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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    As someone asked me, I'm posting some of the ideas I came up for my class.

    The Technomage


    Prestidigitation: I changed the name from Tweak to Prestidigitation as Tweak has already been used in this contest. This Hero Power fuels a game style of tricky plays, as you can always search the right answer to the situation and use situational cards being sure they won't end up sitting unused in your hand. I'm unsure if giving some minions a synergy with being drawn, maybe in a later phase. Surely Prestidigitation pushes the class toward combo plays and a responsive play style in general.

    New keyword is Instill. It works as a general activator, but differently than with Gadgetzan Auctioneer or Mana WyrmInstill can only activate once each turn, being an 'If...' condition rather than a 'Whenever...' or 'After...' one. Some minions will still get buffs with Instill, mainly temporary ones, but the main function is to allow powerful effects each turn that would cost too much without an activator (as end or start of turn effects).

    Three examples of Instill minions:

    Artificial Vanguard is one of the core cards and the core engine of the class, much like a Northshire Cleric or a Mana Tide Totem.
    Tony Spark is a gimmick Legendary, instead, with a Rogue or Shaman like effect that fits some newer deck types. And it's a key card in a Recruit deck with Goblin Inventor, that is showed in the next group.
    Mad Spitfire is an example of how Instill allows some crazy things. I was thinking of making this a 3/3, as not playing spells at all or playing very few could not be justified by just a 2 mana 3/3 (we've seen crazier ones - Alexstrasza's Champion).

    Another archetype I think would fit the class is a zoo/token style deck, because of the loose similarity between Prestidigitation and Life Tap. And because I don't want to give Technomage many big Tempo threats and still give it many good ones, abusing the Instill mechanic and some more traditional ones:

    Goblin Inventor keeps playing itself from your deck. It's pretty good on its own, as it's a 3-cost 4/4 essentially, and it thins out your deck (Patches or Call to Arms someone?) and it's even better when you can keep putting copies of your minions in your deck, like with Tony Spark or by generating copies in your hand (Discover, Zora the Gorgon or similar cards) and using your Hero Power.
    Pump Up! is instead one of the main tools of the class, working as a cheap activator for Instill, letting you regain some Tempo you may have lost against faster decks or allowing quick midrange or even aggro strategies (I'm not planning of supporting aggro so much, but there will be some tools in a later phase, when more spells will come in).

     Another concept I'm working upon is weapon, to give variety to the class and further distinguish it from Mage. But I'm thinking of some spell interation, much like Shaman. That's an obvious one:

    Effect is pretty straightforward, I doubt it needs an explanation.

    Another thing I'd like to explore is some more Prestidigitation-like effect, as I said in my previous post. I'm thinking of some cantrip (as they're intended in MtG) but in Hearthstone that kind effect would cost more to prove effective:

    I'm not sure about this one, don't think a 4-mana-draw-much card completely fits the class.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Username / Nickname Change Request Thread

    Thank you

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    posted a message on Username / Nickname Change Request Thread

    I'd want to change my name to DatBoi. Thanks :)

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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from CheeseEtc >>

    Feedback for page 20 (quoted entries are ignored again):

    Engineer by Teknican

    Overall idea & Hero Power

    Armor for minions is weird, but probably not more than my mechanics. You might want to look for another name than "engineer" though since there are already several classes with that name (something like "Armorer" or shit).


    * Basic

    OOX-99 can't be in the basic set because basic minions don't have deathrattles. Truefire Rocket is OP, the edge cases when this is not just a straight up removal are too few to justify a 1 mana discount on Assassinate. Upgrades Available doesn't look like a basic card since it can generate random stuff and therefore "complicated" cards. The rest is good.

    * Classic

    Honest Mercenary is OP, it's basically a 2/6 for 3. Metallic Resolve is too complicated.

    * MSG

    I like the idea of choosing your gang, though the Brawler is weak as much (like most GG cards). Also, you might want to take another race for the Jade Lotus card because I doubt they have gnomes.

    * UNG

    Looks good to me.

    * KFT

    Looks good.

    * K&C

    Tractorsmith is cancer as fuck. It's a hard counter to too many thing to be an actual card. Please don't do this. Deep Furnace looks good.

    Summoner by GearOFF

    Overall idea & Hero Power

    The first Hero Power is better. It allows a generalization of the "attack-in-hand" synergy of MSG cards which I always thought was very interesting on paper. You've got to make your class Grimy Goons after that, though the flavor is off.


    Gentle Oddities looks good. So does Daedalus but it has a type ("control a minion").

    Unbreakable Bond can't exist. Some minion's characteristics can't apply to heroes (imagine Dreadsteed!).

    Body Merge and Out of Control are a bit too crazy for me...

