No. I have not played the past expansion, nearly anything. I am maybe level 20 I don't remember. I uninstalled HS after Diablo Immortal. I was so pissed off with Blizzard for how bad this game went and how they have treated Diablo that I closed everything. I went in this website to check the new expansion, and it is not anything amazing for me (same stupid reprints). I did the subscription with Google Stadia. It is amazing for me (for less than 50 bucks I purchased Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk 2077) I will never play anything from Blizzard again.
ouch ! but understandable, this is my final year in HS as well
problem with HS also is, if you stop playing for 6 months, you're almost unable to catch up with expansions, missing so many cards and missing all the gold. at that point as a F4P player it's already too late, and might as well just uninstall and move on ...
My 'final year' was 2018, I stopped playing not too much after Ben Brode left, not because of him but because of the general direction the game was going. I enjoyed Wild back then, new expansions felt underwhelming, Standard was very low powered and boring in general, old classics were getting nerfed over and over or moved to wild, the game had no clear direction.
Now I'm back. I had some old stuff and a bunch of gold so I wasn't really starting 'from scratch' but mostly so, I'm back in the game in under two months and feeling as good about the state of the game as I was around K&C, possibly better. The reason is that most cards actually become irrelevant anyway even for Wild, so the game hard resets every six months or so. I'm not saying starting from zero is the same as having an old account, but leaving and then coming back to a new Standard won't make such a drastic difference in terms of resources compared to just staying through it.
I mean there is an adjustment period where you just play Arena and farm those commons and rares that you need, or Wild for some more gold for the miniset (and more Arenas) but other than that I won't say that coming back now felt worse than starting back in 2014, much easier anyway with a good collection to build upon even when you lack new Standard stuff.
Mercenaries is still a gacha game, no matter how easy farming stuff may seem, and maxxing out mercs takes a lot of time. Can you still play it without spending? I guess so, but it's not really relevant to the thread because other mechanisms to have you spend money still apply. Also consider that it's a pretty recent game mode, only a year old, and the trend with similar stuff is adding more and more things to upgrade as the game progresses. I hope it's not the case for mercenaries and only new mercs will be added, but it still stinks.
Because it is a proven money maker, King printed money making a fake game designed to stimulate spending. Activision acquired king so they could implement their expertise. If the piss poor money sink Mercenaries couldn't convince you, the predatory monetization of diablo immortal, the absolute hellhole of a workplace filled with hypocritical harrassers....the fact that Blizzard has positions on their staff of Community Manager who's actual job it is to defend their reputation from the truth coming out.....Anyone who still believes that Blizzard is a legit company who would never manipulate hearthstone outcomes in search of profit is either a shill or clueless.
But mercenaries is predatory. You need to level up your stuff, and leveling up takes either an insane amount of time or money.
Reward systems vs new content dropout, cosmetics, and other stuff are all pointed at making profit, there's no doubt in that, and mercenaries is a clear attempt at making a big big profit. Diablo Immortal? You can read the scam there, it's a classic gacha with classic gacha dynamics.
But ranked mode? How would that even work? Rigged matchups and draws to improve your results when you spend? Would that even work if you don't realise it?
Think about this. I don't believe the game is rigged because there are no clear signs, so I won't spend money to improve my odds because I see no return of investment in it. You believe the game is rigged and that if you spend money you'll get a better outcome, now you may be pushed to spend some money to increase your rank, but this is based on your belief, not upon the fact that the game is or is not rigged. So literally rigging the game or not doesn't change how likely you are or I am [EDIT: to spend money] in this scenario, because we don't know what's happening. When you spend money on mercenaries you get coins, coins upgrade the mercs, when you spend money on Diablo you get gems that make your character stronger. When you spend money on HS you get cards, which let you build more decks (this is the real incentive) and a slightly better chance of drawing bloodlust on curve I guess? Even if it were true, it's not written anywhere, so how are we supposed to know and get convinced to spend?
And how would put a f2p player against a paying player make it lose automatically?
It's been repeated over and over in this thread, but the problem with this line of reasoning is not that it is absurd, it's that there's no 'whales' in the gacha sense on Hearthstone. Whales are players who can change deck the most frequently because they have more cards. If I, a f2p, wants to play some deck they have to spare the dust, work towards it, craft the cards, then play the deck until it bores me to death or I can afford a new one.
