Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Game of Thrones is disappointing >>
by NightCrawl3r
558 54,517
[GUIDE] Pre-order RR bundle for 40USD >>
by NightCrawl3r
62 27,961
PSA: Free Packs this Weekend w/Twitch drops >>
by NightCrawl3r
8 2,146
The RoS adventure is far worse value than buying packs >>
by NightCrawl3r
43 8,142
Legend twice in one day with Gonk Druid and Okay Shaman >>
by NightCrawl3r
15 3,551
What decks will you play on day 1? >>
by NightCrawl3r
24 3,348
So what's the lore on the new expansion? >>
by NightCrawl3r
4 840
It's been over a month. Why is magnetic, a key expansion mechanic, still broken? >>
by NightCrawl3r
18 4,120
Opinions on Giggling inventor, blood knight and divine shields? >>
by NightCrawl3r
10 2,755
How to ramp properly in Boomsday (No Kappa) >>
by NightCrawl3r
0 601
Botstone : Heroes of Wild Ladder >>
by NightCrawl3r
7 1,435
Where's my notifications? >>
by NightCrawl3r
2 525
Patch 11.2 and how it effects HCT Seoul #SaveFr0zen >>
by NightCrawl3r
22 3,148
Dead Man's Warrior is Amazing - Try it Before it's Gone >>
by NightCrawl3r
12 2,791
How do the new priest res cards work? >>
by NightCrawl3r
5 645
It's launch day, and my account is blocked >>
by NightCrawl3r
1 482
Sylvanas/UI Interaction? >>
by NightCrawl3r
1 754
Oktoberbrawl? >>
by NightCrawl3r
0 512
Death knights with skins will be super awkward >>
by NightCrawl3r
29 4,366
Looking for an Inner fire priest guide >>
by NightCrawl3r
2 1,343