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    posted a message on Do you consider this BM?

    I feel like that is the textbook definition of BM.

    Personally, the only time I am ok with BM is when my opponent is playing a really janky combo deck and managed to set it up properly against me. I let them combo off and do whatever sort of shenanigans they want.

    But, if someone is just playing a regular deck and starts to do a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't lead to them winning, then I concede immediately.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tired of HearthStone.

    I used to be a die hard F2P player from Beta until TGT. At that point, I got burnt out from continually playing the same game time and time again (mainly because I was salty from Secret Paladin). I took breaks and focused on other single player games, and when a new expansion came out, I was excited and went back to HS for several weeks. Over time, I've been playing less and less outside of each expansion's release because a lot of the stuff is the same and the game at its core never changes. For me, the single player modes are where I have always had the most fun, and that is what has kept me interested in HS this past year. If it weren't for the Dungeon Run-esque modes, I would have left a while ago.

    I have to say though, HS has rarely ever been a skill-intensive card game. Even back before Naxxramas, games were typically decided by whether you got lucky with Mad Bomber, stuck a Chillwind Yeti on turn 4, and could deal with a Boulderfist Ogre on turn 6. Either that, or you spent a ton of money to get the Legendaries, shoved them all in a Warrior deck, and then just won simply due to card quality. Times really haven't changed too much because decks now are about either getting lucky with Discovering what you need or being able to blow out your opponent with a combo or aggro.

    When you add luck to a card game outside of what card you draw from your deck, it can be interesting and fun in a moderate amount, but oppressive and frustrating in a large amount. That's basically what HS is, a highly random game that now has very little interaction between players.

    If this is what is bothering you, then try out MTG Arena. It is a more complex game that might have what you are looking for. Otherwise, take a break and go play a single player game. At the very least, it will refresh you and will make coming back to HS seem like a different experience after a while. That's what has always worked for me, so hopefully it helps you as well.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How much did you spend on this game?

    Been a F2P player since Beta. Saving up gold for Naxx was tough because I kept spending it on arena every time I had enough. Then, in between GvG and TGT, I got on a big ranked kick and grinded a lot of gold from dailies and the 3 win gold, but didn't spend it on anything because I was waiting in anticipation for the next expansion. Then, I was very unimpressed with TGT, so I saved my gold and continued to accumulate it so that I wouldn't have to grind anymore for when a set released. 

    I considered putting money in many times for a pre-order, especially Old Gods, but I reasoned that with that amount of money, I could either do better in one game for about 2 years (because of the rotation), or I could buy an entire new game that could still be fun to play several years down the road. Then again, I am different than most people in that I don't care much about ranked anymore and I frequently go back and play older games (I'm just now playing Far Cry 3 for the first time). I don't hold it against anyone who spent any amount of money on Hearthstone, in fact I am glad that they do, because that means that I am likely to continue enjoying this game for many years to come.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Why Don't Secrets Play In Order Played?
    Quote from KingCarnage >>
    Quote from Mini1994 >>

    Except that they do and you are full of shit, or just actually flatout lying.

     LITERALLY gave an example in opening post.

    Opponent 5/2 minion, 5/7 minion

    Attacks with 5/2 minion.

    Freezing trap (which i played AFTER explosive) activates and 5/2 starts to go back in hand.

    Explosive trap activates,

    5/7 goes face.

    If secrets worked in order i played them trap would have killed 5/2 and activated freezing on the next attack.

     Yeah that's how secrets have always worked. Even if we assume you don't have any minions so that the 5/2 definitely attacked face, this still would have happened. 

    Furthermore, even if Explosive Trap's animation went off first and "killed" the minion, the minion would still stay on the field for Freezing Trap to activate and bounce the "dead" minion back to your opponent's hand. 

    This is because when both traps are on the field and a minion attacks your face, the trap's status is now changed to activated and has a designated target for it. And since Hearthstone does not have a continuous state based check to see if the minion is dead like Magic does, stuff like this happens.

    So, in the future, don't play Freezing and Explosive Trap together. But if you can figure out the interactions between other secrets, you can pull off some good effects like Explosive and Wandering Monster.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on RIP Wild On April 9th

    Sounds like someone doesn't have any good wild decks.

    Wild has always been like this. Any deck that dominated the meta and didn't have a core card nerfed shows up in an even more optimized form in Wild. Personally, I find it a lot more enjoyable because all it takes is a little creative thinking and some tech cards and you can beat most of these decks with your own combos.

    Maybe I just enjoy thinking more than others.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Stop the "pay-to-win" complaints

    I'll start off by saying I have never paid any money for Hearthstone. I used to play all the time ever since Beta with a few breaks here and there, but always getting the card backs. Recently, I took a longer break (mainly because of Magic Arena), but I've started to come back with the new expansion on the horizons. I grinded my dailies to build up gold for all of the paid adventures and have at least 2000 gold for an initial 20 packs on an expansion's release. Over time, I slowly started to get more and more gold to where now, I don't have to worry about grinding for gold for a new release.