The way they try and make me spend money is rather obvious indeed: print new cards, make balance changes constantly, have an ever changing meta. This way I cannot sit on the same deck for as long as I may need to acquire a new one. But alter matchmaking so that I get matched with an opponent with more decks than me? Well that won't do nothing. Countering my deck constantly until I spend some money? That may do, but I can clearly see my winrate is positive so that's not the problem.
Some decks slightly benefit from Renathal, but some decks. People are putting Renathal everywhere, most lists don't have 39 strong cards and/or rely too much on a few of them being drawn every game to work with it.
If you want a more fun and less focused experience, you should stop playing in a still somewhat competitive environment (or limit your permanence there). There were some Discord communities to join for people looking for free play, less serious tournaments, community formats... I joined a pauper hearthstone Discord once. It was a fun thing while it lasted (for me, I don't know if it's still out there). This would allow you to find other people with your same vision of the game, really this is the only way an inherently competitive game can stay truly fun for non-competitive people in the long term.
Quest priest is a control deck, rarely do they win by playing shard, the quest is in there for the tracking effect, with 40 health and many ways of healing, against demon hunter they win by turn 7 if they can get Lightshower's or Blackwater Behemeth, don't say the earliest they can win is turn 10
Rarely do they win at all.
Jokes apart, I agree that the Shard shouldn't be your main focus unless you're playing against a very greedy deck or an OTK (in which case you may try to kill them before they OTK you, but this rarely happens in my experience). If you play it as a Control, though, what is even unfair about it? Pointing out the fastest you could win *with the Shard* is not an irrelevant comment, because closing a game by simply stabilizing with big taunts and/or heal is not something we should be afraid of, barring some very peculiar cases.
More like one and a half since you don't also get twice the attacks and an extra card but yeah, still not totally fair.
The biggest problem is not even the insane amount of ramp though, because a traditional problem of ramp (which is also true in HS when you go heavy with stuff like Innervate Innervate Nourish) is that you end up trading cards for mana and not having things to play left in your hand. But Druid also has some of the most efficient draw tools for some reason, and well at that point there's not really much you can do about them apart from going under it, which is what the Shaman matchup proves. You are fighting an enemy with more mana than you (even 15+ Mana before 8th turn), a constantly full hand, and space left in the deck for enough big threats to get away with the game. At least they can't go infinite in current meta and are still limited by the 30/40 cards deck-size just like other classes are (with most of them being tutors/draw/ramp so there's that).
All of this said, aggro decks are still strong against different Druid builds than Prestor Druid, and hard control decks can still have a chance if we're talking about stuff with an "I win" button like Quest Priest (again, maybe not against some of the Prestor highrolls) which still lets me think there's a healthy space for Guff Druids when some of the most insane control payoffs are left to other classes like Priest or Warrior and Druid is bound to claim its games with just beefy threats and the occasional special effect like Onyxia. Beefy threats are only that much in a deck especially when half of your cards is draw/ramp, and a single Brawl or Whirpool or similar card can get rid of 20+ Mana worth of minions anyway.
I know it's not the same, but if you're using HS Deck Tracker you can have this feature ready on HSReplay. Unfortunately, looking up decks you own/import on HSReplay is a paid feature so you can't even really export a decklist from here to there, and the tracker can only ever see your collection while the game is open.
A workaround for this is creating the decklist in the tracker, selecting export to HS (only while the game is open) and from the export submenu you can click on missing cards and see the list with all dust calculated. Obvious drawback of this method is that it only spares you some math and doesn't really solve the filtering issues which is the reason I suspect you would use such a feature anyway.
Latest thing I can suggest you is looking up lists on HSReplay rather than HearthPwn anyway because they are usually better performing. If you go for rookie homebrew which can definitely be fun you can just get inspired by what you find here and then brew your own versions with the cards you have or feel confident to craft.
And why is it good now in the core set ? Cause I remember it was a pretty terrible card when it was first released in its own expansion
It was never a terrible card. People sleeped on it during reveals but it very quickly found its home in Jade builds, and Jade Druid was not a weak deck either. Earthen Scales is only as strong as the big minions you can dish out, so it can either be terrible or OP, Jade Golems were big enough to make it relevant, now with Ivus, Naga Giant and Miracle Growth it is very relevant once again (mostly Ivus, but it's also the interaction that got hit harder by the increased mana cost).
