I have to listen history classes nowadays and while listening I want to play some game without story currently my only option is hearthstone but damn I don't want to play hs at all. I will play some old grindy mmorpg it seems
Edwin was not even in the rogue decks most of the time you know it was in the deck if there are good combo deck to support it. Edwin was like a cherry topping of the deck, you can win without him but if you are lucky you can win earlier
You are talking like if paladin druid and shaman are pretty normal and fun to play against lol. Today I hit paladin's face 100 damage but with constant healing and halving the damage and putting ridiculous big minions to the board I still lost. freeze shaman is a ticking bomb you defuse or lose it is unfun as fuck dude I don't want to get stressed over a game I don't want to play a time race in a card game wtf. Same for Beast druid and endless swarm of beasts.
Can you name a single point in hearthstone where rogue was a bad class?
I never said that rogue is a bad class but when was the last time rogue got a tier1 deck and didn't get nerfed? tell me one point? Rogue can pull another deck in no time because of versatility of the cards but this time it is not going to happen because they didn't only nerf one deck they nerfed all rogue decks. Even tier 3 rogue decks got nerfed.
This time there is no rogue deck that can pave its way to top meta because rest of the meta is absolutely busted and overwhelming rogue in this meta had advantage of playing gnolls early that is taken away. Scarab at 8 mana is too late at 7 mana it was barelly able to swing it. cloak is destroyed it was good because it was allowing rogue to draw card at the same turn.
What the hell.
Hard to play.
I have to listen history classes nowadays and while listening I want to play some game without story currently my only option is hearthstone but damn I don't want to play hs at all. I will play some old grindy mmorpg it seems
Legendary is versatile but weak for it's cost if it would be 3 mana 3/3 it would be good.
it is easy
1.because of maestra you become another class until you play rogue card.
2. Every rogue card you draw or in your hand is from another class
3. so since Double Agent is a rogue card it is itself counted as a card from another class also wording of it is really clean to.
4.For Wildpaw Gnoll it is same you draw rogue cards so it gets discount since it is from another class.
I fkn got bored of playing against hunter that goes face all the time seriously stupid class.
pirate warrior and hunter who deals 16 damage at turn 7 nice.
Those are mostly alternative fun decks not hottest tho I appreciate it since you can use metastats or hsreplay to all hottest decks
Edwin was not even in the rogue decks most of the time you know it was in the deck if there are good combo deck to support it. Edwin was like a cherry topping of the deck, you can win without him but if you are lucky you can win earlier
You are talking like if paladin druid and shaman are pretty normal and fun to play against lol. Today I hit paladin's face 100 damage but with constant healing and halving the damage and putting ridiculous big minions to the board I still lost. freeze shaman is a ticking bomb you defuse or lose it is unfun as fuck dude I don't want to get stressed over a game I don't want to play a time race in a card game wtf. Same for Beast druid and endless swarm of beasts.
I never said that rogue is a bad class but when was the last time rogue got a tier1 deck and didn't get nerfed? tell me one point? Rogue can pull another deck in no time because of versatility of the cards but this time it is not going to happen because they didn't only nerf one deck they nerfed all rogue decks. Even tier 3 rogue decks got nerfed.
This time there is no rogue deck that can pave its way to top meta because rest of the meta is absolutely busted and overwhelming rogue in this meta had advantage of playing gnolls early that is taken away. Scarab at 8 mana is too late at 7 mana it was barelly able to swing it. cloak is destroyed it was good because it was allowing rogue to draw card at the same turn.
Rule number 1: rogue cannot have a viable deck it will be nerfed directly.
Rule number 2: Paladin always have a tier 1 deck
Rule number 3: Mage cannot have an otk deck
Rule number 4: Warriors are pirates or tanks ? we are never sure of it.
Lol whenever mage gets good stuff people starts to complain
Just employees doesn't know what they are doing.