Thanks. Now we stuck with this EXTREM boring shit cause blizzard dont even test their own games before releasing shit
- One_Man_Army
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Trasheye posted a message on Kazakusan Dragon PriestPosted in: Kazakusan Dragon Priest -
Itoldyou posted a message on I never saw an expansion so weakPosted in: General DiscussionYes, game has become shit for a long time. Worse is that they are really charging for stuff !
jainaishot posted a message on I never saw an expansion so weakPosted in: General DiscussionTo be honest i am more surprised that the game has the current relevance that it has. I mean the game won't never really die as blizz fanbois are so rappid that will rarely let anything by blizz to actually die, but the game has still decent playerbase. A small fraction of what it had in 2017-2019 for sure but still relevant. And while there are superior games like runetera and mtga out there. It's impressive.
Maybe gamers are gluttons for punishment after all XD
Legend_Entomber posted a message on I never saw an expansion so weakPosted in: General DiscussionUsually the last expansion of the year should make the most impact with the most powercreep (LoE, MSG, K&C, DOD, and MDF).... but this year of the Gryphon broke the tradition as they "accidentally" gave too much power/impact to UiS that it overshadowed FAV.....
Shipmen posted a message on I never saw an expansion so weakPosted in: General DiscussionI am not saying that this is a bad expansion. It is not a good one and it is not a bad one. It is an average expansion, which created a medium-low interest in me.
Anyway, probably the long time that passed in Hearthstone, the incredible disappointment of mercenaries; they made this expansion an expansion that doesn't exist for me.
We had for sure far worst and not useful expansions than this, but, this is the first time that I am not interested at all in playing this game even after the cards are released.
I crafted one legendary card and that's it. I have all I wanted. No pre-order, nothing. All euros were saved for Christmas presents ( at least this is a good point).
It seems for me always the same, nothing new so on and so forth. And.... Mercenaries. I cannot forgive Blizz because they sold 130€ pre-order, promised to do things and they do nothing. Blizz made me really crazy with this.
Probably time in this game is ended for me. I am not able to appreciate it anymore.
Docsta80 posted a message on Mercenaries – What’s Next - 5 Free Packs!Posted in: NewsMercenaries is a complete trash mode. We want tournament mode not this crap.
Bumbac posted a message on Mercenaries – What’s Next - 5 Free Packs!Posted in: Newswe want to make sure we add systems and upgrades that the community is excited about
Read: "we copied what other cash grab mobile games do"
Thanatos2k posted a message on Goliath, Sneed's MasterpiecePosted in: Goliath, Sneed's MasterpieceIt's in the same set as the quests, so yeah - completely useless.
Jerkplayz posted a message on Goliath, Sneed's MasterpiecePosted in: Goliath, Sneed's MasterpieceClick on enemy Hero portrait 5 times.
(reads card text again)
Spoke too soon.
TheMightyYogg posted a message on Goliath, Sneed's MasterpiecePosted in: Goliath, Sneed's MasterpieceOne of the worst legendaries we have seen in a while. Even if this card was released a few years ago, I highly doubt it would be playable. This card looks like it belongs to GvG, not to mention most of the decks in both formats don’t care about the board nowadays. 1/10
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Umm, why? Is there any reason for this? It really makes no sense.
You’re exactly what OP was pointing out. Toxic forum member.
Buffs in WILD? Are you high??
Yes, THE should be in the sentence.
Removing Twinspell from it should do the trick imo.
You get heroic cardback just for beating all 5 wings on heroic difficulty not beating 5 wings on heroic difficulty with all 9 classes.
Couldn’t agree more.
Crystology and Pogo-hopper will be cancer.
Nerfs to health of EVIL Miscreant and mana cost of Archivist Elysiana are dumb. That is not the problem, you play them because of their effects.
Can I just disenchant this crap? I’d take even 400 dust instead of 1600, I just want him out of my collection.