I have noticed that in some matches they give me the same cards when I mulligan, it is quite frustrating to try to fight if they will always give me the same cards in a specific order and pray for luck. The same is also true for bosses that have a sequence.
In the second confrontation I had to try more than 5 times because if I spent resources on minions I would not have damage to kill him but I would kill his hero power minions because sometimes he would get 6/5 or 5/4. Cho'Gall is also that horrible boss because when he dropped you to 18 or less health your deck is full of meh demons, a third of minions were trash, some decent minions and only 7 or 8 minions had good statistics to block C ' Thun on turn 11. And finally the shadows that can only be destroyed with a poisoned knife juggler and the one that destroys a random minion, why do they put synergies with weapons if they cannot be destroyed with the spell that destroys your weapon and deals equivalent damage enemy minions? Has no sense.
And the worst thing is that they will continue to make another book but about mercenaries, if they use this format it will be very tedious and boring with cards that do not make sense to put or a forced plan.
Aegwynn, the Guardian also grants his deathrattle to the next minion as Dragonrider Talritha or just by powers you mean give him only Spell Damage +2. It would be very interesting with minions that summon one copy or more.
Only the achievements of the new expansion grant experience, it is the chests that reward experience. I do not see any sense in these achievements, at first I thought that the orange points gave experience but no, it is more for collectors of achievements who want to complete it 100%. Hope the points make sense in the future.
I am disappointed, not because of the expansion, the problem is my gold, which is only enough for 20 packs. I just hope to get some ancient god (I would like C'Thun) and some warrior epics for the handbuff to different tribes. Obviously I hope to get Ringmaster Whatley.
Very comparable to Luna's Pocket Galaxy. Before that card cost 7 and it looked very slow, then it had a buff to 5 mana but again they nerfed it to 7. I doubt it will be played in wild because it has probably already played all its demons for the Skull of the Man'ari and Voidcaller. Better Barnabus the Stomper.
Can you change my username to Oldogs please?
Take advantage before the nerf. That runs time.
Incanter's Flow, Cram Session, Aegwynn, the Guardian or Primordial Studies, most of the time it is almost always very good to keep this hand. Against aggro classes like Rogue and Hunter, keep removals like Shooting Star, Runed Orb, Brain Freeze, or Wandmaker (to try to get those spells).
I have noticed that in some matches they give me the same cards when I mulligan, it is quite frustrating to try to fight if they will always give me the same cards in a specific order and pray for luck. The same is also true for bosses that have a sequence.
In the second confrontation I had to try more than 5 times because if I spent resources on minions I would not have damage to kill him but I would kill his hero power minions because sometimes he would get 6/5 or 5/4. Cho'Gall is also that horrible boss because when he dropped you to 18 or less health your deck is full of meh demons, a third of minions were trash, some decent minions and only 7 or 8 minions had good statistics to block C ' Thun on turn 11. And finally the shadows that can only be destroyed with a poisoned knife juggler and the one that destroys a random minion, why do they put synergies with weapons if they cannot be destroyed with the spell that destroys your weapon and deals equivalent damage enemy minions? Has no sense.
And the worst thing is that they will continue to make another book but about mercenaries, if they use this format it will be very tedious and boring with cards that do not make sense to put or a forced plan.
P.S Sorry my bad english
Aegwynn, the Guardian also grants his deathrattle to the next minion as Dragonrider Talritha or just by powers you mean give him only Spell Damage +2. It would be very interesting with minions that summon one copy or more.
It only benefits aggro decks but the current system is better for slow decks
Only the achievements of the new expansion grant experience, it is the chests that reward experience. I do not see any sense in these achievements, at first I thought that the orange points gave experience but no, it is more for collectors of achievements who want to complete it 100%. Hope the points make sense in the future.
I am disappointed, not because of the expansion, the problem is my gold, which is only enough for 20 packs. I just hope to get some ancient god (I would like C'Thun) and some warrior epics for the handbuff to different tribes. Obviously I hope to get Ringmaster Whatley.
How many rng cards do you want to put in mage?
Team 5: YES
Imagine playing on turn 4 with coin and Naga Sand Witch and on the next turn playing Luna's Pocket Galaxy. You will already be dead on turn 5 in wild.
You made me happy today after several losses in Battlegrounds
An incredible target for Hadronox
With my bad luck, it will surely be the only legendary that touches me :(
Well it might cost less than Coerce
Very comparable to Luna's Pocket Galaxy. Before that card cost 7 and it looked very slow, then it had a buff to 5 mana but again they nerfed it to 7. I doubt it will be played in wild because it has probably already played all its demons for the Skull of the Man'ari and Voidcaller. Better Barnabus the Stomper.