I went for the flavour, there are many combos to make it useful :)
Token is the the same skeleton from Frozen Throne Expansion summoned by Grim Necromancer .
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I'm really happy with Raiding Party nerf. It was a nightmare to play against, and in wild it was even worse because of Kingsbane. EVIL Miscreant at 5 health was very good, so at 4 health it will be at least good.
Although I will miss Preparation, it will be a good card but not as impactful as it used to be. Blizz said that usual targets for prep are Sap and Eviscerate?! I don't see that, almost never... who is preping those spells? Idk, seems suspicious but fits the narrative of "not such a big nerf"... It is a BIG nerf.
Stat-wise it is already a good card, and with all the tribe synergies it is great. This is one of those cards that tell you "lets build a new deck". I feel that this will enable multiple tribe-based decks.
It is really nice to get another cheep card that generate resources. Webspinner used to be great, so this should be great too. Without additional value hunter gravitates towards aggro and I don't like to play aggro hunter.
This card is incredibly good for token druid in wild, you play your minions early and instead of running out of cards you play 2-mana "draw" 3 minions.
I really like this expansion so far. Standard will be exciting.
I like the card, Vereesa as minion is small for 7 mana but the weapon is pretty good. I don't expect to see Vereesa deck with Zul'jin since in hunter all direct damage cards can target friendly characters, which makes them bad with Zul'jin (after rotation we will have Arcane Shot, Bomb Toss, Kill Command and Baited Arrow).
Also I wonder if we will get more AoE spells for hunter because currently the only real AoE is Explosive Shot which is not spectacular even with +2 spell damage... I don't see it yet, but maybe with more cards.
I wonder how much we will see this in the meta, but I feel that two or three good spells could put this on the map.
But spell hunter doesn't have to be spells only it might be spells+deathrattle minions or something like this, the point is we are getting big value card with this for class that doesn't have much value.
All spells only cards are rotating out, so "no minions decks" will go to Wild format and this card will fit them really well.
It is more consistent than Baited Arrow and has more value over time. Also with Zul'jin baited arrow could hit anything (your face) so the overtime payoff is better with this one.
But the damage cannot go face, so no lethal option, just the board clear.
This is nice for spell hunters. It adds some fuel which is needed after rotation of Deathstalker Rexxar and Emerald Spellstone. Also I wonder if Zul'jin will add copy of this spell to my hand, my guess is that he should after recasting original Twinspell.