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    posted a message on Hybrid Warrior - Next best thing?

    When BRM first came out I played CW- some cards for the patron combo way before the deck evolved into what we have now and it actually worked very well so I can see it being playable for sure.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Is Hybrid Hunter here to stay or is it just a fad deck?

    Well you also drop some other cards for shredders so the list is actually really in the middle of face and midrange so you could call it a new type of deck because its not either but has main traits from both

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Is Hybrid Hunter here to stay or is it just a fad deck?

    So this new deck called Hybrid Hunter is pretty new and it has gained a lot of popularity due to it being new and going against the grain and shaking things up meaning easy and fast wins. With this though comes a question if this deck is a new archetype for Hunters and we can expect to see this kind of deck stay around and evolve in the future or if it will get phased out once players catch up and come to counter it.

    It seems like it could go either way right now because the deck is probably at the peak of its strength because starting soon everyone is going to start anti teching for it and that means it will either be put in line a little but remain a strong Hunter archetype (possibly better then Midrange and Face) or the deck will vanish from play and everyone will settle back on Midrange or Face. Let me know what you think about Hybrid Hunter and the direction its heading, I think it will get shut down a little by techs soon but will still stick around because of how the deck works vs many popular decks.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Is Mal'Ganis necessary in Midrange Zoo?

    I play the kolento version that doesn't run malganis, while it is nice the odd time you get it from Voidcaller thats not happening super often like it would in demonhandlock and playing a 9 mana minion in zoo even though its slowed down a little is still not the best because you should be winning or close to it by then and there are often more critical plays to make like setting up a big void terror or juggler/ implosion. plus putting in malganis usually takes the place of a doomguard and if I had to choose one that is all around better for the style of the deck I would take the doomguard because they have an immediate effect, have to be dealt with and cant be BGHed which is a problem with Malganis also at times.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Best demon zoo?

    I like Kolentos deck more then the Savjz. I find its more consistent because Malganis is ok but if your actually playing him from hand your probably in a bad spot and if you get him in your hand early and dont draw voidcallers hes a dead card. Also the list cuts a doomguard, from my experiences the card is too good to not have 2 of.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Revenge is actually pretty good in your standard Control Warrior deck.

    So when Revenge was released lots of Warrior players including myself said too situational and not worth the 1 mana over Whirlwind. Well I have been playing with one copy of the card instead of a copy of the usual Whirlwind and it actually works wonders. When your playing CW against aggro you usually get to around 10 HP I find before you can start getting board control and stacking armor so what I finds happens often is you get low by turn 7-9 then you turn around with Revenge to clear the board and make a follow up play like a belcher or Shieldmaiden to keep from getting killed. Once you can clear the board fully and get some minions down with Alex/tons of armor generation you can  easily sustain and turn it around. If you have a deaths bite equipped to it makes it even better to make sure you're fully clearing all the death rattles and leftover stuff.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Hearthstone is ruined.

    TBH face hunter is like a mid tier deck atm. They have a 50-55% winrate at best if you play the deck trying to get to legend it will take many game because right now Warrior and Zoo are somewhat popular which are hard matchups for face hunter so sure they are annoying to face but tech your deck to beat them if you need to and remember that the deck while easy doesn't have a crazy high winrate because of how dependent it is on everything but player skill/decision making.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Baron Geddon still useful in Control Warrior?

    So I see lots of Control Warriors still running Baron Geddon but I think the card is honestly not even worth it most of the time right now. Before you needed it for Pally but they are on the low now so it shouldn't be that much of a problem. For other decks now though either 2 damage is not near enough or take hunter and zoo for example who play tons of 1 hp stuff so whirlwind effects do just as well and don't make you take 2 damage when your getting rushed down.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which classes are going to use Dragon decks?

