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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Vs Rogue we need to manipulate the board to get the highest chance we can to kill their Edwin with the Rotnest. Priest is always a coinflip, I've been killing them and dying to them recently so it just depends what we open with and what answers they have. What problems were you having with Pure Pally? As long as we hold the Rotnest to deal with 8/8 taunt+div shield we are favoured in that matchup. And again with Mage, some games the Yogg Box wins it completely and some games it completely ruins their game forcing them to concede - it's a high roll card sadly.

    You could be misplaying some turns, or maybe not planning for future turns? I wouldn't be able to know just from a few messages :), no need to be salty man all decks take time to get used to! Keep at it, unless you're facing only warriors then possibly switch to HL hunter for a more control play style.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Yeah, currently only for the explosive trap as I like the consistency we get knowing what we will get. I am thinking of swapping out possibly a boar for a second trap but i'm going to do more testing first.

    It could work using more secrets, may have to change more than just a secret too.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Yeah you'd be correct! I was using x2 Evasive Feywing before I crafted Dragonbane too. 66% WR is super man, keep it up.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Ohh right I see I see! I think you shouldn't have any major problems playing it in that case, you are already used to the same play style of it :).

    And congrats on hitting Legend last season too!

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Yeah this may be true, I think after some more time we will have a better idea of what works well. The boar can be very useful for our KC activator though you're right!

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Sadly yes it is. The Rotnest drake simply has too much value and is one of the strongest cards in the deck - if not the strongest. It can clear any minion providing you have another dragon in hand. How far away are you from purchasing all the adventures for the Rotnest? You could still play the deck to get a feel for it as you have the rest of the cards, but you will have less large minion removal. We have no way to deal with large Edwins on turn 5, the Rotnest makes it a breeze. You could swap both out with a Big Ol' Whelp for a 5 mana 5/5 with card draw, pretty much just the new azure drake. Or you could add in an Unleash the Hounds to combat wider board classes like DH and Zoo. Hope this helped!

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    No worries man, it;s all good. What decks do you usually play to climb with?

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    The legendary is a very strong card to play! I love Dragonbane on turn 6, 7 damage is strong while generating a board too.

    I think that Scavenger's will definitely become not as strong but I think it is still playable. I'm going to play more games and see how it performs, thinking of the boar package still. I love a KC+boar its very strong man!

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Oh my bad! But for sure it's the easiest one I'll agree with you on that.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Hey Bars, it does make for a pretty easy legend climb I agree with you.

    D8->Legend in one day sounds great too. D1 tends to be hard with the final boss but besides that we generally have a good run.

    I dislike this meta too, but really found some fun with the Dragon Hunter.

    You're very welcome man, thanks for the kind words.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Well that's a good reason to start playing the deck for sure, I'm roughly 90 wins away too :).

    Try to always play on curve, and I think it's very important to know when to not play a card, as if you aim to play all available cards every turn you will get out valued and you will run out of gas. We have to be the aggressor in our match-ups to not allow our opponent to have early aggression.

    Most games I've played card draw hasn't been a problem, it can be a problem if you over extend into wide board clear from the opponent. But if you do feel yourself becoming low on cards early into the game use this mana to hero power more until you draw into better cards. Remember our Primordial Explorer generates us dragons too, I almost always pick Primordial if im given the chance as it's another free one for great value. Before you play a card think of how easy it could be for him to remove it. E.g don't play a Battlemage into a Dwarven Sharpshooter as it dies next turn to his her power vs hunter.

    Hopefully this helped you out, it's a pretty fast deck, I think if you give it a chance to get used to it you may get better results :), not all decks are as straight forward as they seem but when played correct can be very strong. 

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Hi Set7er, good job on hitting Legend for the first time. 

    I'm glad that the guide was helpful for you too.

    Evasive Feywing is a perfect swap out for Dragonbaneif you don't have the card.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Hey, glad to hear the deck was so successful for you.

    It's very strong to play with, good job on hitting Legend so fast!

    65% Winrate is also very good, keep up the good games.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Hey there, I made a comment on this previously so I'll put the same one here,

    I find Tracking to be an amazing card when we get dealt a below average hand, it helps us pull together the parts for a strong turn 5 for example or helps us find that KC/scavengers we need to draw the boar for lethal.

    If you're really sure you want to cut it, I'd advise either replacing both with a 1 mana hunter spell so that we keep the same curve, so either Arcane Shot or Rapid Fire.

    Adding in another secret can be annoying when we need an explosive trap but get pack tactics instead, so I try to not dilute the secret pool.

    Or if you don't mind the curve getting a little more expensive, I would suggest adding a second copy of Evasive Feywing and maybe just keep 1 Tracking in the deck. If you really hate tracking that much then take out the second one for a Scrap Shot (good with beast synergy) or Unleash the Hounds which can be effective board clear or a push for lethal with KC later in the game.

    But honestly, I'd highly recommend keeping Tracking in the deck!

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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    posted a message on [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide

    Good job man! Glad to hear you was able to hit Legend with this deck.

    DH are definitely free wins if we have a Rotnest Drake to kill Priestess of Fury! Explosive trap is so strong in this match up for us.

    Posted in: [Legend] Dragon Hunter 68% WR In-Depth Guide
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