I'm sorry for always be like this, but for real, whats with HS and the obtuse wording? I needed a video to understand what exactly means a whole mechanic when it could just say "Battlecry; Summon all Crewmates in your hand". Like just like that. I'm not even sure if the Crewmates in your deck are also summoned or not. Like the way the Legendary looks to be designed to work that way, but if that's the case it looks way too strong, but if is not the case, looks way too weak, And upsets me because is what as easy as explain what the Crewmates do in their own texts, Is not even an space problem (pun not intended) Is just that they felt like write it that way.
- Nefiret
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Nekkro2 posted a message on New Demon Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Dirdra, Rebel CaptainPosted in: News -
MintMurderMedia posted a message on Hearthstone Progression Update - Weekly Quests Will Get Changed Again!Posted in: NewsSigh. This is bad news for the people who will collect all the cards AND purchase the mini set with their gold. Just becomes dust. You're potenially getting 1/4th the value you would have from the Standard Packs instead since you can get any card from any standard expansion. I will probably have the entire collection in no more than 2 weeks so I am looking at 12 packs of dust at least between expansions?
Ascate posted a message on Hearthstone Progression Update - Weekly Quests Will Get Changed Again!Posted in: NewsNo shit, Sherlock ...
Blizzard is TOTALLY making games out of altruism -
Tyrul posted a message on Hearthstone Progression Update - Weekly Quests Will Get Changed Again!Posted in: NewsThese changes make it abundantly clear they don't care about the players, just the cash grab
Moop547 posted a message on Hearthstone Progression Update - Weekly Quests Will Get Changed Again!Posted in: NewsI dont get it. I actually really like the way quests are now. Theyre pretty easy to complete and give more XP than the way theyre going to revert it to... And the 'play' instead of 'win' is one of the best changes theyve ever done. It's a win-win for everyone. If I dont feel like grinding and I dont care if I lose, I play "kill yourself" warlock, kill myself turn 4 for a fast game and the opponent gets a win for their monthly chest lol. And although getting a pack from the expac instead of a standard one is a lot more exciting and fun for the first couple of weeks of the set, the standard one is pretty much always better. I too save mine and open them before expansion packs when a new set comes out
Boarman1920 posted a message on Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern - New Game Board RevealedPosted in: NewsNot even a board game. A cosmetic skin for a board game....
Ophion-EU posted a message on Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern - New Game Board RevealedPosted in: NewsA board at the price of a AAA game. Omegalul.
outgoingzer0 posted a message on Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern - New Game Board RevealedPosted in: NewsAnd turn off signatures too. I like to actually see card text in the normal way.
Magott posted a message on Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern - New Game Board RevealedPosted in: NewsMake it in game options to disable 3D animations due to lags on mobile and weak pc's/laptops. In this case it will work like p2w...
Blizzard loses his mind here 😢
CriCri95 posted a message on Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern - New Game Board RevealedPosted in: NewsThe audacity to announce this shit this way to this price.
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All this "game" is rigged my friend XD
It's even worse...
Obviously, you are right, but the problem here is that Blizzard has tried to kill two birds with one stone, that is, they have mixed two different concepts: the concept of 'area' or 'place', with the concept of activatable abilities. They wanted to develop both, and they have done it in the worst way possible by mixing them.
Example (taking as a model the Druids Location):
Hedge Maze
– When a friendly Deathrattle minion is played, its Deathrattle is triggered (2 uses left). –
Example (taking as a model the Shamans Location):
A random murloc minion
– Power: Transform a friendly minion into one that costs (1) more. –
I think there has been a mistake: why is this card for mages and not for shamans? What does a mage have to do with a volcano? I think this card should be Living Bomb.
Any drops?
Yep, and I must add:
Well, the truth is that I am very proud to admit that since Bli$$ard has slaughtered Wild mode (which was my main game mode) prostituting its reason for being (not allowing me playing with all cards in my collection), coupled with the fact that they have focused their efforts on game modes (such as Mercenaries or Battlegrounds) that have NOTHING to do with a collectible card game (which is what Hearthstone was supposed to be), or that to top it off, they no longer hide their sick urges to monetize every aspect of the game at the highest level, I barely play this game anymore or any of this greedy company and therefore I make much better use of my time (and my money).
Honestly, it causes me great sorrow and hurt, even embarrassment, to see how there are still many people dedicating their valuable time (and money) to such a base and unfortunate company. A pity, I feel sorry for all of them, I really hope they can realize soon of the enormous waste of time and money that Bli$$ard is causing them. In the meantime good luck, have my full support.
Exactly, only then will that mode return to be Wild again, as it was conceived ("you can play whatever cards you want as long as you have them in your collection"), otherwise that mode is nothing but a scam...
The fact of banning, nerfing or even not un-nerfing cards in Wild is a scandal since by doing so, its essence, its nature, its reason for being is unforgivably denied... But make no mistake, there is no hope, this company lost all trace of decency years ago.
C'mon guys! All those lawyers are not going to work for free!
Bli$$ard need your money, they deserve it: the compensations for so many years of harassment, humiliation and fraudulent practices are substantial.
Remember that the ingame shop is overflowing with the many things in which you can donate all the money that still you have left.
This is a recurring theme that has been explained again and again ad nauseam...
It has already been shown that, according to an Activision patent used in every Blizzard game with the simple objective of increasing revenue, the matchmaking and everything that should be random in the game is in fact rigged, there is nothing truly random in Hearthstone (and I don't just mean what cards you get when you open a pack), but everything is performed by an algorithm that, for example, automatically chooses your opponent based on your winrate and the type of deck and cards you are going to play with, or even is able to alter the odds of drawing a certain card at a certain time or chooses the best or worst option from a pool as it deems appropriate.
But why? What is the reason for this algorithm? It is very simple: when you go to play a game, the algorithm used by Blizzard has already decided beforehand whether you should win or lose that game: your fate is already sealed. According to Blizzard, in theory, this ensures the ideal 50% winrate every time for everyone.
This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T658vTvoRs clearly explain what this patent consists of and you also have at your disposal these threads where the matter is discussed, since as you can see, it is a fairly recurring issue for more than obvious reasons:
The problem are the usual fanboys who refuse to believe the evidence and charge against it, trying to make it appear that everything is our imagination, a coincidence, that the holy Blizzard would never put its financial interests first over the interests of its players.