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    posted a message on "Play Friendly Game"-Button

    The solution is pretty easy FIND FRIENDS

    Randos are in no way obligated to play what your version of casual is and a "friendly match" button isn't going to change that. Wait holy Necro Batman 







    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on 24.4 Patch Notes - Mini-Set, Mercenaries & Battlegrounds Content Update & More!
    Quote from BroF1sT >>

    So did Sylvanas kill Denathrius at the end of the day ? Lol sorry lost track of this entire storyline. 

     I don't think they ever said 

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Should poison be removed from Battlegrounds?

    Poisons annoying but....the thing with it is it's also really annoying to get now and if you got a full team of poisonous Amalgadons or murlocs with bubbles you were probably winning anyway.  Only exceptions I could say is some Lich King and Illidan shenanigans which is a totally different can of worms



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Came back after 2 yr break
    Quote from T1p1t1p >>
    Quote from Sevasmios >>
    Quote from Ronninji >>

    Im not sure if im complaining or its just funny.  But what happend with the value of cards ? They are like 3x better then before.

    I dont even know whats happening on the board cus im laughing at all the value that happends lol


     Power creep. In order to incentivize players to purchase packs of cards from the latest expansions and to effectively move the game forward, Team 5 has progressively increased the power level of new cards over the last several years. This is something that happens in virtually every TCG and is perfectly normal and reasonable to expect. Ultimately, doing this is in the interest of the players and the longevity/profitability of the game.

     But over the last few years value of cards has grown exponentially. And that is the point.

     oh hearthstones power creep is bad..oh you sweet summer child 

    Give Yugioh Master Duel a whirl and then come back talking about Power Creep

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Identify What is Wrong With Battlegrounds

    1.  Well yeah good cards and bad cards but for the most part MOST cards are at least situationally good the game is made to adapt to what's given

    2. For certain heroes it can be but that's a non issue your limited at the beginning

    3.  I mean they are good and competitive but a far cry from when they were introduced and were ACTUALLY OP

    4. Pirates are honestly in a weird place.  If anything they suffer if you are playing on mobile or on a crappy PC...or just slow. Also they really don't have much of a midgame unless you either highroll or play Patches and even then it's questionable.

    5.Yeah this I'll give you the armor helps but so many of them are either kinda bad or VERY situational.  Though a lot of it I'll chalk up to nerfs and power creep.  Guff never recovered from his nerf, Elise needs to be reworked since 2 mana was broken but 3 is just awful, and a lot of the heroes just can't really keep up. Hell I think since they introduced Armor that Patchwerk isnt special anymore.  







    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Tarecgosa needs nerfed...

    She is fine.  She relies on either Prized Promo Drake and a lucky Selfless Hero proc to really get rolling and the first relies on a HEAVY dragon build which still struggles midgame.  She does have a good synergy with Al'akir and Ysera.

    Dragons are still the rush to Kalegos strat and the other builds still do better

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Your best build & stats (Battlegrounds)

     Honestly had this mech build high on my "how the fuck am I winning" list

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Battlegrounds Meta Sept 5 2021 - Your thoughts
    Quote from BenLock >>

    People say Leapfrogger is better than Goldrinn. Then would it be good to just swap Leapfrogger to T6 and Goldrinn to T2?

     If any just straight up changes. Leapfrog to 3, Zapp to 5 Baron to 6 Parrot to 5 

    Thing is by himself Leapfrog is fine and could pretty much stay at 2...though probably going to 3 wouldn't be a bad idea so he isn't so common.  The problem is Baron and Parrot and the best counter to this is in T6 (Zapp)

    Parrot should just go to 5 he's always going to be in beasts and the amount of power golden parrot brings is ridiculous.  Baron is an odd case as he was only good in 2 builds either with parrot or in scam builds.  Scam builds don't exist anymore so now it's just parrot beast builds. So either or both move parrot to 5 and Baron to six and buff Zapp to tavern 5 cause let's face it he kinda sucks otherwise.




    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Beast Build = Unstoppable Empire

    You know what could be a good and long overdue fix drop Zapp down to Tier 5 he kinda sucks at t6 and would provide very needed leapfrog counter play (without baron leapfrogger is just worthless)





    Posted in: Battlegrounds
  • 1

    posted a message on Battlegrounds Meta Sept 5 2021 - Your thoughts

     Gemcutter needs a fix.  He's just in a weird WEIRD spot where he's borderline broken if Mechs are in play/you're playing as George but he's worthless otherwise.  I don't know there's something about basically always having an entire hand of Bloodgems every turn that seems extremely broken to me.  Other than Gemcutter, Quillboars are kinda meh now but I can chalk that up to Leapfrogger, Dragons, and Demons being insane right now.

    Frogs need something....that's not right that a 2 drop beast is MILES better than a 6 drop.

    Tacrgeosa I think needs to be T4.  At 3 she's waaay to easy to turn gold and getting double stats from battle permanently makes her scale IMMENSELY and way too easy. Whelp Smuggler is definitely in a weird place. Wouldn't call her broken but she is REALLY good and can snowball fast

    Pirate's need SOMETHING.  If Exodia Pirates are now actually too weak to do anything and is better off for proccing avenge mechanics on OTHER TRIBES you definitely have a problem. Seriously every new pirate is garbage and its kind of sad. But maybe there's some weird strategy I'm missing.  

    Demons are great right now and Impatient Doomsayer is probably half of it right now. A SLIIIGHT nerf on him would be ideal. 

    Murlocs also suck the loss of Toxifin really hurts them.  Bring SI Sefin to Tavern 4 would probably fix a lot of the issues.\

    Mechs...are in a REALLY good spot right now.  Degenerate stuff with Gemcutter aside mechs are REALLY fun to play now and I would call borderline perfect.  That being said Mechano Tank is WAAAY to weak.  By time time you get him out his ability probably tickles anything it hits..would recommend he do 6 damage to enemy minion with the lowest health.

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Beast Build = Unstoppable Empire

    Yeah Leapfrogger is a worse Tier 3 Goldrin


    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on New mechanic
    Quote from b1ak1ce >>

     I'll give it that but I think Blizz isn't trying to give us the ability to have 20 card decks yet

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New mechanic
    Quote from b1ak1ce >>

    Pay 1, shuffle the card into your deck, draw a card.
    Its a worse Cycling from MTG, but still pretty good so long as you can stand the tempo loss.

     ....it's worse in MTG regards considering Hearthstone doesn't have a graveyard mechanic and something discarded goes away forever but it's perfectly fine in Hearthstone

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New mechanic
    Quote from Anton_ >>

    wouldnt this new mechanic kill mill decks tho?

     Probably not.

    the tech card goes back in your deck and if it was useless when you drew it it's going to be useless after the fact.  If your at 0 cards and you cycle it you're still going to be at 0 cards+this card that isn't going to help.  Hell it means you just redraw this card and your deck is still empty or you take the mill damage and then the traded card is still the only card in your deck that your opponent still Coldlights away  From the previews a lot of them are creatures too which in a mill deck is better off on the field then in your hand.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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