I've noticed with Tickatus that it removes 6 cards from the opponent's deck and not 5. Is it me not being able to count or is there something else I'm missing?
Does anyone know how many xp you get for a win? It’s just that Hearthstone Top Decks said “rewards are no longer attached to winning, which means that even if you play a deck with very low win rate, you will still be able to progress”.
Today’s DH nerfs aren’t appearing in my collection (on an iPad), and all DH cards are still the original value. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there anything I need to do? Or is it just the case that iOS updates are taking a little longer to come through (as usual)?
Loving this deck…. But sooo many Jade Druids. I’ve subbed Loatheb for Skulking Geist and seems to make a difference. What is your opinion?
I've noticed with Tickatus that it removes 6 cards from the opponent's deck and not 5. Is it me not being able to count or is there something else I'm missing?
Thanks! 😊
Does anyone know how many xp you get for a win? It’s just that Hearthstone Top Decks said “rewards are no longer attached to winning, which means that even if you play a deck with very low win rate, you will still be able to progress”.
Have you updated?
Ahhh! Sorry...... I’m an idiot! Thanks for telling me!11
Hi all.
Today’s DH nerfs aren’t appearing in my collection (on an iPad), and all DH cards are still the original value. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there anything I need to do? Or is it just the case that iOS updates are taking a little longer to come through (as usual)?
thanks for your help!