    Holy Strider by Wishmaster333

    Overall idea & Hero Power

    The Hero Power is simple but I don't think there is a lot you can do with this (and it should have "Hero Power" on top). I would suggest you to find another idea. The flavor is also too close to Hunter. "Survivalist" doesn not sound like a good keyword for this.


     Diplomacy is too expensive. The rest looks good.

    Technomage by antoniomeromano (yes I c/p'ed it)

    Overall idea & Hero Power

    Your second keyword is dead so I can't see it. The first one is not original, you can't do much with it...

    ??? by MaidenOfTheMill

    Overall idea & Hero Power

    Seems extremely restrictive to me...



     When you say second keyword, do you mean the hero power? There's no dead keyword as I can see... As for the first one, if you mean Instill, well, it's a trigger, I can't see how you can't do much with a general trigger.
    EDIT: Hero Power was indeed down, I think I fixed it.

    I understand the concept's not defined so far, though.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    @Wishmaster333 Diplomacy's probably not good enough to be an Epic. Sprint is a Basic card and it is a Rogue card, with Rogue having access to Counterfeit Coins and Preparation.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    I'd like to know your opinion before I go on making the class up.
    The idea I'm working on is Technomage, from the Warcraft RPG. Now, since Mech Mage has been a thing for two years or so, the first thing I have to do is making the class a sort of anti-mage (I'm talking about Hearthstone Mage) to just justify this class's existence. Technomage should be Mage for people who want a different take on the class.

    So, I came up with a minion based class, playing on cheap spells rather than straightforward, high cost, high impact ones, and capable of fueling those spells with minions and vice-versa. So here's my Hero Power and new Keyword.

    Hero Portrait   

    Instill: Class is based on minion/spell synergy. When you play a spell, your minions get some buff or trigger some new effects, as they absorb part of your magic. Unlike Mana Wyrm or Mana Addict, Instill can only trigger once per turn, and it also works if the spell is played before you summon the Instill minion, as it says 'If you played' and not 'Whenever...' or 'After you play'. Instill buffs tend to be temporary, while other times you get some Flamewaker style effect.

    Tweak: Another main characteristic of the class is versatility; so your Hero Power gets you to see more cards than your opponent even if you don't get card advantage, like a Warlock does. This offers a powerful tool to adapt your hand to your opponent and to the current state of the game. At least one tweak-like effect will also be part of the Basic set of the class, to confirm it like a Control/Combo class.
    EDIT: kaotico already used Tweak as a name for his HP, I'll come up with a new name before posting.

    So, Instill and Tweak will be powerful Combo tools, while Instill also gains you Tempo along the way. Technomancer won't be a Tempo class, though, as core minions won't often be stats/cost efficient; instead, it'll tend to lose Tempo to generate cards and/or fill its deck in a controlled way (I'm thinking of Gang Up or Ghastly Conjurer).

    As for class evergreen decks, I think of

    • Some game-locking combo deck, where you fill your deck with combo pieces, keep drawing 'em and lock your opponent's draws/plays until it fatigues or just dies of some minor threats on board.
    • A zoo-like archetype with token generating and Instill minions, maybe a tribal one with Mechs or some more gimmick one with tokens you keep putting in your deck and recruiting/drawing.
    • A slow control deck with big threats, where you use your card generation to trade your opponent's resources and tutor your win conditions (things like the Old Gods or The Lich King/Ysera).

    Technomage is a weapon class.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from Teknician >>  

     Thoughts? Should I continue farther down this rabbit hole 


    Idea's not bad, but minions with Armor aren't balanced. I'm not saying they're too strong or too weak, I'm saying you should consider it more like Health, or even more valuable. Things like a 4 4/6 shouldn't be part of that. I'm not a fan of the choose your faction, too, but that's my personal opinion. It seems to me that you gave too much space to the faction thing and that your class wouldn't have a solid archetype other than the faction ones because of that.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Does anything counter secrets mage?

    A good player. I've been playing Secret Mage a lot these days and I can tell you that most of the games I won, I won it because my opponent didn't know my deck or wasn't able to play around my secrets, and I have two, basically, so...
    I've seen people play 1 health minions while they got 5 health and I got a secret on or cast blizzard first thing in a turn when I got a counterspell, and no, they wouldn't have lost if they didn't, and I know they couldn't know what secret I played but you just don't take the risk or deal with it.
    Another thing is players I beat often played their decks in a way that din't fit the matchup: you got to know when to be the offender, when you can be the defender, what turns you can push damage and what turns you have to deal with the board and other similar things. This is often not straightforward for newer players or for good players that just don't play enough of a specific class.
    My advice, basically, is to play some games with the deck or watch some Mage player on YouTube/Twitch/whatever. Of course you can lose one or several games due to bad draw/RNG, but a lot of games are decided upon the ability of each player to predict other one's moves and possible plays. Think as they got the whole deck in their hand, weight risks and outcomes of different plays from you and your opponent based on their mana and the number of cards in their hand.

