• 0

    posted a message on Should you keep Zephrys in opening hand or not, (talking in general)

    Zephrys is such an insanely flexible card, one has to have a brain the size of a peanut to ditch him when he's offered in the mulligan.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 13

    posted a message on Questlock Legend 81% winrate

    81% winrate. What ranks? Which decks did you face? How many matches did you play?

    I swear, sometimes I wish there would be some sort of safeguard before someone can state outrageously positive stats like this.

    And if you beg for likes before making ANY type of guide/description, atleast stay true to your word.

    Posted in: Questlock Legend 81% winrate
  • 0

    posted a message on Unpopular opinion: Luna’s Pocket Galaxy is the most OP card of the set.

    Oh, now this should be fun.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on This is ridiculous
    Quote from Eg1 >>

    Quest Pally destroys warrior. You should try it

    Sure and Quest Paladin can be destroyed by Combo Pirest, which can be destroyed by Highlander Hunter, which can be destroyed by Tempo Rogue, which can be destroyed by... Give me like 100k dust and I'll deal with every threat on ladder!

    But serious, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just trying to make people realize that "Play deck X" is not a proper solution, but rather flawed game design, that we should not support. It's important especially now, when "normal" meta decks (not weakened budget decks) starts from 10K of dust (yeah, "free to play" my ass Blizzard...).

    Judging by this very reply, you have the desire to have a deck that can beat all other archetypes. Card Games are not supposed to work that way. Even by the inherent archetypes like Combo, Aggro and Control, there is order and logic in there. It's a choice you make, when you pick up one of these archetypes. I like Control decks, and as such, know I'll struggle against Mecha'Thun Warlock, with like a 20% chance of me winning.

    Fact of the matter is, Control is strong now, because we lack OTK decks on ladder. So there's Aggro and Control, and we both know who beats who.

    I'll give the community this one: Control Warrior is the strongest Control deck on ladder right now, by a long shot. But what happens when you nerf that deck? The next best Control deck comes popping around the corner, which will send the community in another hissy-fit. Rather, Blizzard should look at giving other classes stronger Control tools. Control decks are having a blast now, because Combo is virtually nowhere. Until that changes, the overall sentiment of today's meta will not change.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Zan's Quest Control Paladin (work In progress)

    I'm also dipping my toes into Quest Paladin lists, and I must say, it's a delight to play. This list is pretty identical to the one I'm using, but I'm using Truesilver Champion and Consecration to survive the Murloc decks that currently see play.

    I'm not a fan of Prismatic Lens, because ideally, you'd still be working hard to complete the Quest, and Lens is too much of a tempo-loss, with too high of chance to miss the boat completely on your draws. Mind you, Prismatic Lens works great if you want to discount a big spell (Tip the Scales), or if you want to discount big minions (Desperate Measures into Tirion Fordring), for example. This deck can do neither.

    Posted in: Zan's Quest Control Paladin (work In progress)
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the most annoying card in your opinion?

    Completely not fair, and a stupid choice, but my most hated cards is Acolyte of Pain. It's boring, and the animation of drawing a card feels like it lasts a lifetime.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Been out of the game for a while - best way to get back up to speed?

    I don't play a lot of Wild, so I have no idea of the state of the meta there. Judging by the threads on Hearthpwn however, Big Priest is still a menace. As far as card packs go, if you wish to play Wild, the last expansion, Saviors of Uldum, adds multiple Highlander-cards that see play in Wild as well. Most notably, Zephrys the Great and Reno the Relicologist. I would not recommend buying anything from Witchwood, Boomsday or Rumble, as most cards in those sets see very little play in Wild, as far as I know.

    If you have a desire to play Standard, it greatly depends on which style you like. If it's Control, and you like winning, Control Warrior is the still the beast to beat. Most of these cards come from Boomsday. Highlander Mage and Highlander Hunter are also strong picks, which would mean you want to invest in Saviors of Uldum. If you wish to play Aggro, Murloc Shaman and Murloc Pally, and maybe even Zoolock, have seen strong additions from Uldum as well. The very few Combo decks that are out there, rely on Mecha'thun or Chef Nomi, although Maly Druid has also seen a slight increase of play-rate.

    As a general rule of thumb, I always tell people in similar situations to not buy packs from more than 2 expansions ago. This would mean Saviors of Uldum and Rise of Shadows. In this case, I would suggest that also. Specifically because you play Wild, which means fewer Legendaries actually see play. Additionally, Zilliax is a must-craft for most decks, while Zephrys the Great has also been named as a staple for any Highlander deck. Lastly, SoU will also give you a chance to get new Quests, but I'm unsure which ones see play in Wild.

    EDIT: Just to clarify, I'd use your current dust, and the duplicate dust from your new packs, to craft the Legendaries you want from previous expansions.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Kitchen’s closed, Druid.

    I think Nomi was originally included just to deal with Warriors. Your aim is to make the Warrior use his AoE, before you have access to double Nomi. The deck can cycle really, really fast, so including Nomi was a logical pick. Mind you, most of the 'meta' decks are created in high ranks, which is infested with Mages and Warriors.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Hearthstone caster Cora has become a new Associate Game Designer!

    It's insane how people are unable to be happy for someone.

    I'd die for a chance to work at Blizzard. Congratulations Cora, we hope you can translate the community's wishes into the game.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on This is ridiculous

    You know what is even more boring than playing 30 to 40 minute-matches?

    These numerous complain-posts about Control Warrior every single day.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on Unpopular Opinion on Warrior

    It doesn't take a statistical genius to see that the stats on Dr. Boom are ridiculous (around 70% when in mulligan, around 65% when drawn).

    Not one card should generate this much power, and I'd wish for people to stop looking at their own skill and rank, and take into account the tens of thousands of players who play at lower ranks. These players are simply not as good at the game, specifically resource management. In those ranks, one card that controls the entire game, feels unfair and unjustified.

    I love Control decks, but very little of them are viable against Warrior's Control deck. And it IS because of the Mad Genius, don't care what way you spin it.

    Cards that rely on simply being drawn and played are bad for the game. Luna's Pocket Galaxy is another example. And it's also the main reason why high-ranked ladder is infested with Warriors and Mages. They're the only classes that can challenge each other. Coincidence? I think not.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What is your favorite expansion now?

    How in the hell is KoFT the top pick?! It completely warped the meta for the next year and a half, infinite value cards is what we complain about the most on this forum, yet the biggest offender in terms of value is exactly thát expansion.

    Nah, give me Whispers of the Old Gods every single hour of every single of the week. Fun archetypes, big cards with big value only, and just FUN!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 11

    posted a message on Big priest is getting out of hand

    Big Priest complain-post #86532.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What Buffs do you want to see?
    Quote from Dendroid >>

    They will never buff the classic or basic set, ever.  Will never happen.  Also im reticent to name anything since they clearly didn't do their research last time they did buffs, Pocket Galaxy being the biggest offender.

    Pocket Galaxy is a risky high-roll card. Get it early, in a slow matchup, and it's supposed to have massive value. Get it early, in a fast matchup, and you won't have see the end of the match to play it on turn 5. Get it late, like bottom 10, and it's a dead card most of the time any way.

    It's a fun card, and not every card you lost to is by definition a wrong decision to include/nerf/buff.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Old win conditions

    Might just be me, but any class having just one viable win-condition seems like piss-poor designing. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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