I think that removing them from the discovery pool would make things less fun. I'd like them to decrease the possibility of discovering legendaries. Decrease it significantly. So as to not have them being discovered every game.
Hello. This is my first post on this page and I want to know if anyone else found something similar. I happen to be playing a Vanndar/Envoy/Big Demons/Phylactery Warlock and have been finding some moderate to good rates of success with it. It's greedy as it gets, and I have a lot of fun playing it. Somewhere around the patch where Cutterbutter and Incanters got hit (or before, it has been happening for a while now and I can't remember exactly when it started), I find that after activating Phylactery on my board, choosing Rustwix and trading, the deathrattles do not go off and the deck is not reloaded with primes. Has someone found something similar with this particular interaction or another one with Phylactery?
Lots of us enjoy playing Wild so we could enjoy using the different older cards, older favorite decks and have a more fresh experience by combining older and newer cards; yes we had that enjoyable experience in Wild during 2017-2020. However, due to the nature of the cards design game when newer cards must power creep over older cards to attract both older and newer players to play Standard mode, it is unavoidable to have more and more newer cards that will mess up Wild further over time. There was not lots of them back in 2017-2020 but after 2020, it becomes out of control and unpredictable for Blizz to worry about all the possible stupid combos that drives Wild in an overall much faster meta. I honestly don't like it but if you want to keep playing Wild, just accept this fact and enjoy it by joining them with using those crazy decks to ladder. Otherwise, just play Wild Casual...
I think that removing them from the discovery pool would make things less fun. I'd like them to decrease the possibility of discovering legendaries. Decrease it significantly. So as to not have them being discovered every game.
Does it? I thought that probability was nerfed during the Dr. Boom "discover a mech" era.
Hello. This is my first post on this page and I want to know if anyone else found something similar. I happen to be playing a Vanndar/Envoy/Big Demons/Phylactery Warlock and have been finding some moderate to good rates of success with it. It's greedy as it gets, and I have a lot of fun playing it. Somewhere around the patch where Cutterbutter and Incanters got hit (or before, it has been happening for a while now and I can't remember exactly when it started), I find that after activating Phylactery on my board, choosing Rustwix and trading, the deathrattles do not go off and the deck is not reloaded with primes. Has someone found something similar with this particular interaction or another one with Phylactery?