absolute necessity.
Playing against Shockspitter Hunter is just so annoying. All he did was hit me in the face with his weapon each turn. I managed to use Brann Bronzebeard and Patchwerk [/card]to hit two copies of [card]Shockspitter. Did it matter? No, not even in the slightest.
He played his Brann and his two generated copies of Shockspitter to deal over 30 health. See, I used to think Theotar and Patchwerk were bad for the game but no, it's literally solitaire decks or burn decks. At least it ended quickly but it's not fun to have hope that you'll live only to get destroyed by some Yugioh shit.
To those that complain about Patchwerk, I'm sorry about it but if you can generate copies of your win conditions, I need to have some way of dealing with it. It may not be fun for you but it's not fun for me to get killed by Sire Denathrius or Shockspitter.
Leave_It posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General Discussionfuck you blizzard!
i have no idea what simple minded idiots do the card design. after successfully introducing the retarded death knight and figure out new silly ideas to squeeze out more money , you finally nerved it to a silly op bullshit everyone now plays . it's such bullshit. i am done with this game
DarkJak posted a message on Forced overdrawPosted in: Forced overdrawDoesn't work if opponent bans Naturalize
user-14560584 posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionI've came back to Standard a few days ago and reminded myself why I quit this garbage game.
You can play without any mistakes on your side and still lose to some garbage player because of rng, unbalanced cards or poor draws. This is even worse if you realize you just wasted 20-25 minutes of your life you're never getting back and all you get is frustration. Seriously, I understand streamers playing this game because they do it for a living. but you guys? You're wasting your time, electricity and eyes on this crappy, bugged and stupid digital sh*tty game and all you can achieve is frustration. Devs of this game are so bad and incompetent that it must be some kind of sin to support their "work". They dont even fix cards from the newest expansion because all they care is how many idiots fall for the "omg this deck is op im gunna buy packs so i can play it" trick.
I deleted this garbaggio. I'd rather spend my time reading a book, going out, learning something new, playing a single player game or even Marvel Snap - because even if lose there, the games last 3-4 minutes and that's what i can accept. S*it, even staring for 30 minutes at wall is better than playing this trash.
bowlspoon posted a message on 24.6.2 Patch Notes - Battlegrounds & Arena Changes, Bug FixesPosted in: Newsthe fact it takes them this long to reactivate arena shows how little attention is given to the game mode. wtf is this, should be a pretty easy fix?
user-14560584 posted a message on Returning Player Gifts - Up to 150 Packs!Posted in: Newswhich is unfair af? I came back to HS 4 motnhs ago and now only playing BGs. I've had a one year long hiatus after i purchased a big bundle and a premium reward track. For now, the only meta deck i can craft is aggro druid. XD Buck Flizzard.
CondorDZ posted a message on 150 free card packs welcome back gift?Posted in: General Discussionwhen i saw this news i log into my account and i got big dick from bli$$ard
Shipmen posted a message on Returning Player Gifts - Up to 150 Packs!Posted in: NewsHere some free shit, now please come back and pay us for new shit because we are losing players due to our decision to monetize everything in hell. It is F2P you know, so we can ask 3.700 € in signature cards, runestones, battle pass, 4 expansions to purchase and 4 middle expansions, uncountable cosmetics. All overpriced shit to pay for. It is F2P so we like supermarkets.
Anyway, is it fair to give free to people what people paid, how much? Roughly 150 € (if they purchased it) 4 months ago? I have not purchased anything, but if I would, I would be pissed off. This is the problem when you sell overpriced shit and people leave it. So, if this is a present, Blizzard should also refund who spent, otherwise is Blizzard punishing who is playing and spending in the game? This is a nonsense. Otherwise, we have more gain in packs in not playing the game. LOL.
nikiboyfriend posted a message on Returning Player Gifts - Up to 150 Packs!Posted in: Newssame, i came back right before 24.6 after 2 years of not playing. 0 packs still. Thanks Blizzard, really fair, leaving everything to RNG. Jus like the fate of the company
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Bulls*it. I didn't get even a single pack on my account I haven't been logged in for over 5 years.
Its a Battlegrounds section.
More broken cards! Yaay 😁
Doesn't matter. It wasn't even worth a penny.
If you want to know my opinion, keep away from this hot garbage. Hearthstone had it's prime in 2015. Now it's just an unbalanced and frustrating cash grab. The most talented developers left this game a long time ago. This game should die already but unfortunately many people are still paying and keep this abomination alive.
Yes, we know you have no idea how to balance Battlegrounds. Just remove these Quests from the game, admit you screwed this up and refund to people their money. I already deleted this clown fiesta and not planning to come back. Just give me my money back.
Idiots working at Blizzard can't balance their game but they milk so much money.
Last week I bought the Battleground pass and this was the worst money spent ever! And I bought some really useless s*it in my life! Holy sh*t! That's an achievement Blizzard, you can be proud of yourself!
Lost 700 mmr in 2 days and decided to delete this garbage of a game for good. Honestly, people responsible for making quests and balancing them... I wouldn't hire them even to clean toilets in McDonalds.
I was never the meta-grinder guy. Instead if copying the best possible decks, I played only those that gave me fun and I am not regrettng it. I will never be a HS professional tournament player and never really wanted to become one. I treat games as my time to relax and clear my mind. If some decks are just too unbalanced then I go away. That's why I left Hearthstone awhile ago and returned only for Battlegrounds.