• 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.06 - Final Poll

    Congratulations to Destroyer, really like your card. Nice to see my card got the second place.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.06 - Final Poll

    Really happy I made it this far, only my fourth submission ever. The card I made is a card I would really like to see in play and almost don’t exist as 0 cost spells.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 57

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.06 - Submission Topic

    Edit: added rarity gem.

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.06 - Discussion Topic

    Hi, I’m sure you probably missed it but - Your Arcane overflow is almost 1:1 like the card I displayed here on the previous page: unexpected draw.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Submission Topic]

    The Angel

    The Angel class gain it's power as time goes by. They consume their disciples for the greater cause. The class is good at long term tactics such as effects that start on your next turn or combination of spells to create strong effect. The Life Essence effect can boost the Hero Health above 30 while playing a rule with addition cards which will be introduced in the future which gain their power based on the number of Life Essence you played. Angels are pure and as such can target tribe cards in addition they can interrupt the opponent moves and protect against decks which are focused on early game wins (aggressive).

    Keyword: consumed

    Effects like your Hero Power cause your minions to get consumed. consumed works like a Deathrattle with the exception that to trigger it the minion must be destroyed by your am effect which destroy friendly characters.

    On Phase I I showed a variation of this Keyword on some cards.

    Example Cards

    Holy Defenders Tokens:

    Remaining Cards

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]

    Some new card & concept for my hero (The Angel).

    Some new cards:

    To make the hero more balance, it will play both angelic beings and demonic minions.

    to balance healing and positive effects with damage dealing and dark effects.

    The Angel is now a fallen angel.

    I've also taken your advise and replaced the graphic.

    Please tell me your thoughts, I'm trying to do as much as I can with the limitation of "Destroy a friendly minion" on the hero power.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]

    Another variation of the hero power was:

    - Heal 8 health to your hero

    - Add 4 Health to your hero (can go more than 30)

    -  Give your hero it's attack power this turn

    I'm a bit stuck with this: destroy a friendly minion...

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]

    Based on your comments final adjustments before publishing.

    Ariel - The Angel

    Hero Concepts:

    • Destroy friendly minions to get more powerful effects.
    • 0 cost spell.
    • Effects that trigger at the start of next turn
    • low cost spells but high cost and powerful minion
    • Summon tokens, resurrect and heal
    • Weapons

    Example Cards:


    Holy Defenders:


    Your comments will really help me out.

    Note that my hero power must destroy a friendly minion (because it was submitted like this on Phase I).

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]

    Based on previous Comments Here is my full new set:

    Ariel The Angel

    Theme: Effects that trigger on next turn, advantage against tribes/enhancement, healing, weapons




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  • 13

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.03 - Submission Topic

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]

    Yes everyone advanced

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from SunnoxPL >>
    Quote from Noah_McGrath >>

    Ok, based on feedback i made several changes. These are the old versions/cards:


     And here are the new versions/cards:

    What changed:

    • Removed cards: Fiery Blood, Purifying Flames, Giant Slayer;
    • Sethrak Scout: Reworked! No longer uses the keyword. Now only increases its attack, but the trigger is "after your hero takes damage". That means it can trigger multiple times per turn now (including every time your opponent hits you on their turn);
    • Blood Nova: Now costs 6. It's more balanced this way; 
    • Crocodilian Guard: NEW! Combination between Giant Slayer and Conflagration. Takes the place of Giant slayer as the basic 5 cost minion;
    • Conflagration: Reworked! Now it makes your next hero power basically Consecration. It still deals 2 damage to your hero, and it costs a total of 5 mana. It deals 2 damage to all enemies, and you no longer target something, but just press the button, like the hunter HP;
    • Fan the Flames: NEW! Amplifies your next spell this turn. Doesn't affect Enchantment type spells like the new Conflagration. (probably too powerful at 2 mana; i think i should either make it 1 mana 1 spell damage, or 3 mana 2 spell damage);
    • Melt: NEW! Wearing heavy plates of metal when someone is shooting fire at you isn't the smartest idea. This does less damage than Fireball, and it is face only, but it can kill a warrior with 5 health and 25 armor;

    Unchanged cards:

    Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!

    • What is 'Spell Power' on Fan the Flames ?
    • Crocodilian Guard changes your Hero Power to 2 mana Assasinate with a minor drawback. I dunno, maybe try to change stats or mana cost, because now for me this is very close to being OP.
    • Everything other seems ok.


    Quote from Klipce >>

    Hey guys ! THE HEXER here (not the Voodoo anymore). Here are the cards I made for my basic set, following the challenges.