    I'm aware some matchups need tech cards to be rebalanced, most just don't. There are games you can't win if your opponent is good enough, for that games you need tech cards to barely stand a chance. Most games are decided upon skill (in the form of knowledge, too) and luck.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [Top 1 Legend Wild] Secret Tempo Mage + Guide

    Karazhan's still Standard, so you do need it to obtain the Valet.

    Posted in: [Top 1 Legend Wild] Secret Tempo Mage + Guide
  • 2

    posted a message on New Legendary Card Reveal - Marin the Fox.

    This is not a new legendary, this is the BlizzCon promo card. It has to be fun, not good.

    If it were even only playable it would have been bad, cause u can't obtain it through any means later on (until rotation at least, considering how it worked out for Elite Tauren Chieftain and Gelbin Mekkatorque).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Will they ever nerf the Naga Giant combo?
    Quote from hiko >>

    I reached Rank 5 wild last season, so maybe it's not high enough to be the good example. I only played against three or five giant decks (something like that) and it goes like:

    • Opponent does nothing for four turns, I push damage.
    • Opponent puts its combo out, I say 'Amazing'.
    • I got lethal in my hand/board, opponent never gets to use its giants.

    I watched my friend play at Rank 4 with his Pirate Warrior deck and it wasn't fast enough to take out this deck.  By turn six and seven my friend was in a good spot on board against hunter that was playing this deck and at least a few minions on the board.  The hunter played the giant combo on turn 6 and my friend wound up losing with a pretty good curve for a pirate warrior.  It's extremely effective for certain classes like hunter and druid because they have secrets like freezing and explosive trap for relatively low mana and druid can ramp this combo and draw like crazy.  I understand both sides and have been on both ends, the power level just seems insane, and for multiple people to say that about wild format is not coincidence.

    Pirate Warrior can pontentially close the game on turn three and can consistently close it by turn five. On turn six your opponent's game starts no matter what deck (other than another fast aggro deck) he is playing. That said, I understand it can be strong, and all, I'm just saying he ins't strong enough AND fast enough to be a problem.
    Quest Rogue killed every other thing than super aggroes if it worked, and Standard aggroes are not Wild aggroes, they're just much less and much less strong, plus, it killed with charger. 25 damage on turn four, enough consistently, and directly from hand, is bad, because you can't interact. Giant decks can set up 24 damage for, let's say, turn 5 (you have to be a druid) and you can still remove some, taunt up (with more mana than vs Rogue and with better taunts) and heal, sap, clear the board, whatever.
    What I'm saying is it isn't nor so good nor annoying. Pirate warrior can be way more annoying. Big Priest is way more annoying, always. I'd rather nerf Barnes than Naga, and I wouldn't nerf Barnes.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Will they ever nerf the Naga Giant combo?

    I reached Rank 5 wild last season, so maybe it's not high enough to be the good example. I only played against three or five giant decks (something like that) and it goes like:

    • Opponent does nothing for four turns, I push damage.
    • Opponent puts its combo out, I say 'Amazing'.
    • I got lethal in my hand/board, opponent never gets to use its giants.

    That's my vision of the deck so far. I'd like to try it, I guess it can be fun, maybe I'll craft some giants this season and use the deck for some time, don't know in which class, I'll see. But I can't help but seeing it like a fun deck and nothing more. I guess it can be tweaked more, becoming more and more efficient... It's just that too many giants in your deck are just garbage right now, sometimes they don't even cost 0 with a Naga on board.

    The deck could become problematic in future, though, that's true, it got the potential to be really boring with two or more cards that fit it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How does this work?

    You just read the patch wrong. First, you just can't find more than two copies of a common, rare or epic in the same pack. You can still find three copies of the same card in two different card packs. Then, once you got all legendaries, you start getting duplicates. So even if you had all commons and you couldn't get dupes, you would just open packs of dust, basically.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on should I get wild card or stay in standard?

    Naxxramas is enough, and more for the adventure that for the cards indeed. Most of the cards that are used are rares and commons.
    If you want to start and see how the meta goes, there are also some budget aggro or midrange decks, or at least some that don't need that many wild epics/legendaries, and you can afford to craft what you need, if not now in some months.
    For the rest, if you didn't dust all LoE and BRM, there's not that much you strictly need.

    I don't have any GvG legendary and just some silly TGT ones (I never dusted them) and I still play wild. Of course I can't build every single deck I'd like to try, but I still have fun with some funny decks I made up, and you can't imagine how little dust it took me or how many standard cards are currently played.

    Look at this, half of the most played legendaries are Standard, the rest, apart form one, is form LoE/BRM. Top epics are ALL standard, rares and commons are not that much dust.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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