I started April 2016, I have 2424 Constructed Wins and 601 arena wins, my highest key being 10 wins. I've hit legend three times, December 2016, Last month, and then finally this month 12 hours ago. I have 2 Golden heros (Shaman and Warlock).
Although most of us here have had our ups and downs with Brode, I think we can all agree that he will be genuinely missed. Hell, I just shed a tear reading this article. R.I.P. Brode, you had a great run and the best laugh.
Yeah, this card looks pretty trash to me. It's a 4 mana 3/3 that would probably be run in a tempo deck, and needs to survive a turn to proc. So really this is a 6 or seven drop to be comboed with Frostbolt or a secret for a strong turn 7 or 6, but I just don't see that deck being any good.
I love the flavour of the card, but I don't see it seeing much play outside of a miracle rogue, and even then, it's just a bit low impact for the mana cost, but it does look like one of those cards that looks worse on paper than in execution, so we'll see.
Oh yeah... I do the quickest of maffs. That just makes it even better tho because then it can literally kill any two drop in the game, but thanks for the correction.
I want two things:
1) Them to reveal the fricking expansion already
A mere 16 years of age. Damn i'm young apparently. I have hit legend three times though, so at least i'm not trash.
Where are you finding the after stream card dump?
Don't let Druids have all the fun, Festeroot Hulk is lonely!
I started April 2016, I have 2424 Constructed Wins and 601 arena wins, my highest key being 10 wins. I've hit legend three times, December 2016, Last month, and then finally this month 12 hours ago. I have 2 Golden heros (Shaman and Warlock).
Blizzard: "You’ll receive a golden Eggnapper and a golden Devilsaur Egg, on us!"
Me: Great, 150 dust!
Then again I am that sucker who kept his golden Volcanosaur.
Although most of us here have had our ups and downs with Brode, I think we can all agree that he will be genuinely missed. Hell, I just shed a tear reading this article. R.I.P. Brode, you had a great run and the best laugh.
Just a decent Elemental card, not great, not horrible. Will probably see play in Frost Lich Jaina decks if she sees any play.
That's some good shit right there.
Shots fired about the card reveals tho. (Lets be honest, you guys deserve a card.)
Me; How can you actually make Hearthstone into a board game / tabletop card game, there's just too much RNG.
Me literally 30 seconds later: goddammit i'm an idiot.
Whats really funny is that this would be broken in Raza Priest.
Yeah, this card looks pretty trash to me. It's a 4 mana 3/3 that would probably be run in a tempo deck, and needs to survive a turn to proc. So really this is a 6 or seven drop to be comboed with Frostbolt or a secret for a strong turn 7 or 6, but I just don't see that deck being any good.
I love the flavour of the card, but I don't see it seeing much play outside of a miracle rogue, and even then, it's just a bit low impact for the mana cost, but it does look like one of those cards that looks worse on paper than in execution, so we'll see.
That, my friend, is a great way to steal a 2/1.
Oh yeah... I do the quickest of maffs. That just makes it even better tho because then it can literally kill any two drop in the game, but thanks for the correction.