I don’t recommend to craft a card which was nerfed the same day lol
Well he could craft it, test it for two weeks and than disentchant without any loss.
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What?? Isn't china server literally playtesting a tournament mode right now? I does seem to hit a lot of player desires and it would be relatively easy to take something that's already done. Unless it was developed by Netease and they're not letting Blizzard use it internationally?
Given the new design philosophy, I doubt druid will never be what it used to be (unless you like token druid). And by "what it used to be", I don't mean the just bonkers KFT brokenness; I'm also referring to the more tame decks before them. Maybe the class itself might become good again at some point, but gameplay will be very different because we already know what blizzard will and won't print for the class
Just move on to a different class, mate. I used to only have a few thousand druid wins, but just this expansion, I got my golden mage and shaman. Not because I like golden heroes, but because druid isn't fun anymore
As for why druid is currently bad, it's simple. Choose one is one of the major mechanics. The existence of the quest severely limits the power level of choose one cards but at the same time, caused many of these weakened choose one cards to be printed as synergy. If hidden oasis was printed in the absence of the quest, we'd all have a good meme about it being purify 2.0. Nourish probably died for this too
Just don't be warrior, and you're good to go
Reached legend again just now @ 71% winrate with freeze mage!
This had to be one of the most frustrating legend runs I've had in awhile. Faced the final boss 7 times in total and on the 6th time, I almost fell out of rank 1 (climbing got a lot harder at ranks where people figured out that quest druid is terrible lol)
I think I'm done with giants based mages for the foreseeable future after this. I like to play decks where I'm happy to queue into the mirror because I think I can easily outplay the opponent. With giants mages, you will easily lose regardless if the opponent has pocket galaxy in a timely manner and you don't, which is frustrating to me (Although, one time I almost beat someone with that kind of draw: I had giants, chain freezes and made the decision to capitalize on them rather than try to go even and lose slowly... would have won if the opponent didn't power of creation into taunts in the end)
The meta was pretty stable once I started reaching the trihard ranks. It's mostly reno mages up here, with a number of aggro shamans, control warriors and murloc paladins. A small amount of tempo rogues, midrange/reno hunters. One inner fire priest that I kept queuing into. No druids or warlocks whatsoever
I don't know about fanboy dominion, but HP is certainly down in the dumps in terms of literacy rate. As usual, reading beyond the title is apparently very, very hard
I still remember a few months back when I created a thread for a numbers based analysis on cost and dust efficiency so that people can be educated on what they're buying before making their own decisions. Somehow I got a full thread of triggered literates thinking I'm whining/trash talking the game because they can't read past the title which was apparently "clickbait". I was not impressed back then, but looking back at it now, it's pretty funny how bad it was
You're right in that Questing adventurer is going to be absolutely bonkers in wild, along with maybe a few other cards, but that's pretty normal. Last expansion we got archmage vargoth and the priest 8 drop legendary, which are completely broken and exclusively seen in wild. Meanwhile, evil miscreant, spirit of the shark, and cyclone mage things are seeing a lot of play in top tier decks of both wild and standard
Just hearthpwn things. What do you expect? ;)
That's why everyone and their mom opened twitch on mute and lowest quality in the background instead of actually wasting there time
Nope, you can open your packs immediately
It's called wild lol
I wish this was true because it would be a lot less jarring flavor-wise, but alas it's wrong. You can read Elise the hero skin's flavor text in your collection after the latest patch: