I'm really happy with Raiding Party nerf. It was a nightmare to play against, and in wild it was even worse because of Kingsbane. EVIL Miscreant at 5 health was very good, so at 4 health it will be at least good.
Although I will miss Preparation, it will be a good card but not as impactful as it used to be. Blizz said that usual targets for prep are Sap and Eviscerate?! I don't see that, almost never... who is preping those spells? Idk, seems suspicious but fits the narrative of "not such a big nerf"... It is a BIG nerf.
I think that they didn't like how echo turn out and that is why it is not being used any more, like inspire or enrage. Hopefully twinspell will do better.
So the upside is that you run two copies and you can reshuffle your hand with Plot Twist, there fore you can expect to heal for ~12 without ever playing this card. It has big potential in Arch-Villain Rafaam deck.
It is really nice to get another cheep card that generate resources. Webspinner used to be great, so this should be great too. Without additional value hunter gravitates towards aggro and I don't like to play aggro hunter.
This card is incredibly good for token druid in wild, you play your minions early and instead of running out of cards you play 2-mana "draw" 3 minions.
This might be THE LEGENDARY for this expansion. It's amazing, it works with battlecries, deathrattles and in combo decks... and it's bad for aggro which is a plus-side for card like this.
I like the card, Vereesa as minion is small for 7 mana but the weapon is pretty good. I don't expect to see Vereesa deck with Zul'jin since in hunter all direct damage cards can target friendly characters, which makes them bad with Zul'jin (after rotation we will have Arcane Shot, Bomb Toss, Kill Command and Baited Arrow).
Also I wonder if we will get more AoE spells for hunter because currently the only real AoE is Explosive Shot which is not spectacular even with +2 spell damage... I don't see it yet, but maybe with more cards.
I wonder how much we will see this in the meta, but I feel that two or three good spells could put this on the map.
Just the value of adding two dissent cards to your hand seems good. Choose one cards are good in general, but with"draw 2 cards" like effect they are great. With cards like Wrath, Power of the Wild, Mark of the Loa and Mark of Nature alone this card should see a lot of play.
Also it implies that we will get more deathrattle mechs in standard for Hunter. I really like deathrattle hunter decks, and I would like to get a deck without eggs.
It is bad tempo legendary tech card. It doesn't ruin decks, just gives a chance to fight against them, and the opponent will have "mana initiative" because he regains his crystals first. All in all card is bad by itself and can work only as addition to strong deck. I would even dare to say that combo and control deck may chose to play this card as well.
I love this, for me this is clearly a tech card for aggro and mid-range decks to deal with control decks, also can be played to counteract druids mana ramp. Imagine druid is getting to 10 mana turn with Ultimate Infestation in hand and you set the mana back to 5, and he has to wait additional 4 turns to play UI. Same with expensive deathknights and Shudderwock. You can just delay it for a few turns. This can turn terrible position int OK or even good, just by removing 3 or 4 mana crystals from both players.
But it already is a fun deck... I recommend trying it with Heistbaron Togwaggle and all the shuffle cards and Lakeys.
I'm really happy with Raiding Party nerf. It was a nightmare to play against, and in wild it was even worse because of Kingsbane. EVIL Miscreant at 5 health was very good, so at 4 health it will be at least good.
Although I will miss Preparation, it will be a good card but not as impactful as it used to be. Blizz said that usual targets for prep are Sap and Eviscerate?! I don't see that, almost never... who is preping those spells? Idk, seems suspicious but fits the narrative of "not such a big nerf"... It is a BIG nerf.
I think that they didn't like how echo turn out and that is why it is not being used any more, like inspire or enrage. Hopefully twinspell will do better.
So the upside is that you run two copies and you can reshuffle your hand with Plot Twist, there fore you can expect to heal for ~12 without ever playing this card. It has big potential in Arch-Villain Rafaam deck.
It is really nice to get another cheep card that generate resources. Webspinner used to be great, so this should be great too. Without additional value hunter gravitates towards aggro and I don't like to play aggro hunter.
This card is incredibly good for token druid in wild, you play your minions early and instead of running out of cards you play 2-mana "draw" 3 minions.
I really like this expansion so far. Standard will be exciting.
This might be THE LEGENDARY for this expansion. It's amazing, it works with battlecries, deathrattles and in combo decks... and it's bad for aggro which is a plus-side for card like this.
I like the card, Vereesa as minion is small for 7 mana but the weapon is pretty good. I don't expect to see Vereesa deck with Zul'jin since in hunter all direct damage cards can target friendly characters, which makes them bad with Zul'jin (after rotation we will have Arcane Shot, Bomb Toss, Kill Command and Baited Arrow).
Also I wonder if we will get more AoE spells for hunter because currently the only real AoE is Explosive Shot which is not spectacular even with +2 spell damage... I don't see it yet, but maybe with more cards.
I wonder how much we will see this in the meta, but I feel that two or three good spells could put this on the map.
Just the value of adding two dissent cards to your hand seems good. Choose one cards are good in general, but with"draw 2 cards" like effect they are great. With cards like Wrath, Power of the Wild, Mark of the Loa and Mark of Nature alone this card should see a lot of play.
Oblivitron has big potential in N'Zoth, the Corruptor + Reno Jackson wild decks, people already play Sneed's Old Shredder in those decks.
Also it implies that we will get more deathrattle mechs in standard for Hunter. I really like deathrattle hunter decks, and I would like to get a deck without eggs.
I think that you will keep 5 "left-most" mana crystals, with unchanged state. Since this minion costs 6, you would have max 4 mana (enough to ramp).
It cannot give you 5 fresh mana crystals because it would be 1-mana 5/5 minion with a strong effect.
... also it would be abused by rouges (Sonya Shadowdancer, Lab Recruiter, Shadowstep etc).
It is bad tempo legendary tech card. It doesn't ruin decks, just gives a chance to fight against them, and the opponent will have "mana initiative" because he regains his crystals first. All in all card is bad by itself and can work only as addition to strong deck. I would even dare to say that combo and control deck may chose to play this card as well.
I love this, for me this is clearly a tech card for aggro and mid-range decks to deal with control decks, also can be played to counteract druids mana ramp. Imagine druid is getting to 10 mana turn with Ultimate Infestation in hand and you set the mana back to 5, and he has to wait additional 4 turns to play UI. Same with expensive deathknights and Shudderwock. You can just delay it for a few turns. This can turn terrible position int OK or even good, just by removing 3 or 4 mana crystals from both players.
You're right, I think that they should keep on using key-words for consistency's sake.