- Nitrom
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Member for 8 years, 6 months, and 22 days
Last active Sun, Aug, 8 2021 05:37:14 -
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Davaretta posted a message on Idols of Azeroth is This Week's Brawl!Posted in: NewsOh God not this slow ass snoozefest again. Nooooo.
RavenSunHP posted a message on Ben Brode Unhappy with Ranked Ladder SystemPosted in: Newsthis.
if we could lose stars, but not ranks, ladder would feel more fun and compelling, because there's less to lose: in the worst case, you just stall at your rank, up and down in internal stars.
Increasing the number of internal stars by 1 per rank would also help balancing out such a system where you can lose stars but not ranks (so that it's a bit harder to get past each rank).
ofc, I don't have statistics, but as a semi-casual player I know I'd enjoy such a system, and I'd play much more ladder that way, without the fear of having to go all the way back because I screwed a few matches.
It's even easier now that they introduce the Hero Brawl for competitive players. Ladder could stay in the middle of that and casual.
Lengah posted a message on Dragon Tamer MorglPosted in: Dragon Tamer MorglI came for the dragons, i stayed for the Comic Sans.
cheetah245 posted a message on [WW] Tess Big RoguePosted in: [WW] Tess Big RogueLol, yeah nice hamburger you have, I would however change the patty and the burger
extrAme posted a message on Blessing of the Raven is This Week's Brawl!Posted in: NewsMy imp master has poisonous, so she killed herself...
Foxyu posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Reveal - Lady in WhitePosted in: NewsBut Amgam Rager is good now !!!
Ninjaski1z2199 posted a message on Just a Hallucination is This Week's Brawl!Posted in: NewsWell, it's better than the Raven Idol Brawl.
Livtraser posted a message on Blizzard's Off-Meta Deck Spotlight #2Posted in: Newsor what normal people call another spiteful summoner deck
YourPrivateNightmare posted a message on The HearthPwn 2017 Hearthstone Year in ReviewPosted in: Newsyou forgot that time where they messed up Deathstalker Rexxar and hoped nobody would notice, then refused to change it until a lynch mob formed at which point they promised to "look into it"
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Really fun deck. I did switch some cards.
- Kazakus + Scabbs (mana cheat is fun)
- Rider + Potion of illusion (extra value)
Just lost to this. Had no idea what was happening until the combo happened.
This deck looks ridiculous and I love that. I switch twilight drake and mountain giant for rin and zilliax. This makes Barnes slightly more consistent and makes the deck much more expensive.
Can you tell us something about this deck? Like something about ranks and matchups?
Dane, you dumb dumb. You accidentally placed Emeriss in stead of sneeds.
- Emeriss
+ Sneeds
Much better now.
In before Lady in White combo comments.
1. Pick class
2. Add naga and giants
3. ?
4. Profit
everything in wild razakus priest including entomb. Infuriating. Also naga sea witch. Dumbest buff ever
Surprisingly decent deck. I easily cleared my daily druid quest. Thank you.
I did swap Spiritsinger Umbra for a Mulch since I don't have Umbra.
That's a month of games for me.