    I will admit, maybe I am the wrong person to compare to since reaching Legend has never been my goal, nor has it been to have all the current meta decks. My goal has always been to have fun and build strange decks that people might have not seen before.

    The pay to win argument is old and keeps getting worse with time since more cards are being added every few months. However, I have seen people take new accounts to legend before simply by dusting all of their cards and crafting the best deck for the meta. The argument isn't necessarily that they can't win from the beginning, its more that they don't have an expansive collection from the beginning. Because most new players won't dust everything for one meta deck to climb all the way up, they will lose more often and might be one of the people saying it's "pay to win".

    The best thing I can say to people that want to play with a bunch of different decks just for the experience is craft Whizbang the Wonderful. He is hands down the best card for any new player to craft because he allows you to play a random deck recipe every time you load into a match. With this, you get the experience of playing with these new cards without having to collect them, which can help you find the style of deck you really like to play. 

    For the people that just want to get legend, pick a meta deck and dust everything for it. Then grind your way up the leaderboard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What is your personal best expansion ranking?

    Going based purely off my personal enjoyment:

    Top 3: Naxxramas, Goblins vs Gnomes, Whispers of the Old Gods

    Bottom 3: The Witchwood, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, One Night in Karazhan

    Honestly, not too sure why people hated on TGT that much because it was pretty fun for me, once you got past all the Murloc Knight shenanigans. I loved the idea of continual value being on a creature, so long as it stays on the board and it was balanced to make it not broken, but fun to mess with. Personally, I would put it at #6 (right below KoFT and K&C)


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Purchase advice

    I'd say that the best set you can invest in first is Classic since it sticks around every rotation, unless you already have most of those cards.

    Beyond that, its more of a personal choice as to what set to open next.

    • Ungoro has some key cards that are useful in Standard like Tar Creeper and Fire Fly, but these can simply be crafted.
    • KFT has the Death Knights and some decently strong cards like Bonemare and Cobolt Scalebane.
    • Kobolds has a ton of high impact cards like Voidlord and Psychic Scream and gives Warlock a lot of powerful cards.
    • Witchwood will stay around for the longest amount of time, though the overall power level for the cards is somewhat lower than the other sets.

    Whatever you pick, odds are you will get a decent amount of staples for some decks and then you can craft whatever else you need to finish it off. Also, if you're looking for a pretty cheap deck dust wise that can get you to high rankings, you could try out Odd or Even Paladin since they only really need Baku or Genn to work.

    Hope this helps!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on anything fun left in this game?

    Play ridiculously off meta combo decks. My favorite wild deck right now is Automaton Warlock, which is basically a removal and demon focused deck that uses 2 Clockwork Automatons, 2 Faceless Manipulators, 2 Summoning Portals, 1 Fencing Coach, and the Warlock Death Knight. With this, you play the DK, then the Fencing Coach to get a 0 mana hero power stored. Then next turn you drop your Portals, Automatons, and then duplicate the Automatons for a ridiculously high damage hero power.

    However, this is how I just have fun at around rank 20 and get my wins for the card pack and not want to rip my hair out playing daily quests. I also like playing arena as a nice change of pace occasionally and often times find myself replaying Dungeon Run and now Monster Hunt despite already beating them.

    The truth is, in Hearthstone , you either enjoy going up against the same few decks for hours on end, trying to rank up, or you try and make your own fun. However, this is pretty much true in every mainstream card game like Magic, Yugioh, and Pokemon. Certain decks are simply better than any others and as a result are the decks you often see in tournaments, but when it comes to lower level play, anything can happen and that's where the fun and craziness can be. This is why I don't really try that hard to rank up, even though I have all the pieces to Odd Paladin. I'd much rather have fun at lower ranks than be on a perpetual grind to the top.

    I don't know if this helps or not, but I figured that I would give you my insight on how I like to play Hearthstone and have ever since beta. Best of luck to you in finding what works for you.

    TLDR: Make your own fun with crazy decks and don't stress so much about rankings, imo

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Newer Priest player - instructions needed

    With the amount of spells that you are running, I would seriously recommend putting in 2 Radiant Elementals. I think that the best cards to cut for this are a Temple Enforcer and a Shadow Word: Death, mainly because there are not many targets for Death now and usually 1 Death and Mind Control will suffice. 

    Down the line, I would also recommend including Lyra, the Sunshard since it can give you more ammo in control matchups and Psychic Scream for a good board clear, though that might take a little while to get there.

    I hope this helps!

    Posted in: Priest
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