    Fist, I want ed to explore the Hero Power's mechanic so I made 3 cards with this kind of effect. I think all 3 have a place in the set since they offer different possibilities and combinations. I also really like the idea of mixing damage and healing. I balanced them according to the damage they deal, assuming that it's their most common use, with conditional use traded for some flexibility. I'm not to sure though so please let me know if you think the power level is off.

    Then I wanted to add some buffs and healing since the class is board-focused and wants to grow and maintain minions. I also wanted to include some potions and rituals for theme. I wasn't planning on using Spell Damage but it turned out to make a lot of sense for a master of voodoo arts so I quite like it. Cards using it definitly have potential but keep in mind that most of the class targeted damage comes with healing so combos shouldn't be to powerfull. Not sure about the balance of Ritual of Strength but based on Druid cards like Mark of the Lotus and Cenarius 3 Mana seems fine for a class that can't make tokens with their Hero Power (unlike Paladin and Shaman which seem to have higher-cost buffs).

    After that, I thought some minions would be cool. Knowing that I could only make 2, I made some Token generation to make sure that the class would have a targets for their buffs. I also wanted some more (and less conditional) healing since the class is supposed to revolve around that as well. These are also somewhat themed about death and revival so there's that.

      Token : 

    And with that, we're at 10 ! Challenges are met and I'm pretty happy with these but I really want to know what you all think since I may have glossed over a major balancing (or otherwise) problem and I would really want to correct that.

    For the exemple cards, I think I will choose Wild Healing MixFuming ChantFlask of MojoVoodoo Master and Lurking Witchdoctor. What do you think ?

    • Wild Healing Mix and Strong Medicine are to simmilar. Only the numbers are changed.
    • I assume that Lurking Witchdoctor restores Health to a random character (it is not specified). If it does, then it looks fine.


    Quote from Omerqu >>

    Angel Class - Ariel

    so on last submission (which was my first I got 0 votes, so I took the note and would appreciate your help), also since the rules allowed it I've modified my hero power.

    Theme: destroy friendly minions (consume) to get powerful effects, effects that trigger on next turn, superior on specific cards (tribes, enhancements etc...)

    Consume => destory a friendly minion to trigger an effect.

    Cards for this challange:


    Holy Wrath -> each turn it's damage can change based on your current spell damage.

    Shield of Life -> In case your minions suffer more than this weapon durability, it will get destroyed and excess damage will be dealt to your minion. in case of mass damage dealt to multiple minion it will absorb the damage starting from the left most minion (so if 2 damage is dealt to 4 of your minions (and it has 7 durability) it will get destroyed and only your fourth minion from the left will suffer 1 damage).

    Holy Defenders -> Similar to Animal Companions, tokens:




    I tried to simplify my cards since last time yet still try to keep the concept of future effects in play, any comment will be appreciated

    • I am not a fan of putting Keywords to Hero Powers, and your HP seems a bit too complicated and strong to me. I mean, you can destroy your crappy minion to summon something better, around which your opponent cannot play in any way. 
    • Shield of Light is just too complicated for a basic card. Maybe consider putting it in a classic or expansion ?
    • Vanessa is just Misha. I think you should change it. Also, defenders should cost 3 mana (as in the Animal Companion unless they are collectible cards.
    • Camila should have less Health. She is too strong as a 3-drop right now (maybe even lower Health she restores).


    This is my first time giving feedback, so I'm sorry if you find it not valuable.

     Thank you. regarding Vanessa you are right I will change it. as for shield of life I think it's cool concept but I do agree it's too complicated to be basic. As for the hero power how about something like: Give your hero +1 health (max:40) or healing hero by 4-6 on the start of next turn. what do you think?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.03 - Discussion Topic

    Once I saw this art the card basically wrote itself, not sure yet about how balance it is. since it's a boar seams right to give it Charge. also Zombeast is never made of animal companion so looks like a cool concept to try.

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]

    Angel Class - Ariel

    so on last submission (which was my first I got 0 votes, so I took the note and would appreciate your help), also since the rules allowed it I've modified my hero power.

    Theme: destroy friendly minions (consume) to get powerful effects, effects that trigger on next turn, superior on specific cards (tribes, enhancements etc...)

    Consume => destory a friendly minion to trigger an effect.

    Cards for this challange:


    Holy Wrath -> each turn it's damage can change based on your current spell damage.

    Shield of Life -> In case your minions suffer more than this weapon durability, it will get destroyed and excess damage will be dealt to your minion. in case of mass damage dealt to multiple minion it will absorb the damage starting from the left most minion (so if 2 damage is dealt to 4 of your minions (and it has 7 durability) it will get destroyed and only your fourth minion from the left will suffer 1 damage).

    Holy Defenders -> Similar to Animal Companions, tokens:




    I tried to simplify my cards since last time yet still try to keep the concept of future effects in play, any comment will be appreciated

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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