    So we finally have all the cards and its time to start testing out decks and lots of them will be dragon oriented decks but which ones will be strong and which ones will phase out once the hype is over? I know Dragon Paladin will be a thing for sure they got a card that is amazing in any dragon type deck, Priest are probably gonna see some Dragon play because the new dragon that gets buffed from spells is strong for them and Twilight Drake helps out a bit too. With that being said though what other classes are going to be able to run dragon decks well? Warrior, Druid maybe even Shaman? Im not sure but if youve been testing out a class with a dragon themed deck let me know how its going for you.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Fireguard Shaman [New Meta Shaman]

    Interesting deck, you would think that by taking out many spells it makes the deck harder to get a board with but actually its much easier to just make value trades instead of hoping crackle rolls well or rolling totem and hoping for spell so your earthshock kills the minion you need to get rid of. I have played 5 games so far, won all of them and it could be luck but every game I had board advantage that snowballed into a win I think the only way this deck loses is if you get really really screwed and don't end up with anything 4 or under in your hand which seeing as there are less spells to clutter is a lot less possible then your average deck.

    Anyways thanks for the cool and innovative deck. keep updating as you see fit and I hope others catch on to this because I think its the new direction Shamans should be headed.

    Posted in: Fireguard Shaman [New Meta Shaman]
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    posted a message on Piloted Shredder is better then Fireguard Destroyer.
    Quote from rdeegan »

    It's not correct to say a 4/3 with a 2/3 deathrattle is equivalent to a 6/6

    My thinking is this, some times a 4/3 with DR 2/3 is better then a 6/6 and some times the 6/6 would be better so for the times one is better then the other you could just go in the middle and say they are pretty well equal. Keep in mind Shaman can use multiple bodies in the board better then just about any other class.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Piloted Shredder is better then Fireguard Destroyer.

    So Shamans got this new card that some said would bring back midrange Shaman and was going to be just what Shaman needed. Well after testing watching other players and a few streams ive come to the conclusion that Fireguard Destroyers not better then Piloted Shredder outside of maybe some type of heavy overload deck that doesn't even work anyways.

    Now here are some reasons as to why Shredders are better then a card that seems pretty well OP on paper, so first off is they are both 4 mana in cost but Fireguard has a 1 overload which can actually be annoying when playing on curve and not being able to put out your Belcher or Drake on turn 5, then you look at the stats and what both cards do. So for 4 mana you get a 4/3 with a DR of getting any random 2 drop which can range from a 1/1 to a 4/4 but usually is around the 3/2,2/2 or 2/3 range which is pretty good meaning that getting a simple 2/3 out of shredder makes it  6/6 worth of stats which is great but also having it split up and hard to remove makes this better then getting 6/6 from Fireguard also don't forget the overload. On average you get a 5/6 from Fireguard, saying you get a 2/2 from shredder means its a 6/5 for 4 mana on average and with the same number of stats on average the 1 overload makes it worse also considering that having it split into 2 makes it harder to remove and more beneficial to a class like Shaman who can buff minions to great powers.

    Some may say why not add both then but adding both means that you need to remove Argus which is a key card to Shaman to make value trades and develop some taunts to keep your big minions alive and adding copies of all 3 would mean having 5-6 4 drops which is way too much considering how many other cards the usual Shaman list needs.I think Fireguard could have been a great card and helped Shaman but the 4 mana slot is already so contested that there is no point in adding another unless it is superior to what we already use which it is not so I don't see this card making any big splashes in the water. I guess Shaman can go back and sit in the corner until the next expansion if Blizzard decides to give them some real game changers.

    Leave your opinion on this in the comments, I would like to see others opinions on this.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Shaman the weakest class right now?

    Even though Fireguard Destroyer is a great card 2 copies of it in a deck cant boost the win rate that much and aside from that Shaman is still in the dumps for card draw and RNG is so heavy it is usually crippling. Not too long ago it was debatable who was worse Shaman or Priest but Priest is actually seeing some rise in strength with new ways to play them just finally popping up and the possibility of a dragon deck looking good. Also Lava shock is whatever so unless someone makes a crazy new deck that uses it really well it wont see much play.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I craft Ysera?

    also just another up to making her with Blackwing tech coming out later this week Ysera will be prime for a big dragon to get some synergy going with that card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I craft Ysera?

    thanks for the opinions guys, im gonna think it over a little bit but I will probably end up crafting Ysera.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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