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    posted a message on Thief Value Rogue (theorycraft)

    Personally I don't think Safeguard will be that strong of a card and while it is a mech I don't think the Zilliax synergy is enough for it to see play, so I would cut that. 

    You do however have 2x Raiding Party and only 3 Pirates so 2x Dread Corsair seems to be a pretty good addition to the deck. 

    Tess Greymane is also a bit of a meme card, however it's fun, but I might consider cutting it if you want the deck to perform better, not entirely sure on what to replace it with however. The deck could use some more card draw, so maybe a Sprint or Bloodmage Thalnos would be better. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Pogo-Hop!

    Only played 7 games so far with the deck, but 4-3 so far at rank 4. There is a lot of stronger decks out there, but Pogo's are just funnier.

    Edit: Have been playing it a bit more, starting to get good results. I am 9-5 now. I have seen several other people mentioning Valeera, tbh it's not really a card I see missing that badly, since I don't know how much it helps in aggro matchups and control matchups are pretty easy already. 
    Vanish and Zilliax seem to be mvps in the deck atm (Nothing better than getting Shark + big Pogo + Zilliax vs hunter or tempo mage decks when you are at low HP)


    Posted in: Pogo-Hop!
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    posted a message on New Priest Legendary - Catrina Muerte

    I don't get the hatred, is it all because of wild big priest or are most of you suggesting that this and mass ress is soo strong that it will completely shape the meta? 

    Seems like a decent card, and a pretty good way to do ress effects in my book. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Legendary Card - Commander Rhyssa

    I think it need a strong 2-drop that synergies with secrets to really be a realistic top tier deck.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Ray of Frost

    I actually think this makes Snap Freeze kind-a viable, 3 mana 1.5 card removal seems pretty decent. However I have a hard time imagining the combo being better than Voodoo Doll or Polymorph, so it's likely the combo won't see much play. 

    If there is a deck that wants to use a lot of spells, say with Vex Crow it might be the better option, but I have a hard time imagining that deck being top tier. Or maybe you actually get one more low-cost twin-spell and you could make a miracle style mage deck. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Bronze Herald

    I think it's a pretty good card. Comparing it to Dragon Roar, which is seeing play in my dragon warrior deck it's quite possible better. Of course dragon paladin is quite different from dragon warrior I would imagine, so maybe loosing tempo for value might be more of a problem. 

    But with this I think the tools are there for a dragon paladin to be tier 2 or so, depending on the meta. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Power of Creation

    I think there is a lot of potential with the card, but it will be quite meta depending and depend on how well a control style mage will do. Because even hard to remove minions like Cairne or Mechanical Whelps might simply be a death sentence on 8 or 10 mana turn. I don't think this card is enough reason to keep Khadgar in hand most of the game, so you need to have other "combos" in your deck for Khadgar to be worth it. 

    So can you have a deck with Kelecgos, 2x Astromancer and 2x of this + high-cost spells or is that too top-heavy. 

    However discovering this of Kelecgos and getting either charge or taunts with it is going to be one-hell of a turn 10 though. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Dr. Boom's Scheme
    Quote from badassnewbie >>

    How many armor does this increase by each turn?  If no one knows, then we should consider how many armor it would have to increase by each turn for it to be playable.  If it only increases by 1 each turn, this card joins the ranks of celestia and duskfallen as one of the worst cards to ever be printed, as it not only takes up a slot in your hand but also is straight up worse than all other armor gaining cards you could have put in your deck.  Sure, you can say that it made the difference in your fatigue game that lasted 30+ turns, but that means you had a dead card in your hand for an entire game.

    What if it increased by 2 each turn?  It makes it slightly better but still a dead card for most of the game.  Now it's in the territory of survivability tool because you're effectively getting a 0 mana hero power each turn after the first 2 turns in your hand (factoring in the 4 mana cost of the spell).  May be useful against aggro, still a completely dead card vs control.

    3 per turn?  Now it gets more interesting, because after 4 turns its 4 mana gain 13 armor (compare to greater healing potion, healing rain etc).

    4 per turn?  This is when it is a good card.  4 Mana gain 21 armor after 5 turns, essentially a reno jackson-type card without a body.  Still not OP because it has to be a dead card for a few turns which could lose you the game.

    5? After a couple turns in your hand it gains 11 armor, I think this card would be able to shut out aggro consistently (though it still requires you draw it early and keep in your hand).

    So if you think about it, this card is hot garbage because we all know the increment is actually 1 not 2, 3, 4 or even 5.  Imagine you are in top deck mode and you draw this 4 mana gain 1 armor card... The dream scenario isn't even that good, you keep a dead card the entire game and gain 35 armor at the end for 4 mana?   If that card was an actually good card maybe you wouldn't have had to go to fatigue.


     I don't see the card as being playable right now, but even with increasing by 2 each round it could quickly get out of hand. So with 3+ each turn I think it would be straight up broken. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Dr. Boom's Scheme

    I honestly don't know what to think about this card. My initial thought is that it's incredibly bad, so bad in fact it seems I must be sort of wrong otherwise they wouldn't have made the card this cost/ effect if it could be 1 mana and still not work. 

    A lot of people have mentioned how many turns it needs to stick in your hand to get the same value as branching path, without the flexibility, but that is also a druid card. Would warrior decks run 4 mana gain 12 armor, I think they might just do something like that, so maybe there is a small slot (in a very slow control deck) for this card to find a spot.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New card - Omega Devastator

    I don't get the people saying this card likely won't see play. If Baku wasn't HoF'ed this is one of the major arguments to play a control mech warrior without Baku (Baku is prob still better, but it would be worth considering), that's how strong this card is. 

    Now whether control warrior is good or not is way to early to tell, but they do seem to keep a lot of the current tools, so I think they are likely to be relevant in tier 1 or 2, and this card will see play in all decks with Boom and omega assembly. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Minion - EVIL Miscreant

    I honestly think this card is going to be performing well and will simply take the spot previously taken by Elven Minstrel. The biggest concern is whether a tempo/ midrange rogue will exist after the rotation (mainly concerned about lack of Vilespine Slayer) and whether you can play combo cards as easily now that you have lost Fire Fly.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on So why exactly was FT nerfed if they were going to rotate Baku anyway?

    Flametongue Totem was a bigger problem in wild than it was in standard when the nerf happened. So even if they had 100% decided that Genn was getting HoF'ed at the time (which I'm not sure they had) it might have been a worthwhile nerf. 

    Btw I'm assuming it's Flametongue Totem you are talking about with the abbreviation TF (though I have never seen it being called that before, and Baku rotating doesn't matter for that, only Genn)

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Divine Favor Moving To Hall Of Fame
    Quote from FieselFitz >>

    About damn time! but i guess since baku is gone too it would not be that present anyway :)

    Well there would likely have been an ultra aggro paladin deck (tier 2 or better) that would have used it. So quite happy about HoF'ing this too.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What legendaries will shine after rotation??

    Depending on the new cards that will be released I could imagine a lot of the late-game value cards got a whole lot better. I'll try some control mage with Hex Lord Malacrass and Toki, Time-Tinker. In general all the classic cards we have been seeing once in a while like Tirion, Ysera, Edwin etc. is likely coming back until they get replaced in a coming expansion. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rotation 2019 : Who will lose what

    Odd paladin is likely to still be decent, but I actually think the card they lose are a very big deal (even Tarim from Stonehill is one of the main ways I lose to them on ladder). 

    So I honestly don't think it's likely to be a rogue, hunter and paladin top meta after rotation, however it will obviously depend on the cards released. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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