They know only whales buy Diamond legendary, if it get sold at that price why would they decrease
- NovaFrost
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BourbieSpeedrun posted a message on Shop Update - Valentine's Day, Diamond Cards, Returning Skins, Pack BundlesPosted in: News -
b1ak1ce posted a message on Thoughts on Mini-Expansion?Posted in: General Discussionbetter than most, because its forced archetypes are impactful enough to run and big enough to force build-arounds.
Its strength is also its biggest weakness, save for a few of them, you will never run just one or two SC cards for their utility in another strategy.
Meta-wise, some strategies are too high rolly and old bullshit like dungar and handbuff hunter prevent the meta from being good. -
Vladasko posted a message on Shop Update - Patch 31.4 Mini-Set, Mythic KerriganPosted in: NewsMiss the times when alleria, magni and medivh were the only skins in the game. Was proud to buy them for money back then. Lost all rarity, too many skins.
b1ak1ce posted a message on The +500 Gold Mini-Set ScamPosted in: General Discussionwelcome to a week ago, find something else to complain about
BlueM00N posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - GruntyPosted in: NewsIt's just a nerf to Corpse Farm That's what it is
Moop547 posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - GruntyPosted in: Newswe already have like 12 other neutral legendaries that slot into every deck
Andrei2007 posted a message on Multiple New Death Knight Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsAs with the Rat, it depends on the meta. If people will play hyper aggro, this is absolutely useless. If people play greedy value or combo decks, this is insane. Having This and Rat means that you can burn your opponent's hand pretty efficiently.
CaHgO posted a message on Multiple New Warrior Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsStarcraft has no place in HS. It's just another brainless cash grab for simps. They are completely out of ideas and done creatively. Next we will have Diablo, then Overwatch, then Lost Vikings. BS.
elite_husky posted a message on Multiple New Rogue Cards RevealedPosted in: Newsvelarok was buffed and is rotating out. Mimiron is rotating out and it was a tempo minion. You were supposed to give it elusive or stealth or duplicate it to stick it to the board and snowball. No mech rogue was running shadowstep. Tess was strongly buffed and still does not see play, nor is reliable to shadowstep as she often removes herself cause the spell targeting is random. Sandbox Scoundrel is terrible card itself and only meant to combo with Sonya. Sonya is bad design APM card. You don't really shadowstep Sonya, you shadowstep cards with broken interaction to otk your opponent. Also recently nerfed. What you said is false and bad theorycrafting
Moonsorrow posted a message on Multiple New Rogue Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsMaybe it’s a disguise. They even fooled you.
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Overall a healthy mini-set. Will take this swarm, starship meta over unkilliax turn 50 metas. A couple nerfs to the outliners and we good. Viper, reborn shenanigan etc.
I think it is fair. This set probably took more work than other mini sets. Some extra effort, despite more recent cut offs.
Viper is insanely op. Infestor seems ok, baneling barrage is good but requires more setup, good synergy with Viper. Solid cards for DK
All solid cards for hunter that will see play
Hallucination is op as hell. Mothership seems way too expensive and unreliable. Sentry seems like a solid tempo drop that swings the game in your favor.
Way too overpriced, The Templars suck hard if not mana cheated heavily. While other classes are cheating out 20/20 star ships, you will have to pay 14 mana to destroy 1 minion and deal 2 dmg to the board. Wonder what Druid can do with that amount of mana.
Love the mini-set name "The end of time". Unfortunately names and fancy logos is not enough to save this game. I am afraid we are in maintenence mode my friends. Max 2 more years out of this "game", more and more cutbacks will be made, just wait and see, or just follow the already established pattern.
ALERT📢Sheep zombies before you dislike the comment, remember to read it first! 📢
Sure. I am all down for a nerf, after the 10 decks above it has been nerfed as well. Especially Shaman, Mage, DK and Paladin. Rogue got 40% winrate at the bottom of the barrel, yet it's the class most people complain about. Nerds and low IQ individuals hate skill ceiling decks that can win against their autopilot Paladin deck, if they play optimal.
man I'm not a fan of the new cards or mechanics. But the artstyle is real sick in this one
Wtf is this bs?