Like... Start of Game is absolutely insane. Genn and Baku warped the entire game and you couldn't use half of your collection with them.
These cards just make every game the same. Especially that Hunter 1/3. Shit's crazy.
Other than that set seems fun. Hero Power interactions are fun, cards are skilltesting and it's visible that there was a lot of work and passion put into this.
Just don't print so many game warping legendaries.
Boulderfist Ogre's cousin.
Heya friend.
I'd replace Shifting Scroll with another Babbling Book and Travelling Healer with Zilliax, or Shroom Brewer maybe?
There are also many cards that don't really work well here. Why Pyros? Why Ghastly Conjurer?
I wouldn't craft anything for this list, try to make it do one thing well instead of going all-out on many different ideas.
Not really. 5 4/6 would be playable. This is like that but with heal for free and you get a Demon tag.
The fact that it's a Demon, Plot Twist, and the fact that it's faster than Rotten Applebaum make it playable in my book.
Cool that we're finally seing more cards that do something when drawn.
A Kel'Thuzad that doesn't require a board?
What are they thinking?
A strong card, even if somewhat uninspired.
Better than Hammer of Wrath, Refill for Hunter, Zul'jin synergy...
Overall nice.
Well, that's one way to push Dragon Paladin when there are almost no Dragons in standard.
Very strong common. Possibly insane in arena.
This be STRONK
KK bye, it's not like you can play Wild AND Standard.
Let's hope Standard won't get boring quickly after the rotation.
Very good with Cabal Shadow Priest. Otherwise meh.
No. Go to the Hearthstone Twitter. It's explained there.
In short it gives the 5 5/5 two Battlecries.
He'll get revealed soon enough. Just wait.
There's one thing certain tho. It'll be 7 7/7.
Boulderfist Ogre
Hi there, I've read most of the set and I'd like to discuss one last thing.
Lemme address the biggest elephant in the room:
Your set has many cards with Start of Game effect and while some of them are fascinating (Hephaestus is rather fun) the others are just insane.
- Nathanos Blightcaller is just insane. Why would you ever use your Hero Power if you have perfect minion curve?
Every match would be the same boring queque of minions.
- Whakatu seems balanced until you realize that Shaman has Volcano, Elemental Destruction, Lightning Storm, Healing Rain and other cards like this to stall out for Reno Jackson.
And that's just not fun with Shudderwock.
Like... Start of Game is absolutely insane. Genn and Baku warped the entire game and you couldn't use half of your collection with them.
These cards just make every game the same. Especially that Hunter 1/3. Shit's crazy.
Other than that set seems fun. Hero Power interactions are fun, cards are skilltesting and it's visible that there was a lot of work and passion put into this.
Just don't print so many game warping legendaries.
And delete Nathanos.
Wish ya a good day