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    posted a message on Interesting mechanic

    spell-wise it feels like pyro is more of the exception than the rule. Last time from memory i casted feral spirits into a counter-spell, my unbound elemental still got the +1/+1 even though the spell was countered afterwards.

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    posted a message on Done with the Miracle players

    At the same time though, the most popular MTG highlander format - Commander, also has the most broken OTK combos. Limiting it to only a single card and having a deck size of 100 does not fix combos. the kind of stuff i see in commander blows a game of standard MTG out of the water in broken things lol

    The real answer to all of you wanting a different meta and the ability to experiment is simple - an expansion pack thats coming in future that will add 100 at least cards. the meta will change every hour, decks will come and go like crazy. heroes will be top 16 legend viable one moment and then not the next.  We can't have endless experimentation based off a never changing card pool, that simply doesn't work. I guarantee every "clever" deck that you come up with, someone else has tried, multiple times by this point.

    The meta we have at the moment is pretty good, theres a few variety of aggro decks (Rogue and Zoo being dominant, Hunter is there too), theres the hunter secrets deck, theres miracle, theres handlock, variations on freeze mage, paladins, druids have a few good decks, shamans have two that are viable even in high legend. Warrior control and reynad warrior are both great, theres a great amount of decks that can be played without one being so dominant its all you face.  I use hearthstone tracker and i get a great mix of all these different heroes. 

    The only way to make the game any more varied than it currently is, since the dust has settled for a long time over the initial confusion is to simply have an expansion of cards and a new mechanic or two to play with. We don't need to try to nerf OTK into the ground, Miracle rogue is popular, miracle rogue is top 16 legend capable, it has its good match ups (destroys warrior control) and its bad match ups (Freeze mage and secrets hunter both do extremely well against it). I truly don't see the problem with this, miracle rogue, zoo, none of these complained about decks have such a big win rate that they are broken. 

    TL:DR - the game is as varied as it can be with a good showing from every hero as the base game. Meta will shift with expansions naturally and will promote experimentation. Welcome to card games, this one is more balanced than angry forum dwellers give it credit for


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    posted a message on Zoo Decks Could Be Thwarted Fairly Easily

    Adding that card to the game would make zoo stronger, not weaker. They would take that card and play it against you lol

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    posted a message on Done with the Miracle players
    Quote from ieuanm »

    How can you expect a variety of decks with such a limited card variety? And as others have said, I'd rather use a deck which is known to win, then risk it all on a gimmick.

    This is pretty much the truth. A lot of players trying to get better, and players who don't enjoy the deck building part of the game will look to net decks instead of making their own. Its more reliable, it teaches a lot, and hearthstone is a game in its infancy when it comes to card games. The card pool is very limited if you look at any major card game like MTG. 

    You have to adapt to the meta as well. Freeze mage is becoming popular right now because it kills miracle rogue so well, it has a good matchup against zoo and handlock too. I play freeze mage sometimes, i missed out on playing it pre-nerf and pre-warrior control back in the day, but soon warrior control will become popular again to counter the freeze mage, as freeze mage has a terrible matchup against it. That's adapting to the meta, if everyone plays a deck, you play the deck that kills their deck but also has good matchups against most other decks. 


    lolomfgbbq - Control Warrior is countered by miracle, and Zoo is not its best match up. You have a 70% winrate as you claim, when you only need 55% to climb to legend. Stop complaining, if Control Warrior countered all decks perfectly then it would be nerfed. If you hate miracle and zoo so much, play freeze mage, and then come whine about control warrior because "armor needs to be nerfed i just run out of burn before i can kill them q.q i only win the vast majority of my games this games sucks"


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    posted a message on What do you want to be changed in Hearthstone?

    I'd just like a major expansion sometime down the track, like a MTG block. Currently balance isnt an issue, from watching top players theres a good representation of most classes, and all classes have made it to legendary even priest.

    i do think hearthstone might need to run multiple formats in the future, like standard and vintage. MTG standard is only a certain pool of cards, and some combos are very strong (just like equality pyromancer is a very strong board clear for low mana), but its made sure there are no absolutely broken combos. Vintage and Modern on the other hand have huge card pools and a lot of combos which are incredibly strong compared to standard. i think as new cards come out we might need to push older specific cards into a vintage format to keep the game balanced. 

    its certainly a massive task moving forward to come up with a new mechanic and balance it all, but another 80-100 cards will breathe a lot of life into the game, currently there's quite a lot of viable decks among all the classes, but i think the quality of the game will only improve with a well balanced expansion pack. 

    I'd also like the expansion pack to introduce more skill cards instead of RNG cards. theres an article about MTG where they say that, as the game becomes older they move away from RNG and into more skill cards, and certainly i'd love to see that happen. Hearthstone is about 30-35% luck at most, but i'd love to see that lowered to 20-25% by the first expansion. 


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    posted a message on Favorite entrance audio?

    defias ringleader, archmage antonidas and tirion fordring are my favourites

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    posted a message on Choosing the right deck for climbing to Legend for the first time

    Hey everyone, i'm a player whos capped out at about rank 5 in earlier seasons but i haven't ever played that extensively or with a goal, mostly just to waste time. Now i've decided to make the climb to Legend with a concentrated effort. i realise picking a single deck and only playing it over and over is the strongest thing to do in this case. I'll net deck a deck thats made it to legend before for obvious reasons, i can't make a better one myself with my limited experience, and it might take a season or 2 (and the meta will probably change a bit mid season)

    I have a lot of cards, i can make pretty much every major deck archtype out there. So out of Handlock, Miracle Rogue, Freeze Mage (i've been running otter's freeze mage without antonidas and trump's version with antonidas and giants to test them both out), Zoo, and so on and so forth, which would you reccomend for a first time to legend climb. Some people say a fast deck like Zoo is best, more games to cover more ground and more learning in a shorter time, i like the idea but i do favour control over aggro (but i'd be willing to Zoo to legendary if thats legitimately the best option, since it would also teach me the other side of the control vs Zoo matchup pretty extensively). 

    On the downside though i'm missing the blood knights for Zoo, Two of the only cards i don't have. i make a note of that because they seem like a very strong part of the deck that i'm missing. But anyway don't let me ramble

    tl:dr - Which deck is the best for a first time climb to legend rank?


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    posted a message on Is there going to be a new balance patch soon ?

    Warlock ability isnt going to be touched

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    posted a message on Is there going to be a new balance patch soon ?

    they've specifically stated they are happy with the balance as is, there will be no major changes before they add more cards

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    posted a message on I just got a golden Nozdormu

    When i was new to the game i would dust golden legendaries, i dusted a gold nat pagle (back before he was cool, no one actually used him at the time, and then he suddenly became KING OF THE META like two months later) for a Jaraxxus (Ragnaros was still the most popular first craft at this time, But jaraxxus is more fun to me and i never regretted it)


    but now i'll never dust a golden legendary. the chance of opening one is so slim, even if its a copy of one of my other legendaries i would rather DE the normal one and keep the legendary. Golden bad legendaries = hilarious to own and play, Golden strong legendaries = glorious to own and play. I just opened a pack with two epics and a golden illidan stormrage, i will neeeeever dust him.

    What you value in hearthstone will change over time, and if you're playing the long game, keeping your goldens is much better. Either they could become strong cards in future, in which case they go from hilarious to glorious. They also could become patched in some way at some point, making your golden now worth full dust, and the equivalent of two legendaries like its supposed to be. Dusting a golden (Or a normal) legendary just feels wasteful to me. In time you open so many epics that dusting a legendary is just stupid when its only worth an epic. Dusting a golden legendary is the same.

    Also remember the cards that are "bad" are usually fun. Don't underestimate the ability to have fun in this game instead of serious playing to win all the time, being serious is overrated :)

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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide

    Alex tends to be more critical than Ysera, even though neither's effect can be replaced. Some deck's REQUIRE alex to work

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    posted a message on Best or Most Satisfying Arena Win Ever?
    Quote from daan831 »

    Was losing all game on board control vs a paladin, I was on 6 hp, he on 30. he overextends vs my empty hand, I topdeck Deathwing.


    I imagine it went something like this

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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide

    The way i see it, 1600 dust is 1600 dust.

    if i pay 1600 dust for Ysera, i am playing for 4/12 of stats, a finsiher, and an effect that is irreplaceable. Awesome right?

    If i pay 1600 dust for Leeroy i am paying for an incredibly cost effective aggro finsiher, with great synergy in a hunter deck which is a very popular deck these days. Super cool!

    Heck, if i pay 1600 dust for Harrison Jones, i could draw multiple cards, as well as having a beefy body attached and removing one of their key components. From something as simple as murdering tirion fordring and throwing down harrison for 3 cards, that could be a huge swing back in your favour. Theres enough classes with weapons now to run him if people are running the black knight still, when not that many classes run valuable taunts

    These are irrepleaceable effects. The only one that can even be close to emulated is the removing of the weapon with ooze, but lacking the better body (More valuable against a class like hunter who has explosive traps and UTH to punsih mass small minions), and also you can run something far less inefficient than leeroy, and with no synergy, like rocketeer.


    However. Bloodmage Thalnos is 1600 dust for a card that dies to multiple hero powers after he goes down (unlike a geomancer, slight benefit to the geomancer) and draws a card, and is otherwise completely equal. This means you're paying 1600 dust for a single card draw,  that will only go off when the enemy decides to kill bloodmage, or when you suicide him into a big guy, so its not even immediate. It's not even his main function, its icing on the cake. The reason you run bloodmage is for the spell damage. Otherwise hes just a weaker loothoarder.

    This does not feel nice, or efficient. I would much rather craft every useful legendary that i cant replace first, and then bloodmage. I would even craft some funsies legendaries over bloodmage. It feels like a chore to craft him. Most people who champion crafting bloodmage early are people who DID craft him early and want to reinforce to themselves they made a good call. 

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    posted a message on When was your first duplicate legendary?

    I've unpacked

    3 baron geddons

    3 onyxias

    2 millhouse

    2 edwin

    2 tinkmaster (second one came only after the DE buff wore off)

    2 prophet velen


    Every other legendary i've crafted, and i have most of the good ones. FML.

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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide

    The Beast would be a control deck that plays it on an empty board and can deal with the 3-3 really easily im guessing. Its just a big big threat you can throw down much earlier than typically (2-3 turns earlier than Rag, AKA even if you bait removal, thats removal that wont go to Rag)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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