Not the most consistent card, but Gorehowl still doesn't feel like the best comparison to me. Also, even if you just attack three targets and then break it (which is reasonable, with 10 Health that means the first target should have 8 Attack at most) it's still 12 damage in 1 turn compared to the 13 Gorehowl would deal in 2 turns. Sure it's not 12 face damage so it's not an aggro finisher and I'm not sure what deck would want this, but it's not a bad card at all.
My 'final year' was 2018, I stopped playing not too much after Ben Brode left, not because of him but because of the general direction the game was going. I enjoyed Wild back then, new expansions felt underwhelming, Standard was very low powered and boring in general, old classics were getting nerfed over and over or moved to wild, the game had no clear direction.
Now I'm back. I had some old stuff and a bunch of gold so I wasn't really starting 'from scratch' but mostly so, I'm back in the game in under two months and feeling as good about the state of the game as I was around K&C, possibly better. The reason is that most cards actually become irrelevant anyway even for Wild, so the game hard resets every six months or so. I'm not saying starting from zero is the same as having an old account, but leaving and then coming back to a new Standard won't make such a drastic difference in terms of resources compared to just staying through it.
I mean there is an adjustment period where you just play Arena and farm those commons and rares that you need, or Wild for some more gold for the miniset (and more Arenas) but other than that I won't say that coming back now felt worse than starting back in 2014, much easier anyway with a good collection to build upon even when you lack new Standard stuff.
Mercenaries is still a gacha game, no matter how easy farming stuff may seem, and maxxing out mercs takes a lot of time. Can you still play it without spending? I guess so, but it's not really relevant to the thread because other mechanisms to have you spend money still apply. Also consider that it's a pretty recent game mode, only a year old, and the trend with similar stuff is adding more and more things to upgrade as the game progresses. I hope it's not the case for mercenaries and only new mercs will be added, but it still stinks.
But mercenaries is predatory. You need to level up your stuff, and leveling up takes either an insane amount of time or money.
Reward systems vs new content dropout, cosmetics, and other stuff are all pointed at making profit, there's no doubt in that, and mercenaries is a clear attempt at making a big big profit. Diablo Immortal? You can read the scam there, it's a classic gacha with classic gacha dynamics.
But ranked mode? How would that even work? Rigged matchups and draws to improve your results when you spend? Would that even work if you don't realise it?
Think about this. I don't believe the game is rigged because there are no clear signs, so I won't spend money to improve my odds because I see no return of investment in it. You believe the game is rigged and that if you spend money you'll get a better outcome, now you may be pushed to spend some money to increase your rank, but this is based on your belief, not upon the fact that the game is or is not rigged. So literally rigging the game or not doesn't change how likely you are or I am [EDIT: to spend money] in this scenario, because we don't know what's happening. When you spend money on mercenaries you get coins, coins upgrade the mercs, when you spend money on Diablo you get gems that make your character stronger. When you spend money on HS you get cards, which let you build more decks (this is the real incentive) and a slightly better chance of drawing bloodlust on curve I guess? Even if it were true, it's not written anywhere, so how are we supposed to know and get convinced to spend?
I'm sorry I did, I didn't realize I was quoting you
I'm not asking you. Why would I be asking you specifically?
And how would put a f2p player against a paying player make it lose automatically?
It's been repeated over and over in this thread, but the problem with this line of reasoning is not that it is absurd, it's that there's no 'whales' in the gacha sense on Hearthstone. Whales are players who can change deck the most frequently because they have more cards. If I, a f2p, wants to play some deck they have to spare the dust, work towards it, craft the cards, then play the deck until it bores me to death or I can afford a new one.
The way they try and make me spend money is rather obvious indeed: print new cards, make balance changes constantly, have an ever changing meta. This way I cannot sit on the same deck for as long as I may need to acquire a new one. But alter matchmaking so that I get matched with an opponent with more decks than me? Well that won't do nothing. Countering my deck constantly until I spend some money? That may do, but I can clearly see my winrate is positive so that's not the problem.
