tbh the deck is to clunky, you want to draw that wheel asap to cast it turn 8... the only you need to do is live for four turns after.... keep the board clean, stay healthy draw cards, and survive after (reno/fangotem/sargeras/Symfony)
Whenever i play this deck, i just loose because i never see the naga... or another dumbdeck steals my win conditions.... its to niche to be competitive
way to slow to be effective
tbh the deck is to clunky, you want to draw that wheel asap to cast it turn 8... the only you need to do is live for four turns after.... keep the board clean, stay healthy draw cards, and survive after (reno/fangotem/sargeras/Symfony)
Where is Reno Jackson? After you kill your deck, he buys you at least a turn...
lol opponent banned the sinstone graveyard... so ended up with a turn 1 board of pogo... fun...
Whenever i play this deck, i just loose because i never see the naga... or another dumbdeck steals my win conditions.... its to niche to be competitive
What are your thoughts about incoporating the gifts cards? They are very flexible
Thx for killing full standard with one card!! games is over now... worst mistake ever
100% lossrate against every other control deck, which you get paired to as soon as you log with this deck...
100% lossrate deck... the time you are setup you are dead... plain and simple
100% lossrate so far, as half the games are against rogue or a control deck that litters the board with chaff...
scrap that, dk is autoloss, so is druid, or anything other that creates pressure
Deck needs 2 steamcleaner, otherwise plague dk is a loss, drawing that many cards with inserts in is suicide
but best version so far
Been playing around a bit with the necrotic and came to the following Package:
# 2x (1) Runes of Darkness
# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide
# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn
# 2x (2) Dirty Rat
# 2x (2) Down with the Ship
# 2x (2) Kobold Miner
# 2x (2) Pile of Bones
# 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron
# 2x (3) Corpse Farm
# 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier
# 2x (3) Reap What You Sow
# 1x (4) Helya
# 2x (4) Skeleton Crew
# 2x (5) Burrow Buster
# 1x (5) Taelan Fordring
# 1x (7) Patchwerk
# 1x (8) The Primus
# 1x (10) Climactic Necrotic Explosion
# 1x (20) Reska, the Pit Boss
lost all games so far... drops dead on turn 5, if you play less aggresive you get killed because they have better gameplans than you.
too many cards... 40 card deck is to much, you want consistency.
Any update to the deck with Jailer gone?