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    posted a message on [Legend] Perfect Artanis (Even Faster!)

    It was on early silver.

    The "fun" part was that in most games I got Artanis on turn 6+, and by that time opponents' board was usually full, and I had no way to deal with their minions, e.g. no Swipe or Photon Cannon or whatever. My hand was usually full with Popular Pixies, Sing-along Buddies, Sha'tari Clockfields or Ethereal Oracle, i.e. the cards that won't help with clearing the board at the moment.

    Posted in: [Legend] Perfect Artanis (Even Faster!)
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    posted a message on [Legend] Perfect Artanis (Even Faster!)

    I tried many variations of this deck, and maybe the archetype of this deck is good. But the matchmaking was atrocious for me. I played 10 games, and I got 1-9. All opponents the game presented to me was taunt-heavy. I faced several taunt warriors, taunt paladin, taunt warlock, taunt priest. And no, it wasn't current meta decks like location warlock or protoss priest which have "thematic" or synergetic taunts, it was just a bunch of random taunts just for the sake of having taunt minions, like Sen'jin Shieldmasta or Annoy-o-Tron or Dread Corsair or Footman. The only game I won was, unsurprisingly, taunt-less protoss rogue. It felt that the game is mocking me.

    So, I've seen this deck in play, and I know what it's capable of, but it's good only if the matchmaking gods are favorable to you, and the opponent's deck is slow and not taunt-heavy.

    Posted in: [Legend] Perfect Artanis (Even Faster!)
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    posted a message on Frustration after reaching legend

    By saying "after a two-year break" I meant "I haven't reached legend for two years". It was two years without reaching legend, not a two-year break in playing. Sorry if that ambiguity brought any confusion.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Frustration after reaching legend

    I never said I was "happy" with what I faced when I was climbing the ladder, that's your words, not mine.

    I am playing with my own non-meta custom hunter amalgam deck. I play on the phone, so I don't have the exact statistics, but from my feelings it has about 70% wr. I can't say that I had many losses with it. I lose occasionally, sure, but I also had 10-win-in-a-row streaks many times with it.

    With all due respect, I can't agree that I started to "face better players" in legend. It's more like that I suddenly started to face decks that I encountered so rarely that I almost forgot about their existence. My question is: if Libram Paladin or Shadow Priest is so effective why I didn't encounter them a single time several seasons in a row? Are diamond players (just an example) so silly that they all decided not to use effective decks like these? Not a single diamond player?

    All I wanted to say is that I feel drastic difference between non-legend and legend, like it's two non-intersecting worlds.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Frustration after reaching legend

    Yesterday I finally reached legend (after a two-year break), and instead of satisfaction the only feeling I got was that the game is punishing me for that achievement. I played 20 games after reaching legend, with the deck that got me there, and I got 5-15 or so.

    Literally out of nowhere, I started getting one of the most obnoxious decks that ever existed in HS history, most of them was hyper-aggro. Like, Pirate Rogue, the last time I saw it, when it was, half a year ago?

    Amongst other there was Shadowform Aggro Priest (10 or so games), which, once again, I didn't encounter in a very long time.

    Libram Paladins, coming one after another. I haven't seen a single one while climbing the ladder. Not a single one on bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond, but literally dozens on legend? This is outrageous.

    The game felt especially rigged when I encountered a Golakka Crawler used against my minion. I mean, using THIS in 2025?

    The whole rant isn't about players using hyper-aggro decks, it's about game suddenly started throwing only this type of decks at me, like no other types exist. Like reaching legend means you're crossing some threshold, and fun is no longer allowed.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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