Hands having charge is straight up a bug, if you have proof you should just report it to blizzard forum.
Some decks slightly benefit from Renathal, but some decks. People are putting Renathal everywhere, most lists don't have 39 strong cards and/or rely too much on a few of them being drawn every game to work with it.
If you want a more fun and less focused experience, you should stop playing in a still somewhat competitive environment (or limit your permanence there). There were some Discord communities to join for people looking for free play, less serious tournaments, community formats... I joined a pauper hearthstone Discord once. It was a fun thing while it lasted (for me, I don't know if it's still out there). This would allow you to find other people with your same vision of the game, really this is the only way an inherently competitive game can stay truly fun for non-competitive people in the long term.
Rarely do they win at all.
Jokes apart, I agree that the Shard shouldn't be your main focus unless you're playing against a very greedy deck or an OTK (in which case you may try to kill them before they OTK you, but this rarely happens in my experience). If you play it as a Control, though, what is even unfair about it? Pointing out the fastest you could win *with the Shard* is not an irrelevant comment, because closing a game by simply stabilizing with big taunts and/or heal is not something we should be afraid of, barring some very peculiar cases.
More like one and a half since you don't also get twice the attacks and an extra card but yeah, still not totally fair.
The biggest problem is not even the insane amount of ramp though, because a traditional problem of ramp (which is also true in HS when you go heavy with stuff like Innervate Innervate Nourish) is that you end up trading cards for mana and not having things to play left in your hand. But Druid also has some of the most efficient draw tools for some reason, and well at that point there's not really much you can do about them apart from going under it, which is what the Shaman matchup proves. You are fighting an enemy with more mana than you (even 15+ Mana before 8th turn), a constantly full hand, and space left in the deck for enough big threats to get away with the game. At least they can't go infinite in current meta and are still limited by the 30/40 cards deck-size just like other classes are (with most of them being tutors/draw/ramp so there's that).
All of this said, aggro decks are still strong against different Druid builds than Prestor Druid, and hard control decks can still have a chance if we're talking about stuff with an "I win" button like Quest Priest (again, maybe not against some of the Prestor highrolls) which still lets me think there's a healthy space for Guff Druids when some of the most insane control payoffs are left to other classes like Priest or Warrior and Druid is bound to claim its games with just beefy threats and the occasional special effect like Onyxia. Beefy threats are only that much in a deck especially when half of your cards is draw/ramp, and a single Brawl or Whirpool or similar card can get rid of 20+ Mana worth of minions anyway.
I know it's not the same, but if you're using HS Deck Tracker you can have this feature ready on HSReplay. Unfortunately, looking up decks you own/import on HSReplay is a paid feature so you can't even really export a decklist from here to there, and the tracker can only ever see your collection while the game is open.
A workaround for this is creating the decklist in the tracker, selecting export to HS (only while the game is open) and from the export submenu you can click on missing cards and see the list with all dust calculated. Obvious drawback of this method is that it only spares you some math and doesn't really solve the filtering issues which is the reason I suspect you would use such a feature anyway.
Latest thing I can suggest you is looking up lists on HSReplay rather than HearthPwn anyway because they are usually better performing. If you go for rookie homebrew which can definitely be fun you can just get inspired by what you find here and then brew your own versions with the cards you have or feel confident to craft.
It should follow the order things entered play if I'm not mistaken, from oldest to newest
It was never a terrible card. People sleeped on it during reveals but it very quickly found its home in Jade builds, and Jade Druid was not a weak deck either. Earthen Scales is only as strong as the big minions you can dish out, so it can either be terrible or OP, Jade Golems were big enough to make it relevant, now with Ivus, Naga Giant and Miracle Growth it is very relevant once again (mostly Ivus, but it's also the interaction that got hit harder by the increased mana cost).
Not the most consistent card, but Gorehowl still doesn't feel like the best comparison to me. Also, even if you just attack three targets and then break it (which is reasonable, with 10 Health that means the first target should have 8 Attack at most) it's still 12 damage in 1 turn compared to the 13 Gorehowl would deal in 2 turns. Sure it's not 12 face damage so it's not an aggro finisher and I'm not sure what deck would want this, but it's not a bad card at all.