Why are you complaining? I guess you can moan about people protesting but being derogatory is another thing in itself. The topic is no longer about complaints but insults at that point and accusations towards members.
I have provided funds for hearthstone after playing free for a long time. Is that unjustifiable? New players who are starting out the experience are having frustration because so many new cards exist that they do not know where to begin. Mind you I started in my 20s when my (now brother in law) invited me while dating my sister.
With that said I have experience with the game through different evolutions. I miss how it was compared to the RNG and power creep BS that the game promotes today. For those streamers that you carelessly bash? Yeah, many provide funds to hearthstone and free advertisement.
As for balance, it lacks now. People have stopped playing because of the RNG/Discover mechanics.
View games from 2014, you will see and most of the old cards which were valued then are unusable today. Ironically that is what new players get in regular packs and the legendaries still run 400 disenchant dust...
Don't listen to the meandering of this child. He clearly does not understand the importance of having a company valued by the public. Free or not. The importance lies in how viable the product is. This one is very faulty. Thus not worth the purchase. I'm glad they let players play for free. So they can realise the trash they are buying. It's also good for those who bought to warn them.
No people, you are not done, you will be doing the same thing next time, then come and cry how much you have been ripped. I've been seeing this phrase on EVERY expansion release, and that's why Blizzard is doing what is it doing, milking you to the last drop, they know that junkies won't stopping spending money to feed their pack opening addition, you people never learn, so see you next expansion.
Says you.
Personally I will purchase a new top of the line console for 680$ while hearthstone pushes for 100$ an expansion (which is now 8x a year). I thank Blizzard. They pushed me to do something else.
The original poster will still be here. *Trolling*
Why? Because he has nothing better to do with his time. Ironically. Those who complain on both sides are those invested in the same failing stock...
Battletag: HARTSTONSDED#1700
Region: na
Trade only? : yes, you go first
I will repost, not complete.
Battletag: HARTSTONSDED#1700
Region: NA
Trade Only. Yes. You go first.
Battletag: HARTSTONSDED#1700
Region: NA
Trade only: Yes, you first.
Battletag: Taekwondo07#1473
Region: NA
Trade Only? Yes, you go first daddy.
Why are you complaining? I guess you can moan about people protesting but being derogatory is another thing in itself. The topic is no longer about complaints but insults at that point and accusations towards members.
I have provided funds for hearthstone after playing free for a long time. Is that unjustifiable? New players who are starting out the experience are having frustration because so many new cards exist that they do not know where to begin. Mind you I started in my 20s when my (now brother in law) invited me while dating my sister.
With that said I have experience with the game through different evolutions. I miss how it was compared to the RNG and power creep BS that the game promotes today. For those streamers that you carelessly bash? Yeah, many provide funds to hearthstone and free advertisement.
As for balance, it lacks now. People have stopped playing because of the RNG/Discover mechanics.
View games from 2014, you will see and most of the old cards which were valued then are unusable today. Ironically that is what new players get in regular packs and the legendaries still run 400 disenchant dust...
Don't listen to the meandering of this child. He clearly does not understand the importance of having a company valued by the public. Free or not. The importance lies in how viable the product is. This one is very faulty. Thus not worth the purchase. I'm glad they let players play for free. So they can realise the trash they are buying. It's also good for those who bought to warn them.
Buyer beware...
Says you.
Personally I will purchase a new top of the line console for 680$ while hearthstone pushes for 100$ an expansion (which is now 8x a year). I thank Blizzard. They pushed me to do something else.
The original poster will still be here. *Trolling*
Why? Because he has nothing better to do with his time. Ironically. Those who complain on both sides are those invested in the same failing stock...
Error# 2nd copy
Complete but waiting for the guy I fought poor something so I can play mine. I owe him..
Battletag: Taekwondo07#1473
Region: NA
Trade only: You want it? Show me yours, I'll show you mine.
Battletag: Taekwondo07#1473
Region: NA
You know the drill.
Completed with Rodomantis#1905
Battletag: Taekwondo07#1473
Region: NA
Trade only: Yes, you go first and I will show you what I'm packing.
Battletag: taekwondo07#1473
Region